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chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 18:04
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Bee mite: control strategies Aug 4, 2009

lai an wrote:
BTW 'bee mite' was my very first real 'job'. Here is an outline of the whole article, if anyone is interested:
Bee Mite: Introduction: 1 Aetiology: 2 Symptoms: 3 Means of dispersal: 4 Control strategies: Chemical control: Integrated control: ; Diagram 105 Bee Mites; Table 16 Frequently Used Miticides (Translated from: Jiangxi Province Apicultural Research Institute ed., Beekeeping Handbook, Agricultural Publishing House, Beijing, 1983)

4 Control strategies

In the control of bee mites, it is first necessary to be familiar with the habits and characteristics of the mites and with their seasonal cycle before effective control can be achieved.

The miticides in use today can be effective in killing large and small bee mites on the bees themselves. However, it is difficult to poison the mites and their eggs and nymphs in the capped cells. Because of this, advantage should be taken of the spring when there is no capped brood in the hives, and of the period in the autumn when the colonies naturally stop breeding and replace their queens. Or, the technique of taking out the capped brood and curatively dividing the colony, artificially creating broodless hives, can be used. Then, with all the mites exposed to the outside, a thoroughgoing restorative treatment can be carried out. As long as there is an attitude of mind which pays serious attention to the problem, rigorous inspections, and timely applications of the correct control methods, bee mite damage can be controlled effectively.

Chemical control: Each district has many methods for controlling the mites. Some of the main pesticides and their applications are introduced below. See also Table 16.

D mite smoke fumigant (di man xunyanji): This pesticide is very effective in the control of both large and small bee mites. It is safe for bees, it can be applied in spring, summer and autumn, and its method of application is simple and convenient. The influence of temperature on the dispersal of the chemical agent in smoke fumigants is very small. When used under low temperature conditions, their effectiveness is much greater than that of other fumigants.

Fumigation of bee mites is carried out at dusk after the bees have returned to the hive. For a single box colony in a standard hive, use one application of 2 grams per colony; for supered hives or sixteen-frame horizontal hives, use one application of 3-4 grams per colony. When treating for mites, first spread out a sheet of paper under the hive, then open the cover of the hive and close the hive entrance. Light one corner of the fumigant packet and place it quickly inside the hive to a side where there is no comb (put a thin flat piece of stone under the packet). Then immediately cover the hive tightly. After fumigating with smoke fumigant for fifteen to twenty minutes, open the hive entrance and take out the leftover ash. Early the next morning, remove the spread-out sheets of paper, gather up all of the mites which have fallen onto the paper and burn them.

Depending on the degree of severity of mite infestation, each colony can be fumigated around five times, with from three to seven days between each fumigation treatment.

In early spring or late autumn when temperatures are low, fumigation can be carried out on warm days during the day, when the colony is dispersed.

The prescription for D mite smoke fumigant is sublimed sulphur di aniline 20%, potassium nitrate 25%, joinery wood-shavings 55%. The formulation method is: first dissolve the potassium nitrate in a little hot water, then mix this solution thoroughly with the shavings. After air drying and grinding until fine, add the sublimed sulphur di aniline. When it is well mixed until homogeneous, then it is ready.

Mitekiller smoke fumigant (miemanling xunyanji) and mite-egg ester smoke fumigant (manluanzhi xunyanji): These two smoke fumigants are very effective in the control of large and small bee mites, and they are also safe for bee colonies. Their application methods and amounts are the same as for D mite smoke fumigant. For their prescriptions and formulations see Table 16.

In some districts, when smoke fumigants are used to control mites in the early spring, the phenomenon of the queen being overpowered may occur. This is because, at this time when the outside temperatures are quite low, the bee colony is tightly wrapped up and the air does not circulate within the box, so the chemical fumes disperse for a long time without escaping. If, after fumigating for twenty minutes, the cover cloth is opened up to let in fresh air, this situation will not occur or will occur only very rarely.

