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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Автор темы: chance (X)
wherestip США Local time: 14:15 китайский => английский + ... 今早还在说内容准确性较高呢 :D | Oct 30, 2009 |
You're certainly very welcome, Yueyin.
BTW, I was just reading the profile on Colorado I provided a link to this morning. On leisure activities it had this to say ...
科罗拉多冬季最吸引人之处是滑雪。该州三十余处滑雪场吸引了全世界的游客到访。在其它的时间里,科罗拉多也有无数的活动可供参与:钓鱼、狩猎、徒步旅行、露营、激流泛舟、划独木舟、骑马、打高尔夫球、航行、游泳、背重物健行、骑脚踏车等只是许多户外活动中的一些例子。〝科罗拉多之径″(Colorado Trail)起自丹佛,直达杜兰哥,是一条长达七百五十六公里的徒步登山山径,沿线共穿越七座国家森林、五座主要的河流系统、与六处野生生物保留区。科罗拉多全州共有十二座国家森林,全部占地约五点六公顷。
That last sentence can't be right, can it?
I looked up the definition of hectare on the web, and found a hectare to be the equivalent of 2.471 acres. 5.6 hectares is therefore only roughly a measly 14 acres!
Hmm ... I think someone from the State Department had better go back and check on the accuracy of some of the Chinese translations. Perhaps in this case they meant 五万六千公顷 (五点六万公顷 or 五万六公顷). That might be more in the ballpark
[Edited at 2009-10-30 23:47 GMT] | | |
pkchan США Local time: 15:15 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ... 5.8 million hectares (公顷) | Oct 31, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
"五点六公顷" 肯定不对
You are right!
According to this website: http://www.sangres.com/colorado/nationalforests.htm
Colorado has ten national forests with a total acreage of 14,413,912 acres (英亩).
Since 1 hectare (公顷) = 2.471 acres (英亩), we can get:
14,413,912 acres (英亩) = 5,833,230 hectares (公顷) ~ 五百八十三万公顷
因此,美国国务院那个中文网站的数字至少应该再乘以100万! 不知那是原文的错,还是翻译的错?如果是翻译的错,那么如果国务院把应付给翻译社的稿费按比例除以100万,不知他们干不干?
[Edited at 2009-10-31 14:08 GMT] | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:15 китайский => английский + ...
ysun wrote:
因此,美国国务院那个中文网站的数字至少应该再乘以100万! 不知那是原文的错,还是翻译的错?如果是翻译的错,那么如果国务院把应付给翻译社的稿费按比例除以100万,不知他们干不干?
谢谢你用具体事实考证. 我看这是翻译社的问题, 美国政府文件一般没有那么明显的差错. 即便是原文的错误, 翻译也有责任联系有关部门予以纠正. It's common sense.
[Edited at 2009-10-31 15:22 GMT] | | |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ... Lost in translation | Oct 31, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
谢谢你用具体事实考证. 我看这是翻译社的问题, 美国政府文件一般没有那么明显的差错. 即便是原文的错误, 翻译也有责任联系有关部门予以纠正. It's common sense.
http://www.ers.usda.gov/statefacts/ (better)
但我也猜想是翻译的错。估计是漏了个 million。如果是原文的错,好的翻译是能够发现的。那翻译也许就光顾翻,根本就没想一想5.6公顷是多大的地方。有的人对公顷根本就没有具体概念。翻译文章必须自己先理解内容,而不是机械地照搬。否则就难免出错。大致印象是此中文网站的翻译质量还有待改进。例如“美国概论”宜改为“美国概况”。
[Edited at 2009-11-01 12:42 GMT] | | |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ...
概论就是概括的论述,多用于论文或书籍的标题,例如《化学概论》、《量子力学概论》、《临床医学概论》、《美国法律概论》等。但“美国概论”的说法则不妥,况且其原文是 "Facts about USA"。这是美国国务院的网站,标准应该高一些。如果是个小小旅行社的网站,我就不吹毛求疵了。:D
http://usinfo.org/zhcn/ | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:15 китайский => английский + ...
ysun wrote:
概论就是概括的论述,多用于论文或书籍的标题,例如《化学概论》、《量子力学概论》、《临床医学概论》、《美国法律概论》等。但“美国概论”的说法则不妥,况且其原文是 "Facts about USA"。这是美国国务院的网站,标准应该高一些。如果是个小小旅行社的网站,我就不吹毛求疵了。:D
是的, 那天我也注意到这个小标题翻得不好. 我同意; 原文这里根本没有 "论" 的含义.
