The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Геология Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
cuencas bastante subsidentes highly subsident basins
cuencas hidrográficas intracomunitarias intra-community hydrographic basins
cuencas intracratonicas de distension intracratonic distension basins
cuencas vertientes basin watersheds
cuevas de gusanos worm holes
Entered by: Marcelo González
cumúlico cumulic
Entered by: Valeria Verona
curso medio de un río middle course of a river
Dacita, Monzonita, Dunita andesite, monzonite and dunnite
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
dacitas y andesitas andesite (rocks) / dacite (rocks)
de base a techo from base to the top
de donde queda evidenciado su denominacion como falla cuaternaria from where you can view clearly the quaternary falt
Entered by: liz askew
de las fases orogenicas de edificacion andina. of the orogenic phases of the formation of the Andes mountain belt/Andean formation
Entered by: liz askew
de riego y temporal irrigated and rainfed
Entered by: Robert Carter
de textura predominante del tipo granoblastica y lepidoblastica are mainly granoblastic and lepidioblastic in texture
Entered by: Ma. Fernanda Blesa
declinación magnética magnetic declination
deduciendo which leads to the conclusion/reasoning/deduction that...
deformación frágil de las rocas fragile deformation of rocks
del piso al techo from bottom to top
delimitan delineate
Entered by: liz askew
dentro del embovedado culverting
deplacamiento plate movement
depositó deposited
Entered by: Steven Huddleston
DEPOSITO COLUVIO-ALUVIONAL colluvial/alluvial deposits
deposito lacustrino lacustrine deposit
depositos barreales playa lake deposits
depositos glaciofluviales glaciofluvial deposits
depozona depozone
desate clean-up
Desequilibrios de fuerza método Spencer. The Spencer method satisfies the static equilibrium conditions, including force and moment ...
desgarre strike-slip
desglaciacion deglaciation
Entered by: liz askew
Deslizamientos landslides
despegue detachment (or décollement)
devitrificado / devitrificada / devitrificados / devitrificadas devitrified
diaclasa joint
Dictamen gemológico gemological opinion / appraisal
diente de perro dogtooth limestone (con erosión) // dogtooth spar (cuando hay presencia de cristales)
diluvio diluvium
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
direccion de conos aluviales alluvial fan direction
disconforme unconformity
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