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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Автор темы: chance (X)
ysun США Local time: 14:16 английский => китайский + ...
pkchan wrote:
about 1,980,000 for political translator. (0.25 seconds)
about 1,220,000 for political translation. (0.16 seconds)
about 7,570,000 for 圣斗士. (0.10 seconds)
about 23,600 for pkchan. (0.31 seconds)
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pkchan США Local time: 15:16 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ... 樂音兄 Relax, 不要误会 | May 3, 2008 |
的確,做了不少政治翻譯,都是為唐人街免費做的,他們正爭取雙語選票。那些數字是回應馬兄的,別無他意。 | | |
ysun США Local time: 14:16 английский => китайский + ...
pkchan wrote:
的確,做了不少政治翻譯,都是為唐人街免費做的,他們正爭取雙語選票。那些數字是回應馬兄的,別無他意。 | | |
chance (X) французский => китайский + ... Автор темы 《丑陋的中国人》的作者柏杨辞世 | May 3, 2008 |
发表日期 29/04/2008
知名作家柏杨今天凌晨一时十二分,于台湾新店市病逝,享年八十九岁。柏杨是于二月24日因肺炎及呼吸衰竭住进医院,并接受手术治疗。柏杨1920年出生於中国河南,毕业於中国国立东北大学,曾任自立晚报副总编辑及国立艺专教授,创立国际特赦组织台湾分会并任会长,关切人权议题。柏杨早年曾因言治罪,遭国民党当局情治单位指为暗讽蒋介石... See more 发表日期 29/04/2008
知名作家柏杨今天凌晨一时十二分,于台湾新店市病逝,享年八十九岁。柏杨是于二月24日因肺炎及呼吸衰竭住进医院,并接受手术治疗。柏杨1920年出生於中国河南,毕业於中国国立东北大学,曾任自立晚报副总编辑及国立艺专教授,创立国际特赦组织台湾分会并任会长,关切人权议题。柏杨早年曾因言治罪,遭国民党当局情治单位指为暗讽蒋介石父子,将其逮捕,判处12年徒刑, 1972年移送绿岛感训监狱。
http://www.rfi.fr/actucn/articles/100/article_7174.asp ▲ Collapse | |
Jason Ma Китай Local time: 04:16 английский => китайский + ... It might be politically incorrect | May 3, 2008 |
It might be politically incorrect to say "political translators received no hit at Google", I searched again, it's "1,960,000 hits in 0.10 second".
It outnumbers "political monk" by large margins.
Thanks, PK.
[Edited at 2008-05-03 09:45] | | |
QUOI китайский => английский + ... It might be a different Google | May 3, 2008 |
Putting in "political translator" (with "" for exact matching), Google returns 996 hits.
"political monk" returns 3190 hits.
Are you sure if you are not using a pirated copy of Google?
Jason Ma wrote:
It might be politically incorrect to say "political translators received no hit at Google", I searched again, it's "1,960,000 hits in 0.10 second".
It outnumbers "political monk" by large margins.
Thanks, PK.
[Edited at 2008-05-03 09:45]
[Edited at 2008-05-03 10:48] | | |
pkchan США Local time: 15:16 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ...
维基百科﹕大力水手事件又稱「柏楊案」。1968年1月2日,《中華日報》家庭版刊出柏楊(本名郭衣洞)翻譯的美國「大力水手」(Popeye the Sailor Man)連環漫畫,故事內容為卜派父子合購一島,遂在島上建立國家,各自競選總統。柏楊將英文的Fellow(伙伴們)譯為「全國軍民同胞們……」, | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:16 китайский => английский + ...
又学了个词. 一般在这里没见过的词 字面猜猜就明白是什么意思了; 若出现两三次就可明确. 不过这个组合挺稀奇, 照以前的说法 "勇士" 就行了. 所以我特地查了一下出处为何. 没想到当翻译连日本的 anime 都得懂点儿.
"圣斗士" 英文怎么翻呢? King of Fighters? Saint Defenders? Sacred Fighters? 我网上没查到.
BTW, I got a copy of "The Interpreter" from Best Buy yesterday. It wasn't too mu... See more 又学了个词. 一般在这里没见过的词 字面猜猜就明白是什么意思了; 若出现两三次就可明确. 不过这个组合挺稀奇, 照以前的说法 "勇士" 就行了. 所以我特地查了一下出处为何. 没想到当翻译连日本的 anime 都得懂点儿.
"圣斗士" 英文怎么翻呢? King of Fighters? Saint Defenders? Sacred Fighters? 我网上没查到.
BTW, I got a copy of "The Interpreter" from Best Buy yesterday. It wasn't too much of a thrill for me, perhaps because I already knew the storyline after watching the trailers you guys provided . I didn't like Nicole Kidman's acting that much either. I kept thinking someone like Demi Moore or Gwyneth Paltrow could have been a better choice for the part of Sylvia Broome. ▲ Collapse | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:16 китайский => английский + ...
查了一下他的那本名著 并看了一下书的简介. 他所罗列的缺点中, "死不认错" 在这儿 我可有点儿体会 | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:16 китайский => английский + ... to be politically correct | May 4, 2008 |
应说是 "坚持原则", 且应说是优点
[Edited at 2008-05-04 14:22] | | |
isahuang Local time: 15:16 английский => китайский + ... 没想到我最近随便抓了个词“圣斗士“, | May 4, 2008 |
wherestip wrote:
又学了个词. 一般在这里没见过的词 字面猜猜就明白是什么意思了; 若出现两三次就可明确. 不过这个组合挺稀奇, 照以前的说法 "勇士" 就行了. 所以我特地查了一下出处为何. 没想到当翻译连日本的 anime 都得懂点儿.
"圣斗士" 英文怎么翻呢? King of Fighters? Saint Defenders? Sacred Fighters? 我网上没查到.
BTW, I got a copy of "The Interpreter" from Best Buy yesterday. It wasn't too much of a thrill for me, perhaps because I already knew the storyline after watching the trailers you guys provided . I didn't like Nicole Kidman's acting that much either. I kept thinking someone like Demi Moore or Gwyneth Paltrow could have been a better choice for the part of Sylvia Broome.
大家居然还搞了一下research。我最早见到这个词是中学时看日本动画片,圣斗士星矢。很好看的一部动画片。已经是很久以前的事情了。 | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:16 китайский => английский + ...
isahuang Local time: 15:16 английский => китайский + ...
wherestip wrote:
应说是 "坚持原则", 且应说是优点
[Edited at 2008-05-04 14:22] | | |
wherestip США Local time: 14:16 китайский => английский + ... political correctness | May 4, 2008 |
不是 flip flop, 是辩证法 | | |
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