前几天我说现今很多流行说法听着不顺, 就是指这种措辞. 要说错嘛也没有, 但听着别扭. 按以前语文课作文评判鉴定的方法老师多半儿是要扣分的
[Edited at 2009-11-01 21:11 GMT] | |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ...
wherestip wrote:
"五点六公顷" 肯定不对
wherestip wrote:
谢谢你用具体事实考证. 我看这是翻译社的问题, 美国政府文件一般没有那么明显的差错. 即便是原文的错误, 翻译也有责任联系有关部门予以纠正. It's common sense.
Your instinct is correct and your eyes are sharp! I searched in Google by using "5.6 million hectares" + "Colorado" as key words, and immediately found the following webpage, which appears to be the English original of the Chinese translation you mentioned:
Altogether, Colorado has twelve national forests occupying around 5.6 million hectares of land.
科罗拉多全州共有十二座国家森林,全部占地约五点六公顷 。
By the way, the error appeared in both simplified and traditional Chinese versions. | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:15 китайский => английский + ...
Good thinking on doing the search. I gave up that day after a few attempts of searching for the total acreage of national forests of Colorado. It didn't seem like it was readily available on the web anywhere.
And no wonder it was so hard to get access to the full-page State profiles from the usinfo.org website. It seems like the State Department just took the information from perhaps the Department of Education, and provided a link to some of the webpages of... See more Yueyin,
Good thinking on doing the search. I gave up that day after a few attempts of searching for the total acreage of national forests of Colorado. It didn't seem like it was readily available on the web anywhere.
And no wonder it was so hard to get access to the full-page State profiles from the usinfo.org website. It seems like the State Department just took the information from perhaps the Department of Education, and provided a link to some of the webpages of theirs that have already been translated into Chinese.
The website you located is a lot more convenient for research on U.S. colleges and universities.
[Edited at 2009-11-02 16:35 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:15 китайский => английский + ... "Immigrant Intent" | Nov 2, 2009 |
This site is intended for people in China who have been admitted to a college or university in the United States.
This site is not intended to provide specialized advice on obtaining F or J visas for study or research in the United States. Visa-related security measures the U. S. government introduced following the September 11 terrorist attacks produced delays and confusion for many visa applicants. By fall, 2004, additional Department of State staffing and improved procedures had shortened delays and reduced confusion somewhat, but problems remained. In September 2005, the Department of State issued instructions reinterpreting the "immigrant intent" provision of the immigration law, a step that promises to greatly reduce what had long been a major obstacle for Chinese applicants for student visas.
I remember you mentioning this term one time we talked. Here I see it now.
It led to this page by clicking on the icon that says "Pre-departure Orientation, For Chinese Students" from the main page of UScampus.
[Edited at 2009-11-02 15:47 GMT] | |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ...
wherestip wrote:
It seems like the State Department just took the information from perhaps the Department of Education, and provided a link to some of the webpages of theirs that have already been translated into Chinese.
The website you located is a lot more convenient for research on U.S. colleges and universities.
是的。此网页是 State Department 从别处“拿来”的。我注意到那个网站还有 Chinese site、Taiwan site。这是为了便于美国把中国、台湾等地的人才“拿来”
[Edited at 2009-11-02 23:14 GMT] | | |
ysun США Local time: 14:15 английский => китайский + ... "Immigrant intent" & ”Visa-related security measures” | Nov 2, 2009 |
wherestip wrote:
"Immigrant Intent"
Re: Visa-related security measures
当年,我的二儿媳妇获得 UT-Austin 全额奖学金来美念博士时,正好碰上这个 visa-related security measures。她等待美国国务院的审查结果等了半年还杳无音讯。 最后她的导师火了,找了一位联邦参议员出来干预,她才拿到来美签证。
Re: “a step that promises to greatly reduce what had long been a major obstacle for Chinese applicants for student visas”
看来,美国政府终于认识到了自己以前不明智且自相矛盾的政策。 一方面它以“移民倾向”为由拒签了许多来美攻读硕士、博士的中国学生,另一面又以第二优先待遇给在美获得硕士、博士学位的中国学生发绿卡(第一优先是给高錕那样的人才)。
以前来美攻读硕士、博士的中国学生几乎都是“穷养”出来的,几乎完全依靠美国大学提供的 financial aids (中国人称之为奖学金,其实奖学金 scholarship 只是 financial aids 的形式之一)。所谓“移民倾向”,往往是美国使馆的借口。它怕这些“穷养”的学生将来成为美国社会的负担。甚至某些获得全额奖学金的学生都会遭到拒签(可能是因为学校不够好)。现在,中国人有钱了。许多家庭自费把“富养”的子女送来美国念本科。 这种好事美国政府为什么要拒绝? | | |
Zhoudan Local time: 04:15 английский => китайский + ... |
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