Napthalene (camphor balls): This pesticide is very effective in the control of large and small bee mites. However, the dispersal of the chemical agent is greatly influenced by temperature; at temperatures above 20°C it is quite effective. For a normal colony, at temperatures around 22°C, use about ten grams each time (three to four camphor balls). In a hive with a strong colony where the temperature is high, less chemical should be used, and in a hive with a weak colony where the temperature is low, more chemical should be used. When air temperatures are high, use less chemical, and when air temperatures are low, use more chemical.

When fumigating, sprinkle the napthalene powder (or camphor balls crushed into powder form) evenly onto cardboard, then cover with a layer of gauze or a sheet of finely perforated paper, or, apply heat and melt the camphor balls onto stiff card. At dusk, put the card into the bottom of the hive, and early the next morning, take it out again. Fumigate at three to five day intervals, until no mites drop, or very few. When applying this chemical, be careful to avoid robber bees. Chinese bees are very sensitive to napthalene; do not use this chemical to treat Chinese bees for mites.

Sublimed sulphur 70%, napthalene 30% powder mixture: This powder is quite effective in controlling large and small bee mites. Sprinkle the powder amongst the comb, using around 0.3 grams from one bee path to the next. In supered hives, sprinkle the powder in the same way in the upper and lower boxes. Treat three times per month. Do not exceed the recommended quantity or the health of the bee larvae will suffer.

Sublimed sulphur: This pesticide is quite effective in controlling small bee mites. When treating, first shake the bees off the brood comb, use gauze to wrap up the sublimed sulphur, and apply it to the caps of the capped brood cells. When applying the chemical, the quantity of chemical cannot be great, and at the same time the comb has to maintain a suitable slant to prevent the powder falling into the uncapped larval cells and killing the larvae. Treat at seven day intervals, three consecutive times.

Derris extract: This pesticide is very effective in controlling both large and small bee mites. Dissolve 1 millilitre of Derris extract containing 2.5% rotenone in 400-600 millilitres of warm water. After it has been stirred thoroughly, use an atomiser to spray the bees and the comb. The amount sprayed must not be too great; the level in a normal mist is enough. Do not spray directly onto the queen or the larvae. If there is a lot of uncapped brood in the colony then it is inadvisable to use this chemical. In the late autumn and early spring non-brood periods, the strength of the pesticide liquid can be increased (to 1ml of Derris extract add 400 ml of water). The formulated liquid should be used up within one to two hours to avoid deterioration and loss of effectiveness.

Sulphur: When small mites have seriously harmed the colony and most of the brood comb has been damaged, sulphur fumigation treatment can be used. Use two supers stacked together and seal the cracks tightly. The bees on the pupal combs must be shaken off. Then put the combs in the upper box (there should be no more than eight combs). Using three grams of sulphur each time, put the sulphur in a steel container, then place it in the centre of the lower empty box. Two or three minutes after lighting the fumigant, quickly take the pupal comb out (exposure must not exceed three minutes). Treat three days apart, twice in succession. Sulphur fumigant cannot be used on bees and emergent pupal comb, otherwise the bees will die from poisoning.

Due to differences in outside temperatures and the strength of bee colonies, when using any of the above pesticides to treat mites, two or three colonies should first be used as a trial. After establishing the quantity of pesticide to use, then carry out widespread treatment. This will both assure the safety of the bees, and achieve a better effectiveness of mite control.

Prolonged use of one type of mite treatment chemical can easily produce chemical resistance, thereby affecting the efficiency of mite control. Because of this, to raise mite control effectiveness, several different types of miticide chemical should be used in turn.

Integrated control: Large and small bee mites both breed inside the capped cocoons, and it is difficult to use pesticides to kill the mites and their eggs and nymphs inside the capped cells. If, when chemical controls are carried out, this occurs in combination with strengthened bee-rearing management and the adoption of integrated measures, the effectiveness of mite control will be improved.

