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Getting Translators to Code II - A Powerful (yet simple) Search Script 6 (3,196)
Getting Translators to Code 8 (4,405)
Is "a combination of numerous" a tautology? 10 (4,172)
Translation of abbreviations 7 (4,548)
Translating a Music Site 8 (3,599)
Translating device instructions 7 (3,130)
Google Translate's new Arificial Intelligence? ( 1 ... 2 ) 15 (6,459)
Really only 2500 words a day? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 38 (15,548)
Living in a country where the language is different from your native ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (6,542)
Doesn't anybody realize how lucky we are? Or is it just me? ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 43 (13,174)
Is it necessary to transcribe any text in a third language that you find in your translation? 4 (2,658)
Should I translate incorrectly written polish expressions into incorrect English words? 11 (4,040)
This has doubled my work performance! Have you tried dictation? ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ... 5 ) 61 (23,508)
Reject a job based solely on possible technical problems? ( 1 ... 2 ) 28 (8,599)
Contract section I'm not sure about 10 (3,372)
The Use of Contractions in Textbook Translation 10 (3,700)
Are established expressions considered frozen register? 5 (2,550)
How many words can you translate in 8 hours? ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ... 5 ) 60 (41,278)
FR>EN Medical CV Translation: Do names of universities, qualifications need to be translated? 8 (3,972)
Does Spanish have more leeway with sentence fragments? 3 (2,662)
Academic CV: Translating names of projects, organizations, papers, etc 5 (6,175)
Legal Translation vs Financial Translation 5 (2,891)
New blog post: "We ran out of legs" 1 (19,198)
Spelling the names of British organisations in U.S. English document? ( 1 ... 2 ) 16 (8,336)
When translation is not enough: transcreation as a convention-defying practice 0 (1,414)
Which patron saint for translators? ( 1 ... 2 ) 17 (7,185)
Would you translate a church name? 6 (4,455)
Empleado vs. sin profesión 4 (2,333)
Residence card translation 1 (1,397)
Living in two languages 8 (3,265)
Debits and credits 8 (3,132)
When you deliver late, everyone suffers! 8 (3,558)
Titles and Bibliography 4 (4,372)
Absurd Chilean ruling affecting translators ( 1 , 2 ... 3 ) 42 (5,985)
Urgent information for a research: translation in Biomechanics 0 (990)
Visualizing Translation Quality Data 0 (1,124)
Looking for translation theory book recommendations 8 (4,467)
Little poll: What makes a premium translator? 0 (1,558)
Who knows a good translation treatise? I discuss the prospect of writing one ( 1 ... 2 ) 21 (6,982)
Ethical Question ( 1 , 2 , 3 ... 4 ) 45 (15,352)
How to properly translate a document that has 2 languages. 12 (6,027)
Desparate, urgent unsuccessful search for any EN-DE online sources in diaper production technology 9 (2,822)
Citation: is it the translator's responsibility to convert and entire bibliography? 7 (3,470)
Off-topic: How do you think UK leaving EU would affect our profession? ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 ... 15 ) 222 (76,120)
Translator's note for client vs. translator's note for end-user 12 (4,814)
DPSI after Brexit 4 (2,165)
Neutral Spanish: please, guidelines 8 (3,351)
Translating from second foreign language to native language? 10 (3,898)
German-Germany vs. German Swiss 7 (2,735)
Typical percentage difference between the source and target text in your language combination 14 (6,288)
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