The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

арабский => английский zzz Другая тематика zzz Translation Glossary

арабский term английский translation
قضاء حوائجهم while using bathrooms and restrooms.
لي يحبو يفشو روحهم و يديرو قع واش يحبو They like to vent and do all what they like
Entered by: Lamis Maalouf
ليبيا للجميع وبالجميع Libya for all and with all
Entered by: Mohamed Rehan
لكل مجتهد نصيب Hard work pays off
Entered by: Lamis Maalouf
لواء وادي السير district Wadi al-Seer
لقيط Foundling
لقب Title or nickname (depends on context)
للقدرة والتحمل Endurance
لم تلق صدىً has not been well received/ received no attention
لم تنجب البشرية مثله Mankind or humanity had not seen anything like him.
لما فيه as / because / considering that
لما لا يندفع بزعم المعترض for what is not pleaded by objector's allegations
لما تقدمه من خير due to the welfare/good works done by the country
لا يرى لنفسه حقا على أحد He does not see ( believe) that he has a right over anyone.
Entered by: Morano El-Kholy
لا يزال على رأس عمله still in office
لا يشفع لـ doesn\'t count in favor of
لا كنت ولا كان fie on you and on this
لا مانع the competent entity has the honor to notify you that there is no objection against such matter.
لا مانع لدينا we have no objection
لا النافية للجنس The 'La' that denotes negation of the genus
لا تنازع على incontestable
لا تغلب خيار على خيار does not favor the option of war over that of peace
لا خيار لنا فيه not of our own choosing
لائقا طبيا Midically fit (for University)
لائحة التنفيذ - السند التنفيذي The list of implementation - The executive bond.
Entered by: Morano El-Kholy
لاصق تمديد جواز السفر passport validity extension sticker
لجنة الطاقات المتجددة renewable energy comission
Entered by: Vincenzo Di Maso
لحيم أنابيب عام General Tube/Pipe Welder
لضربت رأسي I would have killed myself...
نكل بالأهالي punished the locals severely/ made an example of the locals
نون التوكيد Noon of emphasis - ن of emphasis
Entered by: Ehab Tantawy
نوسان oscillation
نقيب الأطباء Chief of Doctors Syndicate
نقل محلّ relocated
نقل بيانات Transfer of data
نقابة المهن الرياضية Syndicate of Sports Vocations
نقاط تركيز العين eye-catching areas
نهضة شاملة مباركة auspicious comprehensive reawakening
نموذج تحويل مسار برنامج الماجستير Master's Degree Program Transfer Form
Entered by: Abdelmonem Samir
نافيا للجهالة Due Diligence
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