The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Геология Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
vía de intenso desagüe floodplain
vendoténidos vendotaenids
Entered by: Justin Peterson
vertiente Drainage basin or watershed
vetas extraídas por lateral (coal) seams undergoing contour mining
vetas manteadas horizontal veins
Entered by: liz askew
vetiforme vein-shaped / seam-shaped
vetillas de oxido y partes brechadas con alteracion posbrecha oxide veinlets and brecciated segments/parts with post-fault change/s/aleration/s
Entered by: liz askew
vida útil de la futura operación. useful life of the future operation
vierte sus aguas flow(s) into
virillaje rod
VOLADURAS EN VETAS ANGOSTAS Blasting in Narrow Seams/Veins
Volcanico indiferenciado Undifferentiated volcanic rock(s)
volcanicos acidos dacitas y riodacitas. acid volcanic dacites and rhyodacites
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
volcano-sedimentario volcano-sedimentary
Volcánico Lavasen Lavasen Volcanics / Lavasen Volcanic Group
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
vuelos gravimétricos experimentales experimental gravimetry flights
Entered by: EirTranslations
y el interior de material micritico como el de la matriz. and a micrite interior the same as the matrix/meshwork
Entered by: liz askew
y en los escasos estilolitos junto con limonita and in the scarce stylolites together with limonite
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
y menos numerosas de calcedonia and fewer veins of chalcedony
Entered by: liz askew
yace en contacto concordante de manera gradacional overlies (the Celendin Formation) in a conformable and transitional contact
yacen discordantes sobre el complejo metamorfico lying disconcordantly over the metamorphic rock complex [formation]
yacencia bed / beddings
Yacimiento de piedra caliza limestone deposit
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
Yacimientos fosiliferos invertrebrados Invertebrate fossil layer
yesos: pasadas de yesos ...presence of/veins of gypsum
zapado sapping
zapamiento undercutting
zócalo base, basement
Entered by: liz askew
zona de cizalle dúctil ductile shear zone
zona filtrante: ranuracion de adame filtering zone: case grooving
Zona Imbricada Imbricated area
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
zona poco subsidente low subsidence area/zone; area/zone of low subsidence
zonación de edades age distribution
zonas de entoscamiento areas of calcrete / caliche development
Entered by: jmf
zonas de sustentación de pilas y zapatas Piles and Shoes Support Zones
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