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Translation work without software knowledge
Автор темы: Yenny Fernandez
Yenny Fernandez
Yenny Fernandez  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:02
английский => испанский
Nov 16, 2015

Dear colleagues,

How are you? I am here today with the hopes of finding answers to some question related to my chances of getting translating work as a freelancer without any prior knowledge of translation software. I have been translating for more than 9 years, however I just recently became an ATA member and just joined this community. Up to this point, I have done all my translation work by using Microsoft word, it was not until recently that I discovered the existence of the var
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Dear colleagues,

How are you? I am here today with the hopes of finding answers to some question related to my chances of getting translating work as a freelancer without any prior knowledge of translation software. I have been translating for more than 9 years, however I just recently became an ATA member and just joined this community. Up to this point, I have done all my translation work by using Microsoft word, it was not until recently that I discovered the existence of the various translation software tools available for translators as well as their importance when it comes to finding work as a freelancer. I also realized that the cost of these translating tools is very high, especially for someone who is just starting to get her feet wet in the freelance world. So, my first question is, is it possible to find freelance work without having access to one of these translation tools? If not, what are the options, besides having to spend hundreds of dollars buying one of these tools? Is it possible, to get free training to learn how to use sdl trados, wordfast or memoQ?
I would really appreciate any suggestions and responses to my questions since at this point I feel kind of loss in the world of freelance translators.

Thank you,


Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Босния и Герцеговина
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Some points. Nov 16, 2015

Hi Yenny,

I believe free tutorials are available out there, however, how are you going to practice if you have no software installed and running? Some software is cheaper than other, perhaps there are some demo versions, but I am not sure.

Not all projects require these tools, however, if you can meet the deadline and quality without the tool.

Just out of curiosity, you say you have been completing your projects in MS Word only, what was the biggest project
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Hi Yenny,

I believe free tutorials are available out there, however, how are you going to practice if you have no software installed and running? Some software is cheaper than other, perhaps there are some demo versions, but I am not sure.

Not all projects require these tools, however, if you can meet the deadline and quality without the tool.

Just out of curiosity, you say you have been completing your projects in MS Word only, what was the biggest project you worked on in this fashion (you may express it in pages)?

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:02
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Quite possible to work in MS Word. Nov 16, 2015

I still work only in MS Word (and using Adobe Acrobat for PDFs). My longest Word project was a 120,000-word novel.

Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 02:02
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Life without CAT tools Nov 16, 2015

I know from reading on Proz that many respected colleagues don't touch CAT tools.

Despite many years at work, I had no contact with them until three years ago when a client asked me to use a trial version of a tool. I found I took to it and in most cases it is now my inseparable friend! This is not to say it's the best - or the worst - on the market, but given my lack of time to try out other tools - and I don't know how much the others let you trial them - I am happy to stick with
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I know from reading on Proz that many respected colleagues don't touch CAT tools.

Despite many years at work, I had no contact with them until three years ago when a client asked me to use a trial version of a tool. I found I took to it and in most cases it is now my inseparable friend! This is not to say it's the best - or the worst - on the market, but given my lack of time to try out other tools - and I don't know how much the others let you trial them - I am happy to stick with this one. This being Wordfast.

Arguments in its favour: the obvious argument about repeated segments and your own translation memories, and the fact that it is SO much easier to work with pdf and ppt documents.

A warning though: if you spend money on a tool you do so in order that you can benefit, not so that a client can attempt not to pay you for matches. This is the basic principle to work from. If a client doesn't want to pay for a match, then they should not submit that part of the text for translation, that's the only way I could justify that kind of practice. But all that's another story perhaps...

Edit: And if I'd been using my CAT tool's spell-checker I wouldn't have left the original typo in the title!

[Edited at 2015-11-16 22:36 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-11-16 22:36 GMT]

Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:02
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Don't get frightened Nov 16, 2015

One used to translate fine before Translation applications. As a matter of fact, I am not sure I am more productive with those I use compared with when I was just using Word. Low tech usually has the benefit of not requiring lengthy troubleshooting, training, updating, etc.

If you can find work without using translation software, go for it.

Now, some applications are free, such as Wordfast Anywhere. Wordfast Classic (a Word plug-in) is fully fonctional up to 500 units
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One used to translate fine before Translation applications. As a matter of fact, I am not sure I am more productive with those I use compared with when I was just using Word. Low tech usually has the benefit of not requiring lengthy troubleshooting, training, updating, etc.

If you can find work without using translation software, go for it.

Now, some applications are free, such as Wordfast Anywhere. Wordfast Classic (a Word plug-in) is fully fonctional up to 500 units in the TM. But then again, WfC has a steep, albeit short, learning curve.

yenfer2000 wrote:

Dear colleagues,

How are you? I am here today with the hopes of finding answers to some question related to my chances of getting translating work as a freelancer without any prior knowledge of translation software. I have been translating for more than 9 years, however I just recently became an ATA member and just joined this community. Up to this point, I have done all my translation work by using Microsoft word, it was not until recently that I discovered the existence of the various translation software tools available for translators as well as their importance when it comes to finding work as a freelancer. I also realized that the cost of these translating tools is very high, especially for someone who is just starting to get her feet wet in the freelance world. So, my first question is, is it possible to find freelance work without having access to one of these translation tools? If not, what are the options, besides having to spend hundreds of dollars buying one of these tools? Is it possible, to get free training to learn how to use sdl trados, wordfast or memoQ?
I would really appreciate any suggestions and responses to my questions since at this point I feel kind of loss in the world of freelance translators.

