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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?
I've just finished the translation of an Event Sales Agreement from Italian into English. As is often the case, also with contracts and other legal translations, before translating, I had to slightly correct and improve the original text - I eliminated inconsistencies, improved the stlye, spotted mistakes and asked the client to correct them before translating.
1 user
Recently I have worked as on-site Russian-Italian and Russian-English technical interpreter in plants manufacturing ball bearings and slewing bearings, translating discussions on mechanical engineering and trade negotiations.
(отредактировано) Last week I worked as simultaneous interpreter between English and Italian at a Fujifilm corporate meeting in Milan
1 user
In-person simultaneous interpreting from and into English and Italian at a financial conference in Milan
1 user
Just finished translating an academic paper on media education and digital inclusion (it into en, 2252 words)
(отредактировано) Interprete italiano-russo-inglese presso studio notarile in Lugano per la stipula di un rogito (atto notarile di compravendita immobiliare) Итальянско-русско-английский переводчик в нотариальной конторе в Лугано для подписания договора купли-продажи жилой недвижимости
1 user
Simultaneous Interpreting at a medical meeting on eosinophilic asthma, Italian into English
worked as Italian-English simultaneous interpreter at a EU meeting on social dialogue
In-person simultaneous interpreting from and into English and Italian at a business meeting on occupational safety for a company in the energy business in Northern Italy
Recently I have worked as English-Italian, Italian-English medical simultaneous interpreter at various medical meetings and conferences, including in diagnostic breast imaging, wound management and ASL.
Simultaneous Interpreting of technical financial conferences from Italian into English
I'm studying to prepare for a simultaneous interpreting assignment in industrial relations and social dialogue, and one in financial markets after that. Distance simultaneous interpreting of an arbitration hearing concerning a trade dispute on the production of bricks
Italian-English-Italian simultaneous interpreting of a financial meeting in a hub in Rome
Full day Italian-English simultaneous interpreting of a medical conference on novel drugs and treatments for Haemophilia B from an interpretation hub.
(отредактировано) Traduzioni asseverate dal russo in italiano - certificati di nascita, matrimonio, apostille 1 user In-person and remote simultaneous interpreting from and into English and Italian at retina patient meetings on AMD, DME and other retinal conditions.
(отредактировано) Traduzione asseverata dal russo in italiano - contratto di compravendita immobiliare - Присяжный перевод с русского на итальянский - договор купли-продажи недвижимости
In-person consecutive interpreting from and into English and Italian for Patrick Zaki and Mohamed Lotfy at the meeting: Pace, Democrazia, Diritti e Libertà, Milan, 1 April 2022
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On-site whispered simultaneous/consecutive interpreting on introducing new IT systems and networks after company merger
(отредактировано) I have just delivered the Translation of a Disaster Recovery Plan for a company in the Security industry
Distance simultaneous interpretation of a virtual meeting on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and behavioral addictions (medicine/psychology) on a remote interpreting platform
I've just finished translating 6 special powers of attorneys and respective apostilles from Russian into Italian I'm translating a Memorandum of Association and Articles of association from Italian into English Providing remote simultaneous interpreting to medical, legal and business clients.
1 user
Providing online Remote Simultaneous Interpreting on Zoom to pharma companies worldwide (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, Finnish, Korean, French and more)
I am writing an article on distance learning. I have recently provided remote simultaneous interpreting on Zoom at patient summits. I translated an Operation Manual (on boilers) from Russian into English. I translated a technical video from English to in Italian and created subtitles to it. 1 user |