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итальянский => английский Юриспруденция (в целом) Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
.....E NON CONTESTUALE MOTIVAZIONE and grounds for the judgment, issued at a later date
(indipendenza) nei confronti di (independence from) in dealings with
*CPA* Lawyers' social security fund
a ribasso sull\'importo posto a base d\'asta At a discount from the amount put out to auction/tendered
a seguito successione testamentaria dalla coniuge proceeding to the immediate sale of the properties by Mr. Xxx which his wife had left him
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
ai tempi XXXXX formerly
Entered by: Maria Burnett
almeno fino a quanto permangono i requisiti stabiliti dagli articoli at least AS LONG AS the requirements set forth in arts xx continue to be met
atto di chiusura delle indagini order closing the investigation
azienda operante con l'estero firm operating abroad
Entered by: Leonarda Coviello
bis bis (it is a Latin word)
c.p.i. Industrial Property Code
cambiamenti di lieve entita` minor changes
completato di mio pugno completed by me (handwritten)
Conservatore Vicario deputy registrar
contraente e committente contractor/contracting party and client
Entered by: Maria Burnett
copia avviso cancelleria deposito sentenza copy of (Court) Registry notice of lodging judgment/decree
d.a.c. abbreviazione detenuto per altra causa - detained on other charges
D.PR Presidential Decree
de qua (in oggetto) under consideration
di persona del cui Satto gli stessi soggetti debbano rispondere civilmente of persons for whose conduct the said parties may be held civilly liable
Entered by: EirTranslations
e s.m. subsequent amendments
Entered by: EirTranslations
g.d. (giudice delegato) deputy of the presiding judge
gradi di armamento grade/level of equipment
in applicazione della disciplina obbligatoria di trasporto applying the obligatory transportation regulations
in virtù del quale nominano e costituiscono loro procuratore by which they appoint xxx as their special attorney
Entered by: Lara Barnett
incauto acquisto guilty of purchasing counterfeit goods/goods of doubtful origin
interamente partecipata era stata dichiarata fallita da due an XXX, a wholly/fully subsidiary company, had been declared bankrupt two years before
la carenza di titolarità attiva del rapporto giuridico was not a party to the legal relationship
Entered by: lcstranslations
la definizione in via transattiva della vicenda settlement of the dispute
la stessa possa costituire titolo per I detti trasferimenti the judgment is only enforceable for the divorce and cannot be used as a ground for such transfers
Entered by: Lara Barnett
le obbligazioni aventi titolo ed origine in detto periodo all obligations/commitments arising or falling due in the period stated
macchinosità del sistema giudiziario the cumbersome/muddled nature of our legal system
messa in liquidazione Winding-up/putting into liquidation
Entered by: Angie Garbarino
modalita` esecutive e caratteristiche di ordine tecnico implementing arrangements and technicalities
modo allo stesso collegata o dipendente it refers to \"controversia\"
Entered by: Lara Barnett
n.a. norme di attuazione / implementation provisions
non sia stato acquisito d’ufficio was not sent automatically
oltre interessi legali dall’evento al saldo plus legal interest from the event until payment in full
parte in fatto 'in fact' section/submissions of fact section
patiti e patiendi that has been suffered and may be suffered (in future)
Entered by: EirTranslations
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