Thank you,


Merab Dekano
Merab Dekano  Identity Verified
английский => испанский
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Odd Nov 16, 2015

Do not get me wrong, but your 9 years of translation experience is like living on the beach without ever getting into the water. The obvious questions is why would anybody do that:

- CAT tools ( you call it "translation software") will let you finish certain projects much faster
- They will allow you to manage terminology
- You can always "look back" and retrieve stuff from your translation memory
- Consistency
- Source text segmented and next to the target o
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Do not get me wrong, but your 9 years of translation experience is like living on the beach without ever getting into the water. The obvious questions is why would anybody do that:

- CAT tools ( you call it "translation software") will let you finish certain projects much faster
- They will allow you to manage terminology
- You can always "look back" and retrieve stuff from your translation memory
- Consistency
- Source text segmented and next to the target one
- Etc.

I mean.....why wouldn't you use it? At "normal" pace you'll get your investment back in less than two weeks’ time.

Things it does not do:

- Make you a better translator
- Translate for you
- Do your admin.
- Make decent coffee

Which one? Your choice. Most (all) of them have free trial on offer.

Good luck!

Tatiana Grehan
Tatiana Grehan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:02
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It depends Nov 16, 2015

Hi Yenny!

There are a few things to consider. First of all, if you are going to work only with direct clients and not bother with agencies, it's entirely up to you whether you want to use CAT tools or not. Direct clients usually have no idea about their existence and don't care.

If you have problems finding direct clients and prefer to pass the task of marketing your services to agencies, it depends on what is the preferred CAT tool for each particular agency. I work wi
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Hi Yenny!

There are a few things to consider. First of all, if you are going to work only with direct clients and not bother with agencies, it's entirely up to you whether you want to use CAT tools or not. Direct clients usually have no idea about their existence and don't care.

If you have problems finding direct clients and prefer to pass the task of marketing your services to agencies, it depends on what is the preferred CAT tool for each particular agency. I work with 3 agencies and each of them asks their freelance translators to use different tools. Also, some agencies use their own platforms/CAT tools, meaning that you don't need to buy software, but if you sign up with them, they'll ask you to use their SW.

In a nut shell, it all depends on where or who you get your translation assignments from. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Yenny Fernandez
Yenny Fernandez  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:02
английский => испанский
Автор темы
Thank you Nov 17, 2015

Thank you all for your input. I greatly appreciate it! It gives me some relief to know that I can find freelance work without having to use CAT tools. I may try them in the future when I get a more stable work flow. From your comments, I can tell that using CAT tools can be very useful for translators since it can speed up and facilitate the translation process.
In response to Lingua 5B, the biggest project I have completed using word is a translation of 20 training modules (25 pages each
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Thank you all for your input. I greatly appreciate it! It gives me some relief to know that I can find freelance work without having to use CAT tools. I may try them in the future when I get a more stable work flow. From your comments, I can tell that using CAT tools can be very useful for translators since it can speed up and facilitate the translation process.
In response to Lingua 5B, the biggest project I have completed using word is a translation of 20 training modules (25 pages each). As you can imagine completing that project took a significant amount of time. I guess I could have done it much faster if I had used a CAT tool.
Once again, thank you all!



Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
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Get moving now! Nov 17, 2015

yenfer2000 wrote:
It gives me some relief to know that I can find freelance work without having to use CAT tools. I may try them in the future when I get a more stable work flow.

To me this sounds a bit like a vicious circle: you will learn about CAT tools when you have a steady flow of work, but unless you prepare to use a CAT tool, chances are that you will not get a steady flow of work in a market where CAT tools are ubiquitous (even among direct customers).

I agree with Merab in the sense that the investment in most CAT tools out there can be recovered in a very short time: having a CAT tool opens a full new market to you, and a huge market in fact. Without a CAT tool, your work chances with translation agencies and serious customers shrink by the day, and you might end up translating infrequent, small private documents.

You do not need to actually pay for the CAT tools. There are free CAT tools out there, some others are really cost-effective, and professional-level tools like memoQ offer a 45-day trial period. There are also plenty of tutorials and recorded webinars online that will help you understand the technology and learn the basics. I strongly recommend you to step out of your comfort zone in tools and begin to learn about CAT technology already today!

EvaVer (X)
EvaVer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:02
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Not only you can translate without CAT tools, Nov 17, 2015

we used to do so without computers, you know.
I only use Wordfast - I started because an agency required it at a time when I desperately needed work. BUT I only use it when the client requires it or the text is very suitable for it - with repetitions, or I need to keep the layout from a "readable" PDF etc. Which is a small portion of my business - but your market may be different from mine. And if you are really good at using Word, you will be more efficient in Word than in any CAT tool.

