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| pkchan США Local time: 11:40 Член ProZ.com c 2006 английский => китайский + ...
天水围被香港人稱之為悲情的城市,近年來曾有過不少倫常慘劇,這些悲劇大多發生在大陸新移民身上。特區政府有意把這些低下層市民,推至一個被遺忘的角落,讓他們自生自滅。而導演許鞍華要塑造的天水围,是一個充滿溫情的城市,而女主角鮑起靜就像個搞群眾工作的共產黨黨員,關心鄰居的生活,十分細緻地做工作,鮑起靜的父親鮑方,是香港著名的左派導演,地下�... See more 天水围被香港人稱之為悲情的城市,近年來曾有過不少倫常慘劇,這些悲劇大多發生在大陸新移民身上。特區政府有意把這些低下層市民,推至一個被遺忘的角落,讓他們自生自滅。而導演許鞍華要塑造的天水围,是一個充滿溫情的城市,而女主角鮑起靜就像個搞群眾工作的共產黨黨員,關心鄰居的生活,十分細緻地做工作,鮑起靜的父親鮑方,是香港著名的左派導演,地下黨員,鮑起靜當然演活了貴姐的角式。
[修改时间: 2009-08-13 01:37 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | Zhoudan Local time: 00:40 английский => китайский + ... | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ...
I haven't seen the movie yet. But I think the blog is reading way too much into the plot. The whole premise of this science fiction is about a multinational conglomerate's attempt to conquer another planet, whose indigenous people - basically the good guys in the film - in response courageously defend their homeland. The issue is in no way monetary compensation for the aliens in the movie(there are some things money cannot buy), so I see no parallel to the settlement disputes over the demolition of some old buildings that occur in some areas of China.
But let's cut to the chase: A fully believable, flesh-and-blood (albeit not human flesh and blood) romance is the beating heart of "Avatar." Cameron has never made a movie just to show off visual pyrotechnics: Every bit of technology in "Avatar" serves the greater purpose of a deeply felt love story.
电影若不说教, 或不直接把 "中心思想" 点得清清楚楚, 有些看官就乱加解释, 甚至于与实际生活瞎联系一通. 孰不知这种 sci-fi movie 根本不是影射现实社会或政治的. 美国电影通常在这方面和国内许多作品的意图和手法是完全不同的. 难道这位 blogger 看了这么多年的好莱坞电影连这点都不晓?
还说怀疑是什么 "悄悄在中国卧底多年后" 的产物 ... Gimme a break
[Edited at 2010-01-06 02:41 GMT] | | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ... Eminent Domain | Jan 6, 2010 |
Eminent domain (United States, Canada), compulsory purchase (United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland), resumption/compulsory acquisition (Australia) or expropriation (South Africa and Canada's common law systems) is the inherent power of the state to seize a citizen's private property, expropriate property, or seize a citizen's rights in property with due monetary compensation, but without the owner's consent. The property is taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties who will devote it to public or civic use or, in some cases, economic development. The most common uses of property taken by eminent domain are for public utilities, highways, and railroads[citation needed], however it may also be taken for reasons of public safety, such as in the case of Centralia, Pennsylvania. Some jurisdictions require that the government body offer to purchase the property before resorting to the use of eminent domain. The legal doctrine of eminent domain, like the doctrine of seizure of contraband, allows expropriation of property within the existing system of law. Otherwise, expropriation may imply either a criminal or a revolutionary act.
对于这个问题, 即便是对私人财产有各种各样法律保护的美国, 都是以绝大多数人的公共利益作为首要考虑的.
在美国买房子, 一旦房款全部付清, 房产所占地皮及全部院宅就都永久归属于私人所有了 -- 这以前 Yueyin 也曾提到过. First and foremost you own the land, then you own the building(s) standing upon it. If you want to tear down the existing home and put up a new one, all you need is a building permit from the city or town, plus the homeowners' association's blessing. By and large, you do what you please with your own property. In the United States, "private property" is exactly that -- it truly means the property is privately owned.
中国房地产法律与美国却有本质上的不同. 据说中国全部土地都是归国家所有的, 买房子实际上只是购买有一定期限的居住权. 依我看, 从现有法律来讲, 土地如何派用最终还是政府说了算的. 特别是那些老房子, 我想并不存在什么历史遗留下来的居住合同吧? 所以需要拆迁的话, 有关单位给予房产主合理的赔偿就是了. If no agreement on what the fair market value could be made, then that's what civil courts are for.
在美国, 偶尔胳膊还是拧得过大腿的 ...
[Edited at 2010-01-07 01:16 GMT] | |
wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ... | lbone Китай Local time: 00:40 английский => китайский + ...
从介绍看,阿凡达是一部按imax 3d(三维巨幕:屏幕大小要不小于22米*16米)标准拍的片,要去imax影院看才能看出最终效果。
国内能出得�... See more 从介绍看,阿凡达是一部按imax 3d(三维巨幕:屏幕大小要不小于22米*16米)标准拍的片,要去imax影院看才能看出最终效果。
有的影院在放阿凡达时也放了《爱丽丝漫游仙境》的预告片,有看过的说从预告片看《爱》比阿凡达还吸引人。它也有 imax 3D 版。
[Edited at 2010-01-12 15:46 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ...
