ysun wrote:
2) 按照你的建议 Google“process consists of following procedures”,但结果只见到4篇文章:其中2篇的作者是日本人,1篇的作者是泰国人,另1篇的作者是中国人。I suggest we learn English from native English speakers.
请你搜索“process consists of * procedures”。
ysun wrote:
3) Yes, I saw “manual dispensing of Carbon black into the mixers”. However, don’t miss the phrase above it: “Carbon black auto batching system”. The word "dispensing" here still means 给料, not 配料。
ysun wrote:
2) 请问,哪本翻译教程是这样说的:“这种所谓的前后不一致,有时在英语里是鼓励的,避免语言枯燥乏味”? 众所周知,这种前后不一致属于翻译的大忌。
ysun wrote:
1) 那么温度达到“工艺要求温度180-250℃”之前算是什么操作?难道不算预混、混捏?
the stages of premixing and kneading begin at the required processing temperature of 180-250℃.
[quote]ysun wrote:
2) 我并没有否认世界上存在 “double jacket”,但这里不存在。假如存在,那么第二层 jacket 为什么有必要存在?里面通什么介质
我可能没有说清楚。我的理解是,a jacket 是覆盖在某个物体上面的一层皮或叫蒙皮(蒙住一个物体的皮)。如果这个物体是圆的,那么这个皮也是圆的,如果是方的,这个皮也是方的。对于double jacket。可以想象在这个皮外面再包一层皮,并使得这两层皮形成闭合体包在物体外面,内部可通流体。我猜想这个设备里面就是类似这样一个结构物。所以用equipped with a double jacket.
ysun wrote:
1) I am quite certain about what I said. To say “似应改为" is just a polite way to make a suggestion.?
Thanks for the suggestion. I am still not sure it really counts as an error though。
ysun wrote:
2) Let’s look at you translation: “The cooler cavity is equipped with a double jacket containing 35-40℃ circulating oil by which the hot paste is cooled to a temperature of 70℃ and then discharged into the ACM feed hopper.
Your translation could be construed as “by the circulating oil the hot paste is discharged into the ACM feed hopper”. The hot paste should be discharged by a pump or the like, neither by the circulating oil, nor by the jacket.
I understand you now. It’s a very good point. Thanks very much.
The cooler cavity is equipped with a double jacket containing 35-40℃ circulating oil by which the hot paste is cooled to a temperature of 70℃ and then (the paste is) discharged into the ACM feed hopper.
Or better:
The cooler cavity is equipped with a double jacket containing 35-40℃ circulating oil by which the hot paste is cooled to a temperature of 70℃ before being discharged into the ACM feed hopper.
ysun wrote:
It is also my honor to point out the errors in your translation at your request, but I don’t have to convince you. I believe other peers will be able to judge what is right and what is wrong.
Finally, I'd like to say that you don’t need to feel so disappointed about losing such a low-pay project (“通过试译后待遇100元每千中文起”). If I were you, I wouldn’t even show any interest in such a project, not to mention taking a free test for it. Don't waste too much time on this. Try to do something else that is more productive, and so do I.
You are right, perhaps I shouldn’t be disappointed. I speak out first out of indignation that no word even of receiving my test translation is acknowledged from the tester.
But of course, I do think my test is comparatively better than the one they choose.
Well, Let the case rest