The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

французский => английский Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / Поздравления Translation Glossary

французский term английский translation
reculades et provocations backpedaling and provocations
redevable user
redressement (fiscal) penalty
Entered by: Sandra Mouton
redresser le travers makes up for the peculiarity/irregularity/less than pleasing/less than satisfactory
Regards de charme sur la marque Stunning watches for captivating stars
relevé des Compteurs Meter reading
Entered by: EirTranslations
relevé des enseignements suivis transcript
releve de fax fax transmission/receipt log
relever le pied take the foot off the pedal, ease off
remettre l'église au milieu du village to set the record straight
remise contre émargement [letter, etc.] signature required upon receipt
remonter should be brought to the attention of ...
remugle mustiness, a stale smelll/to smell stale
rentreuses female assistant printers
Entered by: Lara Barnett
reprise substitute
reprise survival
reprise revision
reprise de conduite resume driving
reprocher to hold sb responsible for sth
reproductible à souhait reproduced {to order}/{on demand}
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
requalification redevelopment
residence residency
respectivement and
Entered by: Laurel Clausen
responsable animations entertainment manager
ressembler à du bricolage improvised
ressombrent sink back into oblivion
restées authentiques which have stayed close to their roots
Entered by: Lara Barnett
restes de beauté vestiges of beauty
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
retirer dans la main de to remove from/out of the possession of
Entered by: Lara Barnett
retirer tous les caleçons (Get) ready to let your hair down/shed all inhibitions
retombee feedback on, fallout from
retours et rendus feedback
revenir sur move back into
rien que de conforme à l'équité equitable, nothing but equitable
ringard naff (UK)
roi / cavalier king / knight
roseau pensant thinking reed
roties toast
rouler les épaules without wishing to boast
RP 1125 Rélais Poste
Entered by: Jeffrey Henson
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