Both large and small bee mites like to lay eggs and breed in the drone cells, so the drone cells should be cut regularly. After the drone larvae have capped, one can use a knife to cut off the caps, pull out the drone pupae, and get rid of the mites.

Where mite damage is serious and the bee colony is quite strong, one can use the treatment of taking out the capped brood comb and dividing the colony. The method in detail is to take the capped brood comb and its bees to another bee box, and, using the opportunity afforded when the original colony has no brood comb in it, immediately use pesticide and treat repeatedly several times. After one or two days, induce a queen's cell into the colony with the capped brood comb. Wait until all the pupal comb has emerged, then conduct the same type of treatment. Later on, this colony can be amalgamated with the original colony or it can become an independent new colony.

In late autumn, bring all the capped brood comb together into just a few colonies, and treat after emergence. With regard to the colonies with no capped brood comb, make the most of the time to treat them immediately. This will also raise the effectiveness of controls.

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 18:04
китайский => английский
Bee mite Pt 2: aetiology; symptoms; means of dispersal; diagram Aug 4, 2009

Bee Mite

The harm to bee colonies from large and small bee mites is very great; it can badly damage bee-keeping production. The Western bee and its hybrid varieties have weak mite resistance, and mite damage is serious. The Chinese bee has strong resistance, and the rates of infestation by large and small mites are low.

1 Aetiology

Caused by external parasitism of the bee by the large bee mite (Varroa jacobsoni) or the small bee mite (Tropilael
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Bee Mite

The harm to bee colonies from large and small bee mites is very great; it can badly damage bee-keeping production. The Western bee and its hybrid varieties have weak mite resistance, and mite damage is serious. The Chinese bee has strong resistance, and the rates of infestation by large and small mites are low.

1 Aetiology

Caused by external parasitism of the bee by the large bee mite (Varroa jacobsoni) or the small bee mite (Tropilaelaps clareae). Some bee colonies have only one species of mite present; others have both.

The body of the female large mite is transversely elliptical, brown, 1.17 mm in length and 1.77 mm in width. The male is oval, 0.88 mm in length and 0.72 mm in width. The female small mite is oval, brownish-yellow, 1.06 mm in length and 0.59 mm in width. The male is light brown, 0.98 mm in length and 0.59 mm in width (Diagram 105). The adult forms of both mites parasitise mainly the workers and drones, at the segment between the thorax and the abdomen. They sometimes also parasitise the queen. One bee usually carries one to three mites on its body. They suck out the bee's body fluids.

The females of both the large and the small mite go into the larval cells and lay eggs when the bee larvae are about to cap (in one cell there may be from one to several mites). When the mite eggs have hatched into nymphs, they use the body fluids of the bee pupae for food. When the bee pupae emerge from the cocoons, the nymphs grow into adult mites and come out of the cocoons with the young bees. This is why mite numbers on young bees are quite high.

According to observations from artificial cultures, a female large mite lays one to three eggs. Egg-laying can be sustained for one to two days, and in exceptional cases for three days. The large mite has three different stages: egg, nymph and adult. The egg stage lasts one day, the early nymph stage four days, the late nymph stage three days, and then it grows into the adult form. At 34.8°C in artificial cultures, the female small mite lays from one to five eggs, with the majority laying three eggs. Egg-laying lasts from one to six days, with the majority laying over four days. The small mite has the same three stages: egg, nymph and adult. The eggs laid by the female hatch into the early nymph stage very quickly. The early nymph undergoes a resting period after forty-six to fifty-eight hours, and sheds its skin to become a late nymph. The late nymph also undergoes a resting period after forty-four to fifty-three hours, and sheds its skin to become the adult form. From egg to adult requires about five days.

