The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский География Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
curvas de nivel contour lines
curvas directoras index (contour) lines
de la Comunidad Europea [nacionalidad] EU nationality
de lado 0-1 de la poligonal side 0-1 of the polygon
Depresión Central de Carnegie central saddle of the Carnegie Ridge / Carnegie saddle
Entered by: EirTranslations
Desarrollo Local y Territorio Local and Regional Development
Desertización / desertificación Man-made Desertification / Natural Desertification
Deslinde Dominio Público Marítimo Terrestre Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain
dilatados interfluvios expansive interfluves
dinámica del sistema terrestre earth system
Entered by: EirTranslations
disparadores acústicos acoustic triggers
Entered by: EirTranslations
divorcio de las aguas water divide | watershed divide
dominio antrópico anthropogenic domain
drenaje de patrón dendrítico dendritic drainage pattern
ECI (ECI) El Corte Ingles (!vaya, vaya!)
eje fluvial river corridor
eje urbano urban axis
El Círculo del Estrecho The Circle of the Strait
el crítico (in this context) critical point
El régimen de estos ríos es del tipo pluvial subtropical Mediterranean regime / subtropical regime
Emérita Ciudad Honorable City
en una población interior in an inland town
encañizada fishing weir
Encañonar(se) To narrow into a gully
enfoque centroamericanista (o centroamericanismo) Central American approach (or Centralamericanism)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
enfoques asistenciales social welfare approaches
entidad State
Error medio cuadrático root mean square (RMS) error
Entered by: two2tango
es facilmente dispersable Can be easily scattered
es inundable is subject to flooding
escalón de la Meseta backdrop to the plateau / plateau backdrop
escorada shore line
espaldón shoulder / crown
Espesores de regolito rigolith thicknesses
espinares hawthorn thickets / white thorn thickets / may-bush thickets
espolones fluviales river breakwaters
esponjamiento the expansion of green areas
Entered by: Edward Tully
establecimiento settlement
ex tranca former toll gate
expedición expedition/mission
Entered by: EirTranslations
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