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Off topic: Atrocious translations! (G>E)
Автор темы: Mary Worby
Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
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немецкий => английский
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Mar 16, 2003

Every time I go abroad, I never cease to be amazed by the number of dodgy, shoddy and just plain atrocious translations there are out there!

But the one that took the biscuit this time was the translation of \'Abräumwagen\' in the self-service café at Hahn airport. Even knowing the German it took a while to work it out! In a genius piece of dictionary translation, it has been rendered as a \'clear-dare\' in English! On properly printed signs ... doesn\'t say much for their
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Every time I go abroad, I never cease to be amazed by the number of dodgy, shoddy and just plain atrocious translations there are out there!

But the one that took the biscuit this time was the translation of \'Abräumwagen\' in the self-service café at Hahn airport. Even knowing the German it took a while to work it out! In a genius piece of dictionary translation, it has been rendered as a \'clear-dare\' in English! On properly printed signs ... doesn\'t say much for their QA process.

Pity I didn\'t have a black marker pen with me. Maybe I should take one in future



[ This Message was edited by:MaryRon2003-03-16 09:19]

Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:56
испанский => английский
+ ...
Assorted prickles Mar 16, 2003

This one came from the menu of the Fine Arts Circle, where the recent Madrid pow-wow took place last week. The original was \"surtido de pinchos\" (toothpick canapés).

Local time: 07:56
английский => немецкий
Not so much a bad translation... Mar 16, 2003

...but a humiliating typo. The city of Munich recently bought I don\'t know how many new S-Bahn (urban railway) cars. In each of these cars there are something like 8 doors. On each of these doors, there is a sticker, warning the passengers to be careful when they exit the train, because sometimes the platform is rather low. What the English version says, on a few hundred stickers, is \"caution with hight of floor\". Either I don\'t know that word, or somehow they missed an \"e\" and nobody noti... See more
...but a humiliating typo. The city of Munich recently bought I don\'t know how many new S-Bahn (urban railway) cars. In each of these cars there are something like 8 doors. On each of these doors, there is a sticker, warning the passengers to be careful when they exit the train, because sometimes the platform is rather low. What the English version says, on a few hundred stickers, is \"caution with hight of floor\". Either I don\'t know that word, or somehow they missed an \"e\" and nobody noticed.Collapse

John Bowden
John Bowden  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
немецкий => английский
Abfall and Abriss Mar 16, 2003

I love it! It takes a rare kind of genius to come up with that!

I remember seeing rubbish bins at a motorway service area in Germany with heavy iron lids, on which was embossed the legend: \"ABFALL - FALL OFF\"! I dread to think how much it had cost to cast and manufacture them!

And at the East Side Gallery in Berlin they have a \"translation\" on a photo of the Wall which reads: \"Berlin Wall, Construction 1961, Draft 1989\"

But t
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I love it! It takes a rare kind of genius to come up with that!

I remember seeing rubbish bins at a motorway service area in Germany with heavy iron lids, on which was embossed the legend: \"ABFALL - FALL OFF\"! I dread to think how much it had cost to cast and manufacture them!

And at the East Side Gallery in Berlin they have a \"translation\" on a photo of the Wall which reads: \"Berlin Wall, Construction 1961, Draft 1989\"

But the thing that gets me every time I stay in German hotels is the myriad of different English versions of the \"Please put your towels on the floor if you want them changing\" notice - all of them wrong! I keep meaning to compile a collection of them...

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:56
английский => немецкий
+ ...
Arrested for a ski pass... Mar 16, 2003

We spent a week at a hotel in Austria a few years ago - they had the following notice regarding the use of reusable ski passes which you could re-charge:


Skipässe sind an der Rezeption gegen Kaution von ATS ... erhältlich.

Ski passes are available at reception against ATS ... bail.

When I p... See more
We spent a week at a hotel in Austria a few years ago - they had the following notice regarding the use of reusable ski passes which you could re-charge:


Skipässe sind an der Rezeption gegen Kaution von ATS ... erhältlich.

Ski passes are available at reception against ATS ... bail.

When I pointed out the mistake, the lady at reception told me they had it done by a local translator...

