The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Геология Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
arrastre de sedimentos sediment entrainment
asentamiento settlement
Asociación Association
asociacion mirmequitica myrmekitic
autoclave autoclave
aval de los sistemas fluviales final recipient of the fluvial systems
Avalancha de empresas mineras huge influx of mining companies
avenida torrencial flash flood
Entered by: Rebecca Hendry
azolves silts
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
baleo perfing/perforation
bancos banks
bancos calcáreos calcareous (limestone) banks
bancos de materiales quarries
bancos medianos o gruesos de piroclasticos medium and large-size layers/strata of pyroclastics/pyroclastic rocks
Entered by: liz askew
barreno auger
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
basamento regional de las secuencias clasticas posteriores regional basament/bedrock of more recent clastic/detrital sequences.
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
bastante foliadas highly folded
batilitología bathylithological, bathylithologic / bathyal
bifacialidad - bifaces bifaciality - bifaces/two faces/fronts/facades
bioclásticas bioclastic limestone
biological ecologists bioecologistas
Biomanta biomantle
Biopelmicrita Biopelmicrite
biotita biotite
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
Biotita intersticial en la matriz Interstitial biotite in the matrix, with sizes...
biotita y epidota biotite and epidot
bioturbación bioturbation
bivalvos, comunmente formas elipsoidales y en rueda dentada. bivalve [fossils] that are usually ellipsoidal in shape with 'cog wheel'-like formations
Entered by: liz askew
blandones depressions / pot-holes
bloques colgantes y bloques yacentes hanging wall (HW) and foot wall (FW)
BNPD Barriles Netos por Día/Barrels net per day
Entered by: liz askew
boca de sondeo borehole head
boleos cobbles
bolo round stone
bolsa de minerales mineral bourse
bombeado marrón brown bands/banding
bordeando cavidades lixiviadas en el cuarzo bordering cavities leeched into the quartz
brechoide brecciated
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
buza, afloramiento dips, outcrop
buzamiento general (general) dip
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