TMX export doesn't work
Автор темы: Andrej Fric
Andrej Fric
Andrej Fric  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:05
Член c 2011
немецкий => словенский
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Jun 26, 2015

I have done multiple projects for one of my clients using Across.

Every time I receive a project from the server with Crosstank, it doesn't include my previous translations. I work normally in Trados and have excellent TM management, so my translations are consistent and TMs are really helpful, especially with technical translation.

I asked the agency many times, why do they send me the files "naked" without complete TM. They said, that their client manages the TM (or C
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I have done multiple projects for one of my clients using Across.

Every time I receive a project from the server with Crosstank, it doesn't include my previous translations. I work normally in Trados and have excellent TM management, so my translations are consistent and TMs are really helpful, especially with technical translation.

I asked the agency many times, why do they send me the files "naked" without complete TM. They said, that their client manages the TM (or Crosstank) and that they don't have the influence on it.

So I wanted to build my own TM just to import it into Trados Studio and use it as a separate TM/searching/browsing tool. I need to have my translation consistent and if I cannot search the terms, I have to make my own glossary in Excel. I would like to avoid that, because I cannot stop at every sentence and copy the terms into table or document. It would be too time consuming plus I cannot anticipate every term, that will come up in my next job.

This Across is really frustrating. I have now a highly technical project with 12.000 words with 50% pre-translated segments, which I would like to convert into TMX, but Across doesn't allow me to do that. Apparently the end client "locked" this feature (for copyright purposes?). I can only search in CrossTank for the terms already in the file to be translated.

I cannot generate TMX from Across. No way. At the end of the process I receive a message "There are no translations for export. ..."

Does anybody have an idea, how to proceed? Is it even possible, if the end client disallows this feature?

I hope I described my problem enough in detail.

From now on I officially hate Across.

Thanks for your ideas.

[Edited at 2015-06-26 08:00 GMT]

Член c 2014
английский => греческий (новогреческий)
TMX Jun 26, 2015

Dear Andrej, I am not an expert in Across, but you can export the Across source and target files, align them and import into Trados the tmx file. Proceed with the translation in Trados and export in a new tmx file. Now you can import this new tmx file into Across and all entries will be visible in Cross Tank. Then use the pretranslation function of Across to populate the segments. At this point, I am not sure if your entries will appear in Across editor due to restrictions or settings. If not, y... See more
Dear Andrej, I am not an expert in Across, but you can export the Across source and target files, align them and import into Trados the tmx file. Proceed with the translation in Trados and export in a new tmx file. Now you can import this new tmx file into Across and all entries will be visible in Cross Tank. Then use the pretranslation function of Across to populate the segments. At this point, I am not sure if your entries will appear in Across editor due to restrictions or settings. If not, you may have to copy and paste the translation in each segment manually.
Kind regards

Andrej Fric
Andrej Fric  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:05
Член c 2011
немецкий => словенский
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Автор темы
Thank you for your suugestion, Sion. Jun 26, 2015

Siontrans wrote:

Dear Andrej, I am not an expert in Across, but you can export the Across source and target files, align them and import into Trados the tmx file.
Kind regards

But the problem is I cannot export anything from Across. I have no privileges. I wrote to the client but no answer yet. This is so frustrating.

Liselotte K. de Hennig
Liselotte K. de Hennig  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:05
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Not an Across problem, but due to the customer settings Jun 26, 2015

After each translation done in Across I export the whole TM and import the resulting TMX-file into my customer-specific TradosTM as my customer divides the translations by areas and I don't always get everything I know I have already translated for them somewhen.

But the customer surely can uncheck this feature for you not to be able to do this.

[Bearbeitet am 2015-06-26 17:34 GMT]

Член c 2014
английский => греческий (новогреческий)
TMX Jun 26, 2015

Never happend to me a situation like this. Source and targe fies are always exported or can be viewed as pdfs (which can be convereted to Word). Make sure to click the right icon on the top left corner?

Alexander Somin
Alexander Somin
Local time: 00:05
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The other way to always obtain TMs with Across Jun 27, 2015

Hi Andrej,

In Correction Mode view of Across, you have a button allowing you to export a HTML file with your source text and translation (you can find this button (icon) on the top of your source text in the middle pane). Hover over it and you'll be prompted. You can convert this HTML file into the Excel format and then do everything you want with it, e. g. use with your Studio. This feature in Across is independent from any permission your client allows for you and you can always u
... See more
Hi Andrej,

In Correction Mode view of Across, you have a button allowing you to export a HTML file with your source text and translation (you can find this button (icon) on the top of your source text in the middle pane). Hover over it and you'll be prompted. You can convert this HTML file into the Excel format and then do everything you want with it, e. g. use with your Studio. This feature in Across is independent from any permission your client allows for you and you can always use it. As I understand it, this is the only way for you to use your TMs for other translations.