Happy translating, Ralf ▲ Collapse

Alison Schwitzgebel
Alison Schwitzgebel
Local time: 07:56
немецкий => английский
+ ...
One of my favorites is still the popular tree Mar 17, 2003

We encountered a classic translation while we were on holiday last year - the \"Pappelbaum\" rendered as the \"Popular tree\".


Rossana Triaca
Rossana Triaca  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:56
английский => испанский
And what about... Mar 17, 2003

the brand new car lines of Nissan and Mazda?. One is \"Laputa\" (which in spanish is equivalent to \"Thewhore\") and \"Moco\" (\"snot\" in plain Spanish). And guess what... the \"Moco\" comes in green colour too! (it´s actually the marketing official product photograph).

I believe it´s done on purpose, to have people comment on it... the possibility of a true mistake is to much to consider.



James Calder
James Calder  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
испанский => английский
+ ...
Intrepid seafood Mar 17, 2003

From a menu in Gijón, northern Spain:

almejas a la marinera - seafaring clams

Pure genius.


sylver  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:56
английский => французский
Could be worse... Mar 17, 2003


On 2003-03-17 15:02, jcal wrote:

From a menu in Gijón, northern Spain:

almejas a la marinera - seafaring clams

Pure genius.


Imagine \"clam in the marines\". Actually, I am becoming oblivious to bloopers. Here, that\'s day in day out.

But one of my all time favorites is in the reception of a thai l... See more

On 2003-03-17 15:02, jcal wrote:

From a menu in Gijón, northern Spain:

almejas a la marinera - seafaring clams

Pure genius.


Imagine \"clam in the marines\". Actually, I am becoming oblivious to bloopers. Here, that\'s day in day out.

But one of my all time favorites is in the reception of a thai laundry service. It reads \"Drop your pants here for more pleasure.\". Oups. Collapse

Andy Watkinson
Andy Watkinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:56
Член ProZ.com
каталанский (каталонский) => английский
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Bravery Mar 17, 2003

There used to be a small bar going down the Ramblas (Barcelona) on the right-hand side with the day\'s \"specialities\" written on a slate.

In addition to such delicacies as \"slab chicken\" \"slab veal\" its star attraction (for foreigners at least) was, in Spanish \"callos\" (tripe).......on the slate it was called simply :


Bon apetit.

Yuri Geifman
Yuri Geifman  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:56
английский => русский
+ ...
somebody sent me a whole bunch of translation bloopers... Mar 18, 2003

Here\'s one of my favorites:

In a Nairobi restaurant:


Dan_Brennan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
русский => английский
+ ...
yuri Mar 18, 2003

that reminds me of a menu note assuring diners that \"all of the water served here has been personally passed by the manager\"

Alexandre Khalimov
Alexandre Khalimov  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:56
русский => английский
+ ...
Keeping on the restaurant theme Mar 18, 2003

I saw a menu item in a restaurant that read \"Tobacco Chicken\". Luckily for the owners the patrons were mostly Russian, who knew that this did not mean chicken meat stewed with cigarette butts or served in an ashtray but a dish form the cuisine of Caucasus Mountains.

Dan_Brennan  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:56
русский => английский
+ ...
tobacco chicken Mar 18, 2003

judging by a kudoz question for that very dish, i think i may know who translated that menu. she moves among us.

Heinrich Pesch
Heinrich Pesch  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:56
Член ProZ.com c 2003
финский => немецкий
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tobacco cuisine Mar 19, 2003

Well, tobacco is actually used as a spice too!

Well, most of those blunders are circulating already since the 1980\'s, when I got a compilation including the \"drop your trousers here...\"

I we ridicule people who communicate in foreign languages with tourists we are unjust. Are native English speakers immune against typos and other mistakes?

I am always delighted, when I see typos in Finnish newspapers and advertisements. They assure me, that the \"natives\" make m
... See more
Well, tobacco is actually used as a spice too!

Well, most of those blunders are circulating already since the 1980\'s, when I got a compilation including the \"drop your trousers here...\"

I we ridicule people who communicate in foreign languages with tourists we are unjust. Are native English speakers immune against typos and other mistakes?

I am always delighted, when I see typos in Finnish newspapers and advertisements. They assure me, that the \"natives\" make mistakes too.

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