>>> "作为消费者心目中顶级的观影体验,IMAX的发展速度令人惊叹 ..."
Well, I wouldn't go that far. IMAX has been in existence for close to 4 decades.
Tiger Child, the first IMAX film, was demonstrated at Expo '70 in Osaka, Japan. The first permanent IMAX system was set up in Toronto at Ontario Place in 1971, and is still in operation. During Expo '74 in Spokane, Washington, a very large IMAX screen that measured 90 × 65 ft (27.3 × 19.7 m) was featured in the US Pavilion (the largest structure in the expo). About 5 million visitors viewed the screen, which covered a person's total field of vision when looking directly forward. This easily created a sensation of motion for nearly everyone, and motion sickness in a few viewers. However, it was only a temporary screen for the six-month duration of the Expo. Several years later, a standard size IMAX screen was installed, and is still in operation at the renamed "Riverfront Park IMAX Theatre."
The first permanent IMAX Dome installation, the Reuben H. Fleet Space Theater and Science Center, opened in San Diego's Balboa Park in 1973. The first permanent IMAX 3D theatre was built in Vancouver, British Columbia for Transitions at Expo '86, and was in use until September 30, 2009[4]. It was located at the tip of Canada Place, a Vancouver landmark.
| | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ... 3D movies and television | Jan 12, 2010 |
"Hubble 3D" would definitely be worth watching.
I don't know about the idea of reenacting a devastating earthquake though. IMO the movie would be unwatchable if it intended to portray any realism. Plus I doubt they could convincingly weave a love story into such a horrendous disaster, like James Cameron did in the movie "Tit... See more "Hubble 3D" would definitely be worth watching.
I don't know about the idea of reenacting a devastating earthquake though. IMO the movie would be unwatchable if it intended to portray any realism. Plus I doubt they could convincingly weave a love story into such a horrendous disaster, like James Cameron did in the movie "Titanic".
[Edited at 2010-01-12 16:49 GMT] ▲ Collapse | |
wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ...
网上查了一下. 原来是讲人心灵上受到创伤后一生遗留下的 "余震".
The story might be moving, but IMO it doesn't break the mold of many of today's Chinese movies.
Of course, Hollywood movies have the same kind of problem following the same-pattern storylines over and over again; n... See more http://www.quacor.com/show.php?contentid=24611
网上查了一下. 原来是讲人心灵上受到创伤后一生遗留下的 "余震".
The story might be moving, but IMO it doesn't break the mold of many of today's Chinese movies.
Of course, Hollywood movies have the same kind of problem following the same-pattern storylines over and over again; nevertheless it's a bit more entertaining when you don't feel like you're just tuning into another bleeding-heart sermon.
Call me truly jaded.
[Edited at 2010-01-12 21:28 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ... | lbone Китай Local time: 00:40 английский => китайский + ...
wherestip wrote:
>>> "作为消费者心目中顶级的观影体验,IMAX的发展速度令人惊叹 ..."
Well, I wouldn't go that far. IMAX has been in existence for close to 4 decades.
今天看完了imax 3d的阿凡达,感觉是:完美!震撼!
有条件看imax的一定要去,因为阿凡达就是专以 imax 3D 标准拍摄的。
imax确实很早以前就有了。我九几年就看过imax了,那部片叫《大峡谷》,看的感觉只是气势磅薄,但也只有这么多。今天第二次走进同一家影院,看的是 imax 3d,感觉完全不一样。
imax 3D 有特殊的意义。这是因为3D必须要看大屏幕才能看出效果,3D和2D的一个显著区别,是3D带给你设身处地的代入感。看2D电影,看的是屏幕,在手机上就能看;看3D电影,是看实际在眼前发生的故事,在手机上看3D就是一个笑话。
实际看了imax 3d,才能惊叹卡梅隆拍得真是好。普通电影是给几米大的2维屏拍的,导演只要注意到几米大二维画面上的元素,而 imax 3d电影,是给一幢楼这么大的三维画面拍的,那难度可想而知。阿凡达不仅画面、音效、技术好,情节也处理得非常棒,很多地方看得让人感动。我可以肯定地说,如果谁不曾被感动的,看的肯定不是imax 3d的阿凡达,至少不是第一次就看的imax 3d。
[Edited at 2010-01-23 14:12 GMT] | | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ...
The first permanent IMAX 3D theatre was built in Vancouver, British Columbia for Transitions at Expo '86, and was in use until September 30, 2009[4].
Yep, IMAX 3D has been in existence for a long time too. | |
traiston Австралия Local time: 03:40 английский => китайский + ... Riding in Cars with Boys | Jan 23, 2010 |
昨天在凤凰卫视电影频道看了一部不错的老电影 Riding in Cars with Boys。
本片改编自女作家贝弗莉·德欧诺弗里奥1990年出版的同名自传《Riding in Cars with boys》,它描述的是女主人公1961年至1986年间的一段充满波折的人生经历。
我还是比较喜欢看文艺看,比大片有看头。 | | | wonita (X) Китай Local time: 13:40
traiston wrote:
大概是由于年龄的关系吧,现在去影院看大片觉得很累。 | | | wherestip США Local time: 10:40 китайский => английский + ...
Bin Tiede wrote:
traiston wrote:
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