Due to regional temperature differences, and variations in the timing of nectar and pollen sources and in the onset of queen bee egg-laying, the seasonal cycles of the large and small mites are different. Generally speaking, the large mite starts to reproduce from the spring when the queens start to lay eggs. In April and May the infestation rates are relatively high. The summer, when nectar and pollen sources are plentiful and egg-laying by the queens increases and the bee colonies enter the height of their production, is, on the other hand, the time when mite infestations remain in a relatively stable state. In autumn, when outside temperatures are relatively low, nectar and pollen sources are scarce, and the strength of the bee colonies is decreasing, the mites still continue to breed. Furthermore, the mites are concentrated on only a small amount of brood and bees, so the infestation rates increase sharply, reaching their peak in September and October and continuing on until the queen stops laying eggs. Only when there is no brood in the colony does the large mite cease egg-laying. In both the North and South of China, the adult mites over-winter on the bees.

In the South (Guangdong area), the small mite can be seen in bee colonies in March. In the Huabei area (Beijing, Hebei), it is not until around mid-June that the mite can be seen in a few bee colonies. In the North-east, it is later still. Around mid-July, the mite can be found widespread in bee-yards in Huabei. The parasitism continually increases until it reaches its peak around mid-September. After November it is difficult to find small mites in Huabei colonies, however, they can still be seen in the winter in all districts south of the Yangtse.

2 Symptoms

Bees parasitised by large mites do not grow well, their constitution is weak, their collecting ability decreases, their life is shortened and the colony is gradually weakened. In bee colonies harmed by small mites, the tops of quite a few of the brood cocoons will have been bitten through, some of the larvae will have died before pupating and some will not be able to emerge after pupating. On emergence from the cocoons some young bees will have incomplete wings. The growth of the young bees will not be good, and they will move about in a chaotic way in front of the entrance to the hive or on the ground of the bee-yard. In colonies seriously affected by mites, the strength of the colony is rapidly weakened, even to the point where the entire colony may die out, due to the inability to produce new bees and the death of a large number of adult bees.

3 Means of dispersal

The spread of bee mites within the bee colony occurs mainly through infection resulting from contact between infested and non-infested bees. Therefore hive robbing and returning to the wrong hive are means of dispersal of the large and small mite within the colony.

Apart from this, when amalgamating colonies, if infested bees or brood are merged with a non-infested colony, this will also bring about dispersal within the colony.

4 ...

Diagram 105 Bee Mites

1 Female large bee mite 2 Male large bee mite 3 Female small bee mite 4 Male small bee mite

Translated from Jiangxi Province Apicultural Research Institute ed., Beekeeping Handbook, Agricultural Publishing House, Beijing, 1983

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 18:04
китайский => английский
’China is the country with the greatest reserves of the rare earth metals.‘ Aug 4, 2009

lai an wrote:


At present, China is the country with the greatest reserves of the rare earth metals. The huge Inner Mongolian Baiyun'ebo rare earths mine stands at ninety-eight percent of the country's total rare earths reserves. Equivalent to four times the total rare earths reserves of other countries, it is a rarity in the world. (Translated from ’The rich mineral resources‘ in Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983)

chica nueva
chica nueva
Local time: 18:04
китайский => английский
The rich mineral resources Aug 4, 2009

The rich mineral resources

People commonly use the four words, "vast in territory and rich in natural resources", to describe our native land, and in fact it really is like that. Of the important minerals currently known in the world, China has virtually all of them. China has already found more than one hundred and forty types of minerals, and has become, in the present day world, one of a small number of countries with a fairly complete range of minerals.

Of China's r
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The rich mineral resources

People commonly use the four words, "vast in territory and rich in natural resources", to describe our native land, and in fact it really is like that. Of the important minerals currently known in the world, China has virtually all of them. China has already found more than one hundred and forty types of minerals, and has become, in the present day world, one of a small number of countries with a fairly complete range of minerals.

Of China's rich mineral resources, reserves have been proved for one hundred and thirty two types, and many of the reserves stand in the front rank in the world or hold an important position in the world.