Robin Joensuu
Robin Joensuu  Identity Verified
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Not a big step to learn how to use CAT tools Nov 17, 2015

And if you are really good at using Word, you will be more efficient in Word than in any CAT tool.

On the other hand, if you have worked with computers for (at least) 9 years, and really know your way around software like Microsoft Office, it is not a large job to learn how CAT-tools work. Unless you want to use really advanced functions, it is not that much to learn.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Local time: 01:02
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No need Nov 17, 2015

I am what could be considered a successful translator, and I don't use any CAT tools. I've tried some of them and didn't like them, nor were they useful for the kind of translations I do.

What matters is not the software you use but your mastery of the source and target languages, your literacy level and your ability to write well (and imaginatively) in your target language, which should be your mother tongue.

Other key factors are your professionalism, your ability to
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I am what could be considered a successful translator, and I don't use any CAT tools. I've tried some of them and didn't like them, nor were they useful for the kind of translations I do.

What matters is not the software you use but your mastery of the source and target languages, your literacy level and your ability to write well (and imaginatively) in your target language, which should be your mother tongue.

Other key factors are your professionalism, your ability to deliver a job on time, etc. CAT tools may be useful to some translators but I personally have no time for them. The most useful software for me is voice dictation software.

Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
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Free trial versions Nov 17, 2015

Hi Yenny,

Opinions are quite divided on this - most people working with CAT tools love them, most people working without them have probably tried them but find them unhelpful. I find I work a lot faster with Wordfast (quite a few repeats or terminology that needs to be consistent throughout different documents) and I did not have any trouble learning to use it at all. There is a trial version that can be downloaded and installed free of charge, which contains all the features but ha
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Hi Yenny,

Opinions are quite divided on this - most people working with CAT tools love them, most people working without them have probably tried them but find them unhelpful. I find I work a lot faster with Wordfast (quite a few repeats or terminology that needs to be consistent throughout different documents) and I did not have any trouble learning to use it at all. There is a trial version that can be downloaded and installed free of charge, which contains all the features but has a limited translation memory. I am fairly sure other CAT tools also have free demo versions, it may be good to look around a bit and try out a few. Good luck!

[Edited at 2015-11-17 08:53 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-11-17 08:53 GMT]

Rolf Keller
Rolf Keller
Local time: 02:02
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Forget your fear, be active Nov 17, 2015

yenfer2000 wrote:

it was not until recently that I discovered the existence of the various translation software tools

Let's sum up the facts one can extract from your question & from your CV:
You've worked for 9 years in a "sheltered" environment and have worn blinders. Most of your work hasn't come from commercial companies so far, so you don't know much about the translation market.

The prescript is: Don't waste any further hour. Jum
p into the water, today.

I may try them in the future when I get a more stable work flow.

Wrong strategy! Overcome your initial reservations. Use any slack period for further education in the field of tools. Obtain a free (or trial) CAT tool and familiarize yourself with it – you have to know, what it is all about. Read 9999 discussions (in ProZ and other web environments) about 9999 topics instead of only 9 answers to your question. You have to catch up on many things.

Spend 8 hours per day near your phone and your PC, even if you have no actual work. Don't wait for work. Ask for work, people will tell you if they want you to use the XYZ software or not.

Kirsten Bodart
Kirsten Bodart  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:02
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We didn't have CAT to begin with Nov 18, 2015

and we worked without for ages, sometimes with a temporary licence from a client. Now we have MemoQ.

I think though that it depends on the kind of work you do. If you work for direct clients, CAT can still be useful but it's a matter of 'are they repetitive enough'? I mean, we have regular updates from a client and they use recurring phrases that make translating their texts in CAT a lot faster than just with MS Word. I admit that. But if you are going to translate a novel, i'd say
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and we worked without for ages, sometimes with a temporary licence from a client. Now we have MemoQ.

I think though that it depends on the kind of work you do. If you work for direct clients, CAT can still be useful but it's a matter of 'are they repetitive enough'? I mean, we have regular updates from a client and they use recurring phrases that make translating their texts in CAT a lot faster than just with MS Word. I admit that. But if you are going to translate a novel, i'd say you are doing yourself and the author for that matter a disfavour, unless you're doing Kafka in which case a termbase I think would maybe yield an interesting result, as he liked to use always the same word and same sentence structure over and over, producing a kind of 'droning' in your head. I think as human beings we would be inclined to write in a more pleasant style.

Also working with CAT, I find, changes the way you work. I find there is less of a short term memory (what term did I use for this word one paragraph ago?), because you can just store it in your term base and it's there next time. No need to remember it. But it's great for when you have forgotten a term and bam, there it is, even after years of not using it!

Other than that, if you want to get acquainted with CAT, you need to know how they work in a broad way first. We tend to take for granted the basic knowledge we have acquired of programs like MS Word over the years/decades, but the mere fact we know we can underline makes it possible to underline, if you catch my meaning. There is lots and lots CAT can do for you, but you need to know the function exists. After that it's merely a matter of knowing how it does what you want it to do.

MemoQ gives a trial licence of 45 days and Wordfast even longer, depending on the quantity of work you do (it's a limitation on the number of segments).

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