The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

итальянский => английский Техника: Промышленность Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
rocchetto cremagliera rack driving sprocket
rottamare to scrap
rubinetti di connessione connection valves
Rubinetto a spillo bypass pompa fisso fixed pump bypass needle valve...
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Rubinetto a spillo c/ by pass automatico a molla needle valve with automatic spring bypass
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Rullatore roller
Entered by: Jorim De Clercq
rullini frangibolle a pelo raso bubble-buster rollers
Rumore prodotto dal silo silo noise
Sabbie Fini Bene Classate well sorted fine sands
sackcloth dust bag
sagoma limite clearance gauge
saldatura bicatodo bicathode welding
scaligero Veronese / pertaining to Verona
scegliere (un'opzione) to accept (choose an option)
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
scheda operativa operating instruction cards
Entered by: Heather Phillips
SCHERMI PARAEFFLUVI screen against exhalations/smells/odours
Scoibentazione removal of insulation
scorrevolmente montati slidably mounted
Entered by: Graham Clarke
scorrimento portale gantry sliding
segnali di avvertimento delimitatori threshold/separator warning signals
semitrave half base beam
serbatoi polmone expansion tanks
serranda di chiusura air lock
setto baffles//panels//mats
Sezionamento - Lucchettamento lock out/tag out
sfioritura forzata forced channeling
siglatura labelling
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
siliconatura silicone sealing
Entered by: Serena Tutino
sino al lato in alto a destra to the upper right side
Entered by: Michele Balduzzi
sistemazione finanziaria del contratto agreeing financial terms for contracts
slips ammoniacal ammonia slips
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
smaltiscano l’intero salto di pressione dissipate the entire pressure drop
Entered by: Sarah Weston
smontaggio demounting (industry specific)
soff. distaccante mould release blow-off
sostanze di conservazione substances used for conservation/preservation
sottovallo transport of sieved material
spagnolette espagnolette
Entered by: Serena Tutino
spandimento/ trafilamento shedding/seeping (seepage)
spatola spessimetrica (coating) thickness gauge
specifiche di linea line specifications
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