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Maximum translation length=20 ASCII characters
Автор темы: Willa95
Local time: 08:45
английский => испанский
+ ...
test Jul 6, 2016

Hi all,
If anyone has done the test and is willing to talk, please let me know
I'd appreciate any help.

Elisabeth Maurland
Elisabeth Maurland
Local time: 01:45
Член ProZ.com c 2013
английский => норвежский
+ ...
I did that test too Jul 6, 2016

I did it June 18, but I haven't heard anything yet.

Biagio  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
испанский => итальянский
+ ...
test Jul 20, 2016


I did the test last week. How long did it take to hear back from them? And if someone passed the exam, can they share their working experience with them?

Silvia SG
Silvia SG  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:45
испанский => итальянский
+ ...
Test Oct 4, 2016

Hi guys,

I find really suspicious that this company has been asking to so many people to do the same test for years now.
I do not know what they do with these tests, but I would not hold my breath to get some fantastic job offer after that.
I could be wrong though, that is just my point of view.

That is all I can say.

Good luck!

Tatiana Alonso Cubero
Tatiana Alonso Cubero  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
английский => испанский
+ ...
Test Jan 10, 2017

Hi everyone!

I am making this test now. Is any of you working for this company? Did you pass the test? Any information if I should trust them.


Marcus Straubinger
Marcus Straubinger
Local time: 08:45
английский => немецкий
Test Jan 17, 2017

Hi, I am doing the same test into German at the moment. Any information or help would be appreciated

Berit Kostka, PhD
Berit Kostka, PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:45
Член ProZ.com c 2014
английский => немецкий
+ ...
Interesting! Feb 24, 2017

And here is another one doing this test

What are the outcomes for you guys?

Dusica Bubanja
Dusica Bubanja
Local time: 08:45
сербский => испанский
+ ...
I am doing it right now! Feb 25, 2017

Anybody with results?

I did the test Mar 17, 2017

I did the test and submitted it yesterday, anyone who actually got a job?

Dusica Bubanja
Dusica Bubanja
Local time: 08:45
сербский => испанский
+ ...
Nothing yet Mar 28, 2017

keke129 wrote:

I did the test and submitted it yesterday, anyone who actually got a job?

I haven't received any feedback yet and I did the test in February. I don't know what to think about this project. If I get some information I'll keep you informed.

Dusica Bubanja
Dusica Bubanja
Local time: 08:45
сербский => испанский
+ ...
Faild Mar 30, 2017

I didn't pass the test and now I've seen that they have already posted the same job offer. It seems like nobody passed the test.

did you know the name of the company you did the test for? Apr 17, 2017

I'm currently doing the test, got stuck with ASCII characters too and found this thread. I wonder which agency contacted you to do the test and who's the client. It's weird that nobody has passed the test (or just didn't reply?) please write me in private. thanks.

Elvia Dewi
Elvia Dewi
Local time: 14:45
английский => индонезийский
+ ...
Same Test May 9, 2017

Hi! I think I'm having the same test as yours.
How is it going with your test?

Amaia López Arrazola
Amaia López Arrazola  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:45
Член ProZ.com c 2019
английский => баскский
+ ...
Another one with the test Jul 11, 2017

I got the same test too. Did anyone pass?

Balvir Chand
Balvir Chand
английский => пенджабский (пенджаби)
+ ...
This feels awkward Sep 13, 2017

I thought searching for help on this topic would help me a lot. But...... not even a single person says that he/she have cleared the test. I think they are looking for a 100% accurate translation. If anyone is there, who have cleared the test, please reply.


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