The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Сельское хозяйство Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
graznas chaff
griñones ["brugnons" in French] clingstone variety of nectarines
grosor medio average thickness
guachapeado machete weeding/cut weed with machete
guamil Guama forest/field
guano de isla y roca fosfórica island guano and phosphoric rock
guapén breadfruit
guardaganado, guarda ganado cattle guard
guías climbing plants
gusano barrenador screwworm / screw worm
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
ha sido el escudo, la palanca, el impulso necesario ...has served to protect, influence and provide the impetus necessary...
habilitacion (in this context) adaptations/changes
habilla bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
hacer del proceso productivo un flujo en línea make a flowchart of the production process
hacer el plante to plant
hacha y candela slash and burn
haremos baremos = scales
hasta el alambre de emparrillado up to as far as the (horizontal) wire of the supporting framework
helecho hoja de cuero leatherleaf fern
Hemisferio Norte en contraestación off-season Northern Hemisphere
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
herbicida de franja verde category IV herbicide
hidrotrimetría hydrotimetry
higuerilla castor bean/castor oil plant
hijeado (in the process of) sprouting
hijos (in this context) offshoots
hoja del elote corn husk
hojas rizas curly leaf vegetable
hojuelas leaflets
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
holantao snow pea
hongos entomopatógenos en lepidópteros y coleópteros entomopathogenic fungi in lepidoptera and coleoptera
horconadura de jobillo cedar wood
horcones a wooden column
horizonte sub-superficiales del suelo sub-surface soil horizon
Entered by: liz askew
hortaliza de primicia early vegetables
hortofrutícolas fruit and vegetable or fresh produce
hospedantes y patógenos hosts and pathogens
huacho, tarea huacho = terrace
huaje Leucaena leucocephala (tree)
Huertas Madre Matrix orchard/garden
humedal reactivo treatment wetland / constructed wetland
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