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Translating 'We are one' into Chinese
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Rita Pang
Rita Pang  Identity Verified
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Along those lines Jan 16, 2015

Zhoudan wrote:


lbone wrote:


[Edited at 2015-01-16 07:26 GMT]

It appears that the user did remove himself as a member from the site. We don't ever delete posts - we just temporarily hide posts and ask users to modify posts in accordance to forum rules. But Mr. Sun is absolutely right, if there ever are concerns as to why posts are asked for modification, we welcome all questions.

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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Jan 16, 2015

Zhoudan wrote:


lbone wrote:


[Edited at 2015-01-16 07:26 GMT]

才看出来!还以为 xxxdeleted 是另一个人呢!怎么啦?

[Edited at 2015-01-16 16:19 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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中文资源并不匮乏 Jan 16, 2015

xxxdeleted. wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:


中文资源并不匮乏。我们的祖先创造了五千年无比灿烂的文明,给我们留下了极为丰富的文化遗产。充分利用成语、典故,大方向是正确的。如果勉强生造新词,效果未必理想。例如,若想表达“人人都兄弟姐妹”的意思,可以利用现成的“四海之内皆兄弟” (出自《论语》)。当然,我并不是说可以将这里的 “We are one” 译为“四海之内皆兄弟” 。

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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缺乏的是我们自己的语言运用能力 Jan 16, 2015



ysun wrote:

xxxdeleted. wrote:

J.H. Wang wrote:


中文资源并不匮乏。我们的祖先创造了五千年无比灿烂的文明,给我们留下了极为丰富的文化遗产。充分利用成语、典故,大方向是正确的。如果勉强生造新词,效果未必理想。例如,若想表达“人人都兄弟姐妹”的意思,可以利用现成的“四海之内皆兄弟” (出自《论语》)。当然,我并不是说可以将这里的 “We are one” 译为“四海之内皆兄弟” 。

Phil Hand
Phil Hand  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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Jan 17, 2015

ysun wrote:

中文资源并不匮乏。我们的祖先创造了五千年无比灿烂的文明,给我们留下了极为丰富的文化遗产。充分利用成语、典故,大方向是正确的。如果勉强生造新词,效果未必理想。例如,若想表达“人人都兄弟姐妹”的意思,可以利用现成的“四海之内皆兄弟” (出自《论语》)。当然,我并不是说可以将这里的 “We are one” 译为“四海之内皆兄弟” 。

不是中文的問題,而是當代的語言(媒體)環境不夠大膽靈活。大趨勢已經是網上的,但最主要的障礙是媒體不接受幽默,也不接受宗教。很多感覺深刻的西方用語都由這兩種根源出來的:we are one就是個好實例,雖然在法國事件後它沒有宗教含義,但為什麼那麼簡單的三個單詞可以顯得那麼有意義呢?我覺得離不開幾千年在基督教會裡的反复使用。但大陸媒體上不能深入開採宗教語言的資源,更不能用尖銳幽默的語詞來講國內真相,因此語言的活力就大大受限制。

pkchan  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
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是足球語言 Jan 17, 2015

"We Are One (Ole Ola)" is a song recorded by Cuban American rapper Pitbull for One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album (2014), Originally written by Sia Furler. It is the official song of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and features guest vocals from American entertainer Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte. The song was written by Pitbull, Thomas Troelsen, Lopez, Leitte, Daniel Murcia, Sia Furler, Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald, Henry "Cirkut" Walter, and RedOne, while... See more
"We Are One (Ole Ola)" is a song recorded by Cuban American rapper Pitbull for One Love, One Rhythm – The 2014 FIFA World Cup Official Album (2014), Originally written by Sia Furler. It is the official song of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and features guest vocals from American entertainer Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte. The song was written by Pitbull, Thomas Troelsen, Lopez, Leitte, Daniel Murcia, Sia Furler, Lukasz "Dr. Luke" Gottwald, Henry "Cirkut" Walter, and RedOne, while production was handled by Gottwald, Walter, and Troelsen.[1] Whilst receiving positive reviews from critics, initially the song received some negative reactions from Brazilians over its lack of Brazilian feeling. To change that, another version was also released and the music changed slightly to fit Afro Brazilian group Olodum's style of drumming - that version being the one that was used in the music video for the song. "We Are One" has experienced moderate commercial success, reaching the top 20 in countries including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and World Cup's host country, Brazil. Wiki

[2014 世界盃] 萬眾一心 We Are One 官方主題曲




wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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From Afar Jan 17, 2015

... I have a different opinion of the ills of today's Chinese language.

