The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Международные организации и сотрудничество Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
convocatoria en tiempo y forma timely and targeted call for participation
cooperación educativa razonable a reasonable amount of educational funding
coordinador de convivencia relationship skills coordinator
corpus posterior de derechos reconocidos a los defensores subsequent body (of the text) of (specific) rights acknowledged to the defendants
corredores temáticos thematic corridors
corresponde más falls more within the competence of...
corresponsabilidad en la participación shared responsibility in participation
costo por adquisición de patrocinador the costs associated with obtaining sponsors
coyuntura [social] conditions
crezca en ambientes propicios grow up in environments that promote their social development
cuadro de situación picture of the situation
cuentan con un sentido de servicio [Today] they feel a commitment to serve [the most vulnerable]
da un espacio para reflexionar provides a forum for exchanging views
Dadme un empujón I need a push in the right direction
dando...carta de naturaleza a la colonización legitimizing, legalising, endorsing
dar la vuelta a change our perception of
dar mayor alcance give greater exposure to
dar un buen direccionamiento to give good/appropriate guidance
Entered by: Edward Tully
de cara a la incidencia Regarding advocacy,
de cara al emprendedurismo that foster entrepreneurship
de cómo lo impredecible conduce a lo nuevo of how what is unpredictable leads to innovation (what is new)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
de correspondencia en las responsabilidades and suitable practical communication mechanisms with regard to responsibilities
de crear mayor visibilidad with the goal of creating greater visibility
de divulgación boca a boca word-of-mouth dissemination
de donde se derivan a su vez which give rise, in turn, to ...
de forma puntual on occasions
de forma totalmente desinteresada for purely altruistic motives
de manera vivencia based on life experiences
de no haber mediado If no [impact evaluation] was involved
de quienes ya podemos ver frutos from who we can now begin to see the results/we can already see the results
de reposición for replacement
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
debido a algunas condiciones generadoras de riesgo due to certain risk factors
dedicados al earmarked for
defensoría ambiental environmental advocacy
dejo en punta that I would like to highlight
del cual se desprenden that includes
delegación comercial branch/branch office
Delegación del Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía en Córdoba. Córdoba Office of the Regional Government of Andalusia
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
delegado titular y suplente delegate and alternate delegate
depósitos (de 200 lt) (200-liter) containers / drums
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