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I must say that I continue to be breathless at how well anticipates / accommodates the needs of freelance translators. . . I was tearing my hair out and tossing small wads of money down the drain trying to find an invoicing program that did only what yours now does and nothing more.
Kişisel olarak, ben çok yararlanıyorum bu siteden. Benden yıllık olarak değil 120 USD, 330 USD bile isteseler, gözümü kırpmadan bu parayı veririm açıkçası.
Adnan Özdemir
Joining was an investment which paid off very quickly. I became a paying member in 2009, and haven't looked back since. If you invest time with your profile, site facilities, training and events, then after a while good customers will come after you. I secured some excellent clients through the site, and has been instrumental in my growth in the profession - I continue to learn from all the great information and events on offer. Potential clients now approach me and that, without a doubt, is thanks to
Mark Thompson
I am a paid member since 2005. My membership brings me a lot of customers. It seems that it was a very good investment.
Peter Hladky
In less than a month, I have had more jobs than ever and I have already earned back the membership cost. If you are a quick learner, you will find more work than you can handle in a relatively short time!
Lian Pang
Thank you for your effort! I find it very useful.
Nguyen Dieu
When I started freelancing almost ten years ago, I used a variety of methods to reach out to potential clients. I placed an ad in the local yellow pages (no lead whatsoever), I sent out hundreds of emails to translation agencies (this landed me a couple of jobs), but by far the most efficient way of promotion was using the features that are available on
Csaba Ban
Being a paid member not only tripled my clients, but also gave them trust and confidence to use my language services repeatedly. I am totally satisfied with membership benefits, including the support has given me throughout the years and counting.
Канада membership is powerful, sound and simply the best.
Saleh Ayyub
Новая Зеландия
One of the greatest things of being a member is being able to see the Blue Board. It's very, very helpful to see what other translators have to say.
Paula Borges
A sound return on investment, I would say. :)
Maciej Andrzejczak
I am really happy that I`ve joined the family, I have always been satisfied with this work group.
I hope after 30 yrs, I will say these things again!
Thank you all!
Reza Mohammadnia
A tagsággal járó előnyök azonban megnyitották előttem a világot, és pár év alatt kiterjedt nemzetközi ügyfélkörre tettem szert.
Csaba Ban
I would certainly recommend becoming a paying member at I started with a free membership, but I have had much more work since I decided to invest in membership. Now I don't have any delay before quoting for a "private" job posting, I have access to the LWA of every outsourcer on the Blue Board, and I can meet fellow translators via the site or at a powwow.
Marie Devocelle
Франция has always opened up new horizons for me. My profile is my online business card, the one I can't do without.
Cagdas Karatas

Get and give professional advice has acted as my guide. With my membership, I'm a happy, fully-fledged freelancer and I can safely say that I wouldn't be where I am today without the knowledge that I have gained from the site or the friendly community support network. Thank you!
Rebecca Hendry
Великобритания is not only our workplace, it's also a worldwide, developing community of people in translation business.
Gabor Kun
U vielmi mnohich vypadkach samaja pieršaja zamova, atrymanaja praz, bolš čym całkam pakryvaje hadavy ŭniosak.
Bır de 10 yıllık üyelik ücreti olmasi gerekir. Onun daha avantajli bir fiyati vardi. Ben vakti zamaninda 10 yil için üye olmustum. Pek dogal olarak bunun fiyati senelik üyelige göre daha avantajli idi.
Турция is a new higher level society and new way of thinking for translators!
Sites like work for you 24 hours, even when you sleep. landed me two regular end clients, and I got many other jobs, not to speak about digital exposure. I ask all my clients how they found me and why they selected me, and not someone else. The answer is always the same: my online activity, especially in terminology help, translation contests, etc… alone offers more than 50 features that can help you create yourself and your brand. The sooner you start, the sooner you will start earning experience and money.
Sanjin Grandić
This is simply the best, most comprehensive support network and best moderated web site I could wish for as a translator.
Anne Lee
This past year has been great. I woke up one morning deciding to go back to translating full time but I was not 100% sure that my decision was the right one. I left my "safe" English teaching job and recontacted my old clients. It didn't take long and I was soon back on track. Thanks to ProZ I have made contacts with new agencies around the world. I have met colleagues worldwide and found new friends... Words are my passion and this is the ideal job for me with growing children who love to see me around. My small office at home is not a lonely place at all and may I say I have never been happier. Thanks
Dana Rinaldi

