The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Сельское хозяйство Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
Dia de campo A day in the countryside
diagnóstico ambiental environmental assessment, environmental analysis, green audit
diente de maíz corn kernel
dieta isonutritiva isonutritive diet
Entered by: Valeria Verona
diferidos deferred (forage)
Entered by: Carolina Grupe
diluyoconservadores semen preservation diluents
dimensión adecuada This organization\'s mission ..., together with the needed capacity [see more below]
Dirección Sanitaria Veterinaria y de Seguridad Alimentaria Directorate of Veterinary Health and Food Safety
directivas directive
disco cortador de burbuja bubble coulter blade / bubble coulter disc/k
disco cortador ondulado wave coulter blade / wavy coulter disc/k
disco volante flywheel/gyrowheel
discos de siembra seeding coulters
disponibilidad del suelo the soil's available resources
disquera disc harrow
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
doblamiento settlement
doble cultivo double crop
dosificador monograno mecánico single-seed mechanical metering bin
dosis de riego the amount of water to be given
earias Earias
ecofisiológico ecophysiological
efecto de choque shock effect
eje diferenciador differentiating feature
el aromático coffee
el consumo por ciclo Apply 3-5 l/ha at 15 day intervals until the consumption limit per cycle is reached.
el contorno de la bolsa the mouth of the bag
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
el cultivar (como sustantivo) cultivar (horticulture, agriculture)
el cultivo del olivar olive grove cultivation/farming
el documento del Estado del arte the document/report on the state of the art
el factor trabajo the labor factor
El ojo de la palmera Palm heart or bud. The heart of the palm.
el sistema de raleo y deshoje thinning and leaf removal (or defoliation) system
elayotecnia oil production / oil technology
Entered by: William Pairman
elevado tenor de acidos a high level of (unsaturated fatty) acids
Entered by: Edward Tully
empresas prestadoras de servicios de personal de plantaciones de arándanos blueberry plantation workforce service providers
en constante evolución in constant evolution / constantly evolving
en origen at the outset / point of origin
en punta de caño at a pipeline delivery point (the point where the supplier's pipeline joins the customer's)
en socializacion being publicly disseminated
en tiempo real in real time
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