The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Международные организации и сотрудничество Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
a ver los aviones to spot the planes /airplanes
abonadas con cargo a las aplicaciones presupuestarias paid against/out of the budget allowances
Entered by: Edward Tully
abordaje sectorial amplio Sector Wide Approach or SWAp
accionables actionable
acciones conjuntas joint initiatives/ventures, (future) collaboration
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
acciones sustentadas sobre la base productiva actions supported by the producer base
aceptaciones pasivas and/or as a result of passive acceptance [on their part]
acertado well-aimed; wise; enlightened, positive, well conceived; sensible, judicious; sound; effective
acordará motivadamente shall determine, stating his/her grounds
Acreditaciones Accreditations
Acta de Declaracion de Emergencia Emergency Declaration Order
acta ejecutiva executive/operational report/record/minutes
actas fundamentales fundamental guidelines
Actividad integrada en los xxxxx euros totales presupuestados activities covered by the xxxx Euros budgeted [in total] ...
actividades de garantía assurance
actores key players/stakeholders
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
adjuntia Bureau
admitiendo variantes allowing for variants
adultos referentes de niños significant adults for / in the lives of children
afectó la ejecucion affected the [ultimate/actual] execution
afianzar la vocación de voluntariado to create a commitment to volunteerism
agenda de necesidades a needs agenda
aherrojar el mando completely dominate the leadership positions
Entered by: Robert Carter
al cumplimiento de la meta the achievement of the (ultimate) goal / aim of the program
al disfrute de las prestaciones enjoyment of benefits
al no concretar sinergias failing to achieve any synergy
alcanzar una integración work seamlessly
alrededor de un enfoque mayoritario (agree) as to/on a major focus
ambientación de los campos verdes landscape maintenance of the green spaces
ante que instancia of (before) which agency / authority / body
apertura individual de impresión diagnostica the formulation of a provisional diagnosis [of each participant]
aportando a su ... participación protagonica encouraging their development and central role
aportar a disminuir la dependencia contributing to/helping to/assisting in reducing dependency
aprendizaje vinculado a resultados outcome-based/oriented learning
apreton squeeze, pressure on
apropiación de conocimientos learning
apropiación de la economía de patio implementation of patio economy OR ... of the patio economy approach
apropiación democrática the appropriation of democracy
apropriar acquired/learned
apuntándole a tener (ongoing) efforts to keep it [free of violence]
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