The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

арабский => английский Религия Translation Glossary

арабский term английский translation
دونكم هذا Take this! /Take this person!
Entered by: Lamis Maalouf
دور الحكمة Houses of Wisdom
دليل كُلي Comprehensive evidence
دلالة الألفاظ و طرقها connotation and concepts
Entered by: Mohamed Gaafar
دنس السياسة impurity of politics
دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية An Applied Fundamental Study
دعوة غير المسلمين الى الاسلام Preaching Islam Among Non-Muslims
دعاة Islamic Preachers
ذُخْر saving, safekeeping
ذو الفقار Zulfiqar
ذهب محلق ring-shaped gold
ذبيحة ثمينة a fat animal/offering
Entered by: Dalia Nour
رفعت الاقلام وجفت الصحف the pens have been lifted and the ink has dried
روايات مسندة ascribed narrations
رقيقة الحاشية delicate
رؤية قبل الخطوبة pre-engagement Sighting
رؤوس الآيات The end of verses
رافع راية التوحيد Advocate the oneness of Allah
Entered by: Tamer Mekhimar
راعي الكنيسة Pastor
رب السماء Lord of the heavens
رباعية The quad teeth/The four-front teeth
رجال البلاط Men of the royal court/household
Entered by: Dalia Nour
رحمة مهداة A Gift of Mercy
Entered by: Muhammad Said
ردًا جميلاً O Allah, bring them back to you safe and secure
رسلا على عواهنه to talk at random/to ramble
Entered by: hassan zekry
زيّن الله الرجال باللحى God adorned men with beards
Entered by: Lamis Maalouf
زيادها birth certificate
زلال Clear, ( clear like water)
زاد المعاد Zad al-Ma\'ad (Provisions of the Hereafter)
سير الدعاة والمحتسبين Biographies of Callers to Islam
سلفي Salafi
Entered by: Muhammad Said
سلا الجزور Foetus of She-Camel
سألنا عن هويته we enquired/asked about his character/personality
Entered by: Haytham Boles
سائدك predominance / prevailing
Entered by: hassan zekry
سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك Glory and Praise be to Allah
Entered by: Mohamed Rehan
سبحانه وتعالى be He glorified and exalted
سجالاته المتشددة his fanatic arguing / his stringent point of views
سداحا مداحا Leave our (fundamentals) unattended
سر المعمودية المقدسة Sacrament of Baptism
شكر الله صنيعته God blessed his deed
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