[Edited at 2015-06-27 07:02 GMT]

Andrej Fric
Andrej Fric  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:05
Член c 2011
немецкий => словенский
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Автор темы
Thank you Alexander Jun 27, 2015

Alexander Somin wrote:

Hi Andrej,

In Correction Mode view of Across, you have a button allowing you to export a HTML file with your source text and translation (you can find this button (icon) on the top of your source text in the middle pane). Hover over it and you'll be prompted. You can convert this HTML file into the Excel format and then do everything you want with it, e. g. use with your Studio. This feature in Across is independent from any permission your client allows for you and you can always use it. As I understand it, this is the only way for you to use your TMs for other translations.

[Edited at 2015-06-27 07:02 GMT]

That's exactly, what I need. If not direct TMX, I can edit the file in Excel and import it in Trados. It works perfect!

I would never find this solution, as I was unaware of "editing mode".

You earn my respect, cup of coffee or beer, whatever you like better.

[Edited at 2015-06-27 07:19 GMT]

[Edited at 2015-06-27 07:19 GMT]

Hubert Schwarzer
Hubert Schwarzer
Hubert Schwarzer  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:05
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It is still helping people out there... Feb 24, 2019

Alexander Somin wrote:

Hi Andrej,

In Correction Mode view of Across, you have a button allowing you to export a HTML file with your source text and translation (you can find this button (icon) on the top of your source text in the middle pane). Hover over it and you'll be prompted. You can convert this HTML file into the Excel format and then do everything you want with it, e. g. use with your Studio. This feature in Across is independent from any permission your client allows for you and you can always use it. As I understand it, this is the only way for you to use your TMs for other translations.

[Edited at 2015-06-27 07:02 GMT]

Hi Alexander,

I just had the same issue and came across (oh no!) your solution. Now it seems that I owe you a beer, too...

Best regards

Store TM locally Feb 25, 2019

AFAIK, if you have a Premium crossMarket account there is a feature to store all translations locally while finishing a task. These translations can be then reused for other tasks.

Jan Kapoun
Jan Kapoun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:05
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Export the complete memory (CrossTank) for a given language pair Apr 23, 2022

I actually took the extra step and created a special tool (Bohemicus) that will export all the translations from your Across translation memory (CrossTank) for a given language pair. You can see it in action here:
(How to export CrossTank from Across... even if Across doesn't allow you to do so)

... See more
I actually took the extra step and created a special tool (Bohemicus) that will export all the translations from your Across translation memory (CrossTank) for a given language pair. You can see it in action here:
(How to export CrossTank from Across... even if Across doesn't allow you to do so)

[Edited at 2022-04-23 10:29 GMT]

CafeTran Trainer
CafeTran Trainer
Член c 2006
Reverse engineering Apr 23, 2022

Jan Kapoun wrote:

I actually took the extra step and created a special tool (Bohemicus) that will export all the translations from your Across translation memory (CrossTank) for a given language pair. You can see it in action here:
(How to export CrossTank from Across... even if Across doesn't allow you to do so)

[Edited at 2022-04-23 10:29 GMT]

So your working your way through all Across-related threads on Proz today?

I like the reverse engineering you're doing to enable export of the content of the segments database to TMX!

Would this route also be viable to translate a new project?

  1. Copy all sources to their targets.
  2. Store everything in the DB.
  3. Export the project as TMX.
  4. Translate it in a user-friendly CAT tool.

Your opinion, please.

I tested this with a local project in version 6.3 and it works.

I translated the populated TMX file in my preferred CAT tool and reimported it afterwards. Across retrieved all segments from the tank (database) correctly.

BTW: Every segment of the TMX starts and ends with a strange font code.

Screen Shot 2022-04-23 at 18.41.47

Luckily, these codes aren't inserted in the project's segments.

[Edited at 2022-04-23 16:56 GMT]

Jan Kapoun
Jan Kapoun  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:05
английский => чешский
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Yes, exporting the text as TMX is a good solution Apr 24, 2022

Hans Lenting wrote:

Would this route also be viable to translate a new project?

  1. Copy all sources to their targets.
  2. Store everything in the DB.
  3. Export the project as TMX.
  4. Translate it in a user-friendly CAT tool.

Yes, this will work, I think. If Across lets you export it. I very often get this message:

Or you can go to the Correction view and click the Save as button:
across Save as

Then work with the HTML exported text. Perhaps I could add a feature to Bohemicus to process this HTML for Trados translation.

But that depends on the interest of other translators, if such functionality would be in demand. Let's see what feedback I get to this post of to my Across videos published on Youtube.

And no, I am not reverse engineering anything: I am just looking at their database structure.... being amazed how things can be done in a high degree of unnecessary complexity. I imagine they had a meeting at Across GmbH and their manager said: Nein! Let's do everything 2x more complicated! Because dzz German engineer does not do dzz thingzzz easy... he does dzemmm kompliziert!


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TMX export doesn't work

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