| Тема | Автор темы Ответов (Просмотров) Последнее сообщение |
 | An interview by the Chicago Manual of Style Online with a translator | 4 (2,601) |
 | What ails euro English? ( 1... 2) | 25 (10,211) |
 | An inferno to read, and infernal to translate ! | 5 (4,383) |
 | Should I translate the address? | 13 (19,024) |
 | Does anyone still write 'Yours sincerely' at the end of a letter? ( 1, 2, 3... 4) | 51 (26,408) |
 | What to do when a source text word is used wrongly? | 9 (3,689) |
 | using parallel documents -- is it advisable to tell clients? | 3 (2,659) |
 | Question About Transcription Practices | 5 (2,946) |
 | Are there any specific theories and techniques for translating comics? | 5 (3,753) |
 | Its not enough to speak 2 languages, one also needs to know how to translate. How to do this? ( 1, 2... 3) | 43 (18,085) |
 | Interview with Irene Cudich | 0 (1,443) |
 | Place names: - Atlas Survey - request for help | 4 (2,839) |
 | Survey on Internet and computer as translator’s tools | 2 (1,707) |
 | How much extra space to allow in software strings | 7 (3,350) |
 | Footnotes: how do you deal with the Chicago Referencing System? | 7 (3,759) |
 | Translating addresses | 4 (3,862) |
 | Help with Italian hypothetical clauses | 10 (9,417) |
 | How long do you have to save translations? | 11 (5,076) |
 | Can a EU Agency report be translated by a company, citing it, without copyright infringement? | 2 (2,534) |
 | Translating from mother tongue into second language ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... 6) | 77 (40,002) |
 | Translating misquotes in a literary work | 5 (3,683) |
 | Queer / gender neutral translation theory ( 1... 2) | 18 (8,961) |
 | Translating into languages other than Mother tongue ( 1, 2, 3, 4... 5) | 71 (31,716) |
 | Translating an out-of-copyright book | 5 (3,098) |
 | Links that lead to non-TL sites | 4 (2,824) |
 | Syntax problem in a sentence from an insurance policy | 0 (1,961) |
 | Translation of exhibition titles | 4 (3,989) |
 | Translating DIN standards DE-EN | 6 (3,837) |
 | NY Times article on "The treachery of translators" | 0 (1,750) |
 | Off-topic: Cleanup - the almighty term that ends all the translation process | 0 (1,679) |
 | Altering text as per client's request - advice needed | 4 (4,438) |
 | How to write a translators's note re untranslated references? | 5 (3,358) |
 | Translating material safety data sheets - feedback needed | 4 (3,329) |
 | What is the difference between translation and adaptation? | 1 (4,014) |
 | Using "is one of" with plural subject. ( 1... 2) | 15 (9,796) |
 | what is the tension between naturalness and accuracy in the translation of collocations? | 4 (9,722) |
 | Translation of Legal Certificates | 4 (2,746) |
 | Would you continue to translate if all that was left was post-editing of machine translation? ( 1... 2) | 22 (9,613) |
 | Help needed for post-doc thesis survey | 2 (2,405) |
 | Is it preferable to send your translation in pdf? | 7 (4,113) |
 | What Technology does to Translation | 2 (2,372) |
 | meaning of source and target text (bible quotes) differ ( 1... 2) | 21 (7,789) |
 | Transposing/translating words into images and vice-versa | 0 (1,886) |
 | Is it proper to copy images of signatures into a translation? | 9 (7,750) |
 | Hands-on or hats-on: Which is most important - practical experience or theoretical qualifications? | 12 (5,214) |
 | Quotes in a thesis ( 1... 2) | 15 (9,932) |
 | An excellent new blog. ( 1... 2) | 15 (7,542) |
 | figures partly unreadable in heat & power billing | 2 (2,177) |
 | what does "Can" and "input stage" - refer to? | 2 (2,513) |
 | how to translate term like sRGB | 7 (3,747) |