The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

немецкий => английский zzz Другая тематика zzz Translation Glossary

немецкий term английский translation
Fertigmontage-Set preassembled unit
Feuerwehr-Tages-Offizier fire officer on duty
Entered by: Elizabeth Niklewska
Fixpunkt anchor, ground/fixed point/set point
Entered by: Thayenga
Flüsterschätzung whisper number
Entered by: Arne Marko
fliessend in das Nackenstueck uebergeht joins smoothly to the neckpiece
Fondsordinariokonten (investors') current accounts
Entered by: Susanne Roelands
formgerandet custom-fit / custom-shaped
Freigabepanel release panel
Fremdfirmenausweis visitor's badge/pass
Entered by: Sabine Trautewein
Friedenswahl pro forma election
fußfreie Reihe first row (of each block)
Entered by: Sabine Akabayov, PhD
G-Z des Antragstellers reference number / file number
Gamsbarthütchen traditional hat decorated with a Gamsbart (tuft of hair from the back of a chamois)
Gassi-Geh-Wetter Dog Walker's Forecast
gebeutelt beleaguered
Gebläsekonvektor fan convector (heating)
Gedanke (here) principle
Geduldspiel Game of patience
Geldrollenbild pseudo-agglutination
gemeinnütziger Verein non-profit association
Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Rechtfertigungslehre Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
Generationsgerechtigkeit intergenerational justice
Gesellenprüfstück journeyman\'s examination model
Gesellenprüfungszeugnis Hairstylist / Hairdresser Certifcate of Qualification
Gesundheits- und Freizeiterlebnisanlagen health and recreation facilities
gewaschen was das Zeug hält washed denim is still all the rage
gibt sich eurpäisch aufgeklärt fancies itself enlightened with a European sensibility
Glaubensritter crusader of the faith
Granteln ..... eye teeth of deer
Griffschlaufen loop handles
Großbildeinwand big screen
großem Termindruck standhalten coped well under extreme deadline pressure
großflächigen intensiven Griffen firm, sweeping strokes
gut ankommen arrive safely
Haltgeber support
Handlungsballett ballet d'action
Hartz IV Hartz IV (fourth draft package for restructuring social security in Germany)
Härtefällen worst case scenarios
Höhenprisma mit Basis base-up prism
Hörzeichen vocal signals
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