The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский География Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
roque "Roques" (volcanic rock formations)
salida al mar sea access
Sc (abbreviation) Sector (district)
se ha partido The starting point was
sede del coloquio symposium venue
sede del sector (Lidia Saavedra de Ortega) maternity center / maternal waiting home
Selva alta y selva central de Perú highland jungle and central jungle
selva pedemontana premontane forest, piedmont forest
semillanos semi flats
serieación y parcelario in order and in parcels
sistema de curva meandering river system
sistemas de localización geográfica geographical positioning systems
sostenedores (factors that trigger/set off and) perpetuate
submesotérmico submesothermal
suelo urbano (%) sobre la superficie total urban land as a percentage of total land area
sumideros sinks
supuesto hypothesis
surco prelitoral prelittoral channel / depression
taponamiento de vertientes covering the slopes (with buildings)
tético Mediterranean/[tethyian]
Entered by: liz askew
terreno de playa, playa, borde costero beachfront property, beach, waterfront/coastal property
Entered by: Marcelo González
territorio ground
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
territorio insular insular territory
Torcales Sinkholes
trama vial, arterial y colectora feeder, arterial and collector roads
transformaciones de raíz deep transformations
Transfronterizo Cross-border
Entered by: Edward Tully
trayectoria aproximada approximate track / route
Entered by: EirTranslations
Tudelana Tudelian
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
Tuza Corn husks
U.P. = Montes de Utilidad Pública Woodlands of Public Benefit (see C.U.P. List/Registry of Woodlands of Public Benefit)
una direccion de drenaje indefinida undefined drainage/flow direction
vaciante receding water
vaguada costera coastal barometric trough
Valle medio del Ebro central Ebro valley
Entered by: Robert Mavros
vía húmeda waterway
vías de comunicación son fluviales transportation is by river
Veda water restriction / prohibition
vertiente atlántica Atlantic drainage basin
viento Zonda Zonda wind
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