The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

итальянский => английский Юриспруденция (в целом) Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
Agevolazioni per la riconversione produttiva (Fiscal) Incentives for production conversion
Aggiornamento updating
aggiornamento impresa company update
aggiotaggio market manipulation
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
aggravante ad effetto speciale aggravating circumstances that entail an increase or reduction of the sentence by more than one-third\" (ad effetto speciale)
aggredibili seizable
aggredire in executivis (the appealing firm) was subject to an executive action
agire verga (virga) ferrea to take the hard line
agisce in nome proprio ma nell'interesse acts in his own name but in behalf of...
agli atti ed all’azione discontinued the action
Entered by: EirTranslations
agli effetti del concorso for the concurrence purposes
ai fini del richiesto rimborso for the purposes of the refund requested
ai fini del rispetto in accordance with the law on......
ai fini dell'inibitoria ex art. xxx for the purpose of the injunction ex article
ai fini della regolarita' della notifica in order to ensure validity of service
ai fini interruttivi della prescrizione this also serves to interrupt the period/s of limitation
ai rogiti in the notarial records of... cf. aux actes in FRE
Ai sensi delle modifiche introdotte pursuant to the amendments introduced
aiutante ufficiale giudiziario assistant officer of justice/marshall/bailiff
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
Aja the Hague
Al che aderendo Complying with which
Entered by: Linda Thody
Al diritto e al calcolo for eligibility and calculation purposes
al fine della tutela ritenuta migliore delle mie ragioni in order to best defend my interests
al momento dello svincolo della polizza assicurativa at the time of expiration/termination of the insurance policy
Entered by: Rosanna Palermo
al momento ipotizzato currently under consideration
Entered by: EirTranslations
al nome di issued to the name of
al saldo di as payment in full/settlement (of the agreed price)
Al signor presidente del tribunale To the Presiding Judge of this court
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
Albo degli avvocati register/registry of lawyers
albo dei praticanti procuratori [Special] Register of Trainee Lawyers
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Albo Unico del Notariato [unified] Roll of Notaries Public
alea comune nei guadagni e nelle perdite general profit-&-loss risk-sharing
alienare to sell
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
alinea della presente comma subsection of this paragraph
Entered by: Jean Martin
aliunde perceptum earnings from other work (in the meantime)
All. attachments
alla cui effettiva attuazione which brings into effect the implementation of
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
alla cui tutela essa è preposta to whose protection oversees.
alla di Lui persona of his role as head of
alla gestione di adempimenti nei confronti di soggetti terzi the management of compliance with obligations to third parties
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