The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

итальянский => английский Техника: Промышленность Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
avvolgitore spira-spira coil to coil annealing line
bacinelle per centrifuga integrate integrated centrifuge bowls
banchi linea line benches
barenatura boring
barrotto short beam
basculam. swinging
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
battentatura a gradino step rebate
battuta doorstop
biostabilizzatore Biostabilizer
bivalenti in ripresa reclaimers
Entered by: Sarah Weston
blindo trolley bus bar trolley or busway trolley
bocciardato/fiammato bush-hammered / flamed
bolle di lavoro work dockets
bollitore/caldaia Boiler (hot water heater) / furnace
bottiglie con n. 8 stampi a doppia goccia bottles marked size 8 with dual reservoirs
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
bottiglie con n. 8 stampi a doppia goccia bottles with 8 double gob moulds
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
buffer a tapparelle hinged plate converyor buffer
Buona Tecnica good practice
c.a del 1985 (dating) from about 1985
cabina aspirata vacuum chamber
cambrette a punta spaccata divergent point staples
canale a cornice/battiscopa cornice/skirting board trunking
Entered by: Tom in London
cannotto e rosone with short pipe and rose
cantonali pluviali corner joints for downpipes (or downsputs AE)
capo operatore head operator /chief operator
capotattura cowling
caratterizzazione characterization
carboturbo jet kerosene
caricato filled
Entered by: Ulla Lundquist
carrelli a ricircolo di sfere recirculating ball bearings carrier
CARRELLO PER COTTURE A VISTA - suggestions mobile cooking unit/trolley
carro clamping carriage
Carta abilitata qualified paper
Entered by: Jorim De Clercq
cassetto di distribuzione distribution box/rack
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
catalana Catalana switchblade
cavalotti U-bolts
cavatura hollowing
cbs cbu Celsius (dry bulb) / Celsius (wet bulb)
ceduta al teleriscaldamento delivered to the district heating system
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
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