The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

французский => английский Общеразговорные темы / Переписка / Поздравления Translation Glossary

французский term английский translation
comme mues par un même ressort as if moved by the (or one) same spirit
Entered by: Alexandra Duckitt
comme une baboye a bit stupid
Comment tu as vécu cette expérience? What was this experience like for you?
commis la faute de le mettre en service made the mistake of entering it into service
complètes, sincères et véritables complete and truthful
comportements effectifs actual behaviour
conçue à l’échelle des plans d’hégémonie on a par with the Fuhrer's ambitions of power
concept construit autour (through a) concept designed to (awaken the senses)
concours des acteurs de terrain assistance of stakeholders (on the ground)
Entered by: EirTranslations
concrétisation d'un engagement financier for a financial commitment to materialise
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
conditionner les œuvres en vue de leur transport preparing the artwork for shipping
Entered by: EirTranslations
conditions de passage Requirements of approval
conduite furtive stealth driving
conduits d\'office removed without notification
confiance renouvelée continued trust
conformisme compliance
conforté supported by evidence
confrontant comparing
connaissance familière friend of the family
constatations findings
contenaires disposal units
contestation d\'ordre formel Formal objection
continuaient à le retourner sur le gril continued to torment him
convention statutaire de groupe socially accepted by the group
convenues conventional
cookie d’option d’écran screen options cookies
Entered by: Lara Barnett
copains et coquins crooks and cronies
corps de métier different skill sectors
corps social social fabric
correspondants de marque high-ranking contacts
Coté épic It\'s spectacular/epic
cotes dimensions
Entered by: Tony M
coup de pouce Boost
coup foureux mean trick
coupeurs de route highwaymen, (gangs of) armed bandits, armed robbers
courrier A 1st class mail
couvert under separate cover (attached hereto)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
couvert supplémentaire supplement for sharing a dish
Entered by: Tony M
cow-boy de comptoir barroom brawler/hellraiser
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
cravache sur tous les fronts (constant battle royal) waged on all fronts
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