The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

французский => английский Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / Поздравления Translation Glossary

французский term английский translation
local de charge charging, loading or battery station
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
LOCAUX premises
logements de fortune temporary accommodation
loi a l’appui supported by law
look moins nul less dorky/clueless look
Lorsque les frais de santé sont inhérents au départ when health costs are included (in the package) from the outset
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
lourd paquebot slow-maneuvering vessel
lyrisme Lyricism
l\'équilibriste étoilé Michelin-starred balancing act
l\'étau se desserre un peu the stranglehold/dominance is weaking/lessening
l\'ensemble the whole thing
Entered by: Sandrine Guyennet
Mais attendu However, whereas
mais d’office (but) by default
Entered by: Tony M
mais là! but as it was
maison de famille converted family home set in a vineyard
Entered by: Marian Vieyra
maison folie maison folie
Entered by: Roseanne Gaspari
maison [on a menu] chef's own / house
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
Majorations penalties
Entered by: Lara Barnett
mal consid�r�s with a bad reputation
mal ressenti people are often resentful of their superiority complex
manichéen sees things in black and white
manque de démarche individuelle tendency to follow the herd
Entered by: Sandrine Guyennet
manquer à l’appel to be nowhere to be found
Entered by: Solen Fillatre
marche à gravir ollie up the stairs/steps
marquage serré close watch
marquer vos documents Bookmark your docs
martelait insisted
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
marteler to hammer out
matelas a la turque mattresses directly on the floor
Médicine préventive de l'enfance preventive pediatric health care
mémoire vs. souvenir memory vs. recollections
métabolisme d’élimination metabolism of elimination
métayer tenant farmer
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
M€ EUR million
meconnus little-known, largely unknown
membre effectif (de une société) actual member
membres honoraires (as opposed to \"membres d\'honneur\") Emeritus members (as opposed to \"honorary members\")
mesquinité de la démarche baseness of this action
mettre au devant de leur agenda to put at the top of their agenda
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