The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

шведский => английский Бизнес / Коммерция (в целом) Translation Glossary

шведский term английский translation
saksorientering briefing about the facts (of the case)
sakta men säkert köras i botten slowly but surely be run into the ground
samkörs run jointly
samtalsklimat communication climate
samtrafik network infrastructure sharing
säkerhetsnoja safety paranoia
Entered by: David Rumsey
sälja på botten sell at the bottom
säljande attractive
säljarbetet sales efforts
Säljcykeln sales cycle
särskild arbetsberedning special working group
särskild löneskatt special payroll tax
serieentreprenör serial entrepreneur
serietypprov series type test
sett ur processperspektivet viewed from a process perspective
sidoentreprenörer complementary contractor / bi-contractor
sidomarknad ancillary markets
skalfördel economies of scale
skalfördelar economies of scale
Entered by: Helen Johnson
skarp drift regular (production) use
skarpt läge live mode
skifta ut be distributed
skiljs från vetet separate from wheat
skuldrevers promissory note
smältlim hot melt adhesive
snabblager quick-service store
snedstyrningseffekter bias effects; biasing effects
snuskylen (moist) snuff refrigerator
spärrexpeditör ticket barrier staff
spelidé game plan
spindeln i nätet at the heart of things (a facilitator)
stansoperationer (metal) punching/stamping/pressing operations
Starta eget kurs Business start-up course
stava (in this context) ...knew absolutely nothing about
Entered by: Cristian Iscrulescu
Ställa till förfogande make available
ställföreträdaren the representative
ställningstaganden formal decisions
stämmoordförande chairman/chairperson of the shareholders' (general) meeting
styrdokument steering document, directional document, goal statement
styrelseledamöter board members
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