The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Медицина: Стоматология Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
impresión de arrastre pickup impression
Entered by: liz askew
inciso-vestibular vestibular surface of the incisors/vestibular incisor
Entered by: liz askew
Incompetencia de cierre labial Lip incompetence
instrumentación mecánica en endodoncia mechanical instruments in endodontics
instrumento para empacar hilo de refracción gingival cord packer
Intercuspidación intercuspation
intrarradiculares intraradicular
ionómero vítreo glass ionomer
Jornada Dental Dental Clinic Day
Jornadas Odontológicas Metropolitanas y del Caribe Metropolitan and Caribbean Odontological Congress
Lado intervenido the operated side/section/part
Entered by: liz askew
Lanza Lance drill
Entered by: María Patricia Arce
lauril sulfato de sodio sodium lauryl sulfate
Lámparas para fotocurado curing lights
líneas de terminación finishing lines
lóbulo de desarrollo growth/developmental lobes
lesión sobreelvada raised lesion
lesión tórpida persistent/slow-healing lesion/wound
Entered by: liz askew
lesiones del tejido sostén supporting tissue damage/lesions
liberación producto mecanizado mechanized product release
Licenciado en Odontología BSc in Restorative/Prosthetic Dentistry/Dental Medicine
Entered by: liz askew
licenciado en odontología Licentiate in Odontology / Dental Medicine / Dentistry
Ligaduras de separación por mesial y distal de 6 +/-­ 6. separation bands
Entered by: liz askew
Llave de resina acrílica acrylic resin template
lo que implicaria la retirada del implante which would entail removing the implant
M.V 20 M.M DESDE M.V L.A.P 30 mesiovestibular conduct or root 20 middle mesial conduct or root from main or major apical file 30
Entered by: Diego Cruz, MD
macizo cráneo-facial craniofacial complex
manejo de las ramas intra y extrabucal extraoral and intraoral approach/management of the mandibular rami
Entered by: liz askew
materia alba materia alba
material fibrohemático y material extraño birrefringente sin reacción granulomat fibrous, bloody material and birefringent foreign material with no [foreign body] granulomatous reaction
Entered by: liz askew
márgenes mellados uneven/ragged margins
Entered by: liz askew
medidas de urgencia que deben tomarse emergency measures that should be taken/followed/observed
mesenquimatosa(s) mesenchymal
momento eruptivo tooth eruption
monofluoruro fosfato de sodio sodium phosphate monofluoride
muñón abutment post
muñon colado unirradicular single root cast iron post
Entered by: BristolTEc
mucosa yugal jugal mucose
mutiladas / mutilante mutilated dentition
Entered by: liz askew
O.D. órgano dental
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