Add enjoyment to your work
When I renew, I will probably do so for another ten-year period. Let me take this opportunity to recommend ten-year membership to everybody who reads these messages. You do not have to worry about renewing each and every year. It is the best investment you can make. Highly recommended!
After several years of free membership I decided to change its status to a paid member ... and I regret that I waited so long!
Monika Rozwarzewska
A ponadto wielu z moich najlepszych klientów znalazło mnie właśnie poprzez uzyskana z ich zleceń wystarczyłaby na opłacenie składki członkowskiej ProZa na następne... 1000 lat! Niezły zwrot z inwestycji, prawda?
Boa oportunidade para todos os tradutores. Vou de certeza recomendar a adesão. Acho que é uma grande oportunidade profissional. Não percam esta possibilidade incrível!
Vincenzo Di Maso
I love all things because keeps on delivering. landed me a few regular and casual clients. is also my pension plan. Earning bucks with the laptop on the balcony of a hotel. Sea-side. Keep up your great work.
Sanjin Grandić
Хорватия is a more than liable reference.
Just another sign of quality: I systematically cross-check translation offers from other sites with the Blue Board database...
Стать членом сайта, безусловно, стоит. Я зарегистрирована на с 2002 г., но работу через этот сайт стала получать только после того, как приобрела членство. Годовой членский взнос окупился после первого заказа.
Larissa Boutrimova
अनुवाद से आनेवाली मेरी आमदनी का अधिकांश प्रोज.कॉम के जरिए आता है। प्रोज.कॉम का सदस्य बनने के बाद मेरी आर्थिक स्थति इतनी मजबूत हुई कि मैं अपनी अच्छी-खासी पूर्णकालिक नौकरी छोड़कर पूरा समय फ्रीलांस हिंदी अनुवाद को देने की हिम्मत कर सका।
Avant tout, représente pour moi une plate-forme d’échanges internationale permettant de côtoyer d’autres traducteurs via les forums et les formations. J’apprécie également la possibilité de pouvoir obtenir des informations sur les agences de traduction et les donneurs d’ordre en général grâce au Blue Board (certes non exhaustif, mais ô combien utile !), et de l’aide en cas de besoin avec les KudoZ. De plus, grâce à, j’ai trouvé un client avec lequel je travaille régulièrement : espérons que cela ne soit que le début d’une longue série!
I am proud that I am with from the very beginning. A grandiose idea of one gifted visionary Henry of Syracuse to melt together the language lovers from all over the world had settled in my heart forever. It is an exquisite pleasure and refined delight. Long Live ProZ!
Ora che sono membro pagante mi si sono aperte moltissime porte, ho potuto allargare la mia rete di clienti (grazie alla Blue Board) e si vedono già i primi risultati.
Marika Costantini
I'll never understand second thoughts about such a small fee.
Lingua 5B
Босния и Герцеговина
En lo personal, considero que la inscripción en es una de las mejores inversiones de mi vida.
Mónica Algazi
Grand Merci! J'apprécie énormément l'aide que apporte aux traducteurs à travers le monde entier. Toutes mes félicitations et je vous exhorte à continuer votre excellent travail! Merci Infiniment!
Hamidou Ouédraogo
Da membro pagante invece è possibile rispondere a tutti gli annunci e poi soprattutto leggere i commenti dei colleghi nella Blue Board.

Ho deciso di diventare membro per poter usufruire di tutto ciò che offre questo portale, nella speranza di fare molte esperienze!
Antonella Berardi