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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Автор темы: chance (X)
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... 英詩冠軍 Fricatives by Eric Yip | Apr 1, 2022 |
恭讀港人英詩冠軍 Fricatives by Eric Yip
Fricatives by Eric Yip
To speak English properly, Mrs Lee said, you must learn
the difference between three and free. Three men
escaped from Alcatraz in a rubber raft and drowned
on their way to Angel Island. Hear the difference? Try
this: you fought your way into existence. Better. Look
at this picture. Fresh yellow grains beaten
till their seeds spill. That’s threshing. That’s
submission. You must learn to submit
before you can learn. You must be given
a voice before you can speak. Nobody wants to listen
to a spectacled boy with a Hong Kong accent.
You will have to leave this city, these dark furrows
stuffed full with ancestral bones. Know
that death is thorough. You will speak of bruised bodies
skinnier than yours, force the pen past batons
and blood, call it fresh material for writing. Now
they’re paying attention. You’re lucky enough
to care about how the tongue moves, the seven types
of fricatives, the articulatory function of teeth
sans survival. You will receive a good education
abroad and make your parents proud. You will take
a stranger’s cock in your mouth in the piss-slick stall
of that dingy Cantonese restaurant you love and taste
where you came from, what you were made of all along.
Put some work into it, he growls. C’mon, give me
some bite. Your mother visits one October, tells you
how everyone speaks differently here, more proper.
You smile, nod, bring her to your favourite restaurant,
order dim sum in English. They’re releasing
the students arrested five years ago. Just a tad more
soy sauce please, thank you. The television replays
yesterday on repeat. The teapots are refilled. You spoon
served rice into your mouth, this perfect rice.
Steamed, perfect, white.
[Edited at 2022-04-01 19:26 GMT] | |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... Why are the Chinese people often the last ones to know even when a news report goes viral? | May 17, 2022 |
China Eastern Black Box Points to Intentional Nosediv... See more | |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... 《华尔街日报》中文版关于东航MU5735航班失事原因的报道 | May 18, 2022 |
Andrew Tangel / Micah Maidenberg
据知悉美国官员对今年早些时候中国东方航空(China Eastern Airlines Co., CEA)坠机事故原因初步评估的人士透露,飞行数据显示驾驶舱内有人故意坠毁了该架飞机。
这架波音(Boeing) 737-800在高空巡航时突然进入几乎垂直的下降状态,以极快的速度坠入山林中。这些知情人士说,从坠机现场找到的一个黑匣子的数据显示,输入控制装置的指令使飞机进入致命的俯冲状态。
霍尼韦尔国际(Honeywell International)[注 1],是美国一家以电子消费品生产、工程技术服务和航空航天系统为主的跨国性公司,总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特。名列《财富》杂志100强公司,拥有约110,000名雇员,其中约44,000名在美国。
霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell, Inc.)由马克·C·霍尼韦尔于1906年创立于二战期间通过生产航空产品进入防务工业。特殊材料业务可以追溯到1870年由化学家William H. Nichols创办的一家小公司。1999年与联合信号公司(AlliedSignal, Inc.)合并为现今霍尼韦尔国际。尽管联合信号是承继法人、规模是霍尼韦尔的两倍,但公司的名称依然使用霍尼韦尔(Honeywell),因为这有更好的品牌认知度。另外一方面,霍尼韦尔将总部合并到联合信号位于新泽西州莫里斯敦的总部。 | | |
pkchan США Local time: 20:20 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... Правда vs Truth | May 18, 2022 |
估计国内的朋友们看不了 YouTube,只能靠“翻墙”,以躲开“互联网守门狗”。不过“翻墙”出来,可别掉在“茶馆”墙内被请去“喝茶”。
前不久红场阅兵,令我想起一则笑话, which has gone viral for decades。这则发布在“腾讯网”上的笑话居然至今未被“清零”、“消杀”或“静默”:
最后一句中"真理报"是什么梗?某些人也许会感到莫名其妙,所以俺“弼马温”给解释一下。"真理报"(Правда,意为 Truth)是苏共中央委员会于1918年创办的机关报,1991年苏共亡党之后被叶利钦定为非法刊物而禁止出版。"真理报"被称为世上最名不符实的报纸。另一则关于"真理报"的笑话是:有人到莫斯科一报摊上想买一份“真理报”,结果那卖报人说,‘对不起,没有“真理”,只有“消息”。’至于那“消息”是真消息还是假消息,俺也不知道。俺只知前苏联最高苏维埃(相当于中国人大)的机关报名为“消息报”,是苏联时期第二大报。赫鲁晓夫的女婿阿列克谢·伊万诺维奇·阿朱别伊是消息报的编辑。 | | |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ...
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... IPC president Andrew Parsons calls for peace at the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games | May 19, 2022 |
IPC President Andrew Parsons makes a powerful opening statement at the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games Opening Ceremony.
IPC president calls for peace in Paralympic Opening Ceremony speech
Mar 4, 2022
China state radio cen... See more IPC President Andrew Parsons makes a powerful opening statement at the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games Opening Ceremony.
IPC president calls for peace in Paralympic Opening Ceremony speech
Mar 4, 2022
China state radio censorship calls for peace at Paralympic opening ceremony
Mar 5, 2022
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLEuCzVx5Uc ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... |
ysun США Local time: 19:20 английский => китайский + ... 欧洲面积 1,018 万平方公里 | May 19, 2022 |
![](http://n.sinaimg.cn/front/181/w580h401/20181115/OepO-hnvukff4174690.jpg) | | |
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