The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

французский => английский Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / Поздравления Translation Glossary

французский term английский translation
RR/dg [initials of person dictating letter / typist]
Entered by: Tony M
rubricage content layout
rythmes de musiques endiablées intoxicating rhythms
s'allonger lie down
s'arrimer à aligned itself with
s'articuler sur be based/hinged on/around, breaks down into
s'égrainer / s'égrener pass / tick away / slip by
Entered by: Tony M
s'encanailler lowering (our) standards
s'est industrialisé put a machinery/mechanism into place ; developed into an industry
S/C de sous couvert de / care of
s/n° no number
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
sachez le! get to know it!
saisit (ici) call upon/was called upon
salles mécaniques mechanical plant rooms
Entered by: liz askew
sans complaisance uncompromising / without sugar coating
sans conteste unquestionably
Sans jouer à se faire peur, il faut bien savoir que Without being alarmist, the fact is that ....
sans manifester la moindre opposition without any objection/without making any objection to
Entered by: liz askew
saquer - personne peut la saquer stand - as in no-one can stand her
SASE Société Alsacienne de Service et d’Environnement
sauf disponible subject to availability
sauter au mur we\'re going to lose our cool/hit the roof
sautez couvert plunge protected
savoir s'y prendre he knew just what to do
Sécurité économique active active economic security
Entered by: Lara Barnett
s’atteste manifests itself/comes to the fore
s’égayer (a few merrymakers) still lingered/hung around
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
s’inscrit dans le contexte actuel fits into the current context/ falls into the current context
SCA au capital de 1234 Euros (a type of) limited liability partnership with a capital of ...
Entered by: Lara Barnett
se borner à retenir we will just remember
se concrétise par is confirmed by
se décline is reflected
se développe is developed
se diversifie par le choix d'une option dans un des domaines suivants includes the following electives
Se faisant le salarié affilié bénéficie So doing (thus), the salaried employee
Entered by: Lara Barnett
se faisant tendre sweetly saying
se fait la tête brings to mind
se faufiler à votre droite squeezes past to your right
se gratter la gorge clears his throat
se laisser aller à + vb inf. to lapse into + vb-ing
Entered by: Tony M
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