People come up with these ridiculous new terms and sayings that do not in the least conform to traditional Chinese grammar and usage. Some of these usages get thrown into the dust bin where they rightly belong; but some actually stick.

Over time in this forum, a small sampling of this kind of abuse to the Chinese language has been criticized by some members, unfortunately, quite frequently at the i
... See more
... I have a different opinion of the ills of today's Chinese language.

People come up with these ridiculous new terms and sayings that do not in the least conform to traditional Chinese grammar and usage. Some of these usages get thrown into the dust bin where they rightly belong; but some actually stick.

Over time in this forum, a small sampling of this kind of abuse to the Chinese language has been criticized by some members, unfortunately, quite frequently at the ire of some other members.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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小周说得很对 Jan 17, 2015

Zhoudan wrote:




就 “We are one” 这句话而言,不同的人对其有不同的理解(甚至对事件背景有不同的观点)。所以,提出各种不同的意见和译文,那是很自然的事情。

Local time: 06:54
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佛说 Jan 17, 2015


Local time: 07:54
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"we are one" Jan 17, 2015

Phil Hand wrote:

很多感覺深刻的西方用語都由這兩種根源出來的:we are one就是個好實例,雖然在法國事件後它沒有宗教含義,但為什麼那麼簡單的三個單詞可以顯得那麼有意義呢?我覺得離不開幾千年在基督教會裡的反复使用。



[Edited at 2015-01-17 21:10 GMT]

Jinhang Wang
Jinhang Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:54
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研习古文确是提高外译中水平的重要法门 Jan 19, 2015

xxxdeleted. wrote:



对于你关于学习古文有助于提高翻译水平的看法,我深以为然。其实之前 Kenneth Woo 也提到过这一点。因为现代汉语是根植于古汉语的土壤中,不可能脱离它而存在。

Egmont Schröder
Egmont Schröder  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:54
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我们是大家 Jan 19, 2015

How about playing with the different meaning of 大家:

We are everybody.
We are a big family.

wherestip  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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No offense, but this short sentence is unintelligible Jan 19, 2015

Egmont Schröder wrote:


主要原因是:句子不符合中文的逻辑、语法、 以及习惯。

与其它语言一样,中文造句并不是靠凭空想象 (或闭门造车) 便可行得通的。

But still, welcome to the Chinese forum, Egmont.

[Edited at 2015-01-20 00:53 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:54
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一个旁观者的看法 Jan 19, 2015

J.H. Wang wrote:


与不少同仁一样,我采用了 Email tracking 功能,可以从 Emails 中看到那些 hidden posts,包括 he-li 的那两帖。据我观察,he-li 选择自行离开此网站是由于不理解论坛规则,并非其他原因。有些帖子被屏蔽,并不一定是因为其中表达了错误的观点,而是因为所表达观点超出了网站规定的范围,不符合论坛规则。如果 he-li 对此不理解,可以私下发信去问,甚至可以递交 support request ticket,但不能在论坛上公开询问或表示异议。Rita 在上面已经说得很清楚:“if there ever are concerns as to why posts are asked for modification, we welcome all questions.” 金航你也当过 moderator,肯定比我更了解这些。所以,he-li 选择自行离开这个网站,实在没有必要,也是他自己的损失。不同于被此网站开除者,he-li 如果愿意回来,我相信这里的大门是敞开的。

Rita Pang
Rita Pang  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:54
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Play on words Jan 21, 2015

Egmont Schröder wrote:

We are everybody.
We are a big family.

The beauty of the Chinese language is often that we can play around with the formation of sentences while using the same words. Not quite so in your example cited, but indeed the word "家" could perhaps be expressed in variations of the "We are One" phrase, as suggested by many other participants already.

To be frank, I haven't been the one moderating posts in the Chinese forum lately, as my other forums do occasionally require more attention, but I do agree with my colleague's decision in he-li's case. Some of the posts were asked for modification simply as they were out of forum scope. I just want to make that clear here so that it is understood that it was not on the basis of "offensive language" or the like that he-li's posts were hidden. Forum scope is one of those broad rules which often comes into play in any kind of discussions.

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Translating 'We are one' into Chinese

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