In the old society, rich as they were, China's mineral resources could not be developed and used. Right up until the eve of Liberation, there were only eighteen types of minerals which had been prospected for in China, and none of them had had reserves proved. After the New China was established, the geological science and technology ranks grew steadily in strength and numbers, and geological surveys and exploration were launched on an unprecedented scale. After a long period of arduous work, the real face of China's mineral resource deposits is currently being brought to light.

Coal stands in an important position in the national economy. Not only is it an important source of heat energy and kinetic energy, it is also an important raw material for the chemicals industry. Several hundred types of products can be obtained from coal: fertilisers, agricultural chemicals, synthetic rubber, synthetic fibres, paints, dyes, perfumes, medicines, explosives, petrol, kerosene. For this reason, coal has been called "dark gold, inky jade" and "food for industry".

China's coal reserves are very large, cover the whole range of types, and are distributed very widely; it is one of the countries in the world with the richest coal resources. Reserves of more than 600,000 million tons have already been proved, which is in the front rank in the world. On the basis of China's current ability to mine coal, it will be at least several hundred years before it can be completely extracted.

China's coalfields are distributed extremely widely; almost every province, municipality and autonomous region has large tracts of coalfields. They have been laid down both widely and in concentrated masses, with more in the North than in the South. Huabei is the region richest in coal resources, particularly Shanxi Province, where the coalfields extend over more than two thirds of the counties of the province, and the reserves are more than 200,000 million tons, most of which is bituminous (soft) coal. Hebei and Inner Mongolia also have large tracts of coal. The coalfields in the North-East are buried quite close to the surface, and some are easy to mine by opencast mining. Many of the coalfields of the North-West are found in the depressions in front of mountains or in the basins between mountains, and are laid down in a belt shape. The coalfields in Huadong , the Central South and the South-West are generally quite scattered. This type of distribution of China's coal resources is beneficial to rational distribution of the coal industry.

China's coal mines are spread all over the country. Kailuan, Datong, Fushun, Fuxin, Yangquan, Fengfeng, Zaozhuang, Hegang, Huainan, Pingxiang, and Tongchuan are all famous old mines. Pingdingshan, Jiaozuo, Shizuishan, Xuzhou, Huaibei, Xingtai, Baotou, Ürümqi, Hami, Fengcheng, Feicheng, and Yuding are new and developing coal mining bases.

Oil is a fuel and raw material that modern industry cannot do without, and it is also an important strategic material. People call oil "the lifeblood of industry" and "black gold". The petrol, kerosene and diesel refined from oil are fuel for motor vehicles, internal combustion engines, aeroplanes, tanks, naval vessels and rockets. There are already more than five hundred types of product which can be extracted and purified directly from oil, and they can be used to make more than five thousand products. Since Liberation, China has discovered more than one thousand four hundred oil-bearing structures and established a series of oil fields. China's oil resources are still in the early stage of exploration and development. In recent years our ocean geological work has made major progress. The marine and land strata, richly endowed with oil resources, have revealed magnificent prospects for China's industry.

China's metallic mineral resources are extremely rich; more than fifty types have already had reserves proved.

Iron ore mines are the basis of the iron and steel industry. China's iron ore reserves are large, of many different types, and widespread. The proved iron reserves have reached 44,000 million tons, which makes China one of the countries with the largest iron reserves. Liaoning's Anshan and Benxi, Hebei's Qian'an and Cishan, Inner Mongolia's Baiyun'ebo, Anhui's Ma'anshan, Hubei's Dayehuo'echeng, Guangdong's Hainan, and Sichuan's Panzhihua areas all have very large iron ore deposits.

China is one of the countries of the world most rich in nonferrous metal resources. Many types of mineral are classified as nonferrous metals: copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, mercury, antimony, bismuth, nickel. Their uses are extremely broad; they are major resources for developing industry, and they can be made into all kinds of alloys, to serve economic and defence construction. China has more than twenty types of proved nonferrous metal reserves, and of these, tungsten, antimony, zinc, lithium, and the rare earth metals occupy first place in the world, and copper, tin, lead, molybdenum, nickel and mercury are in the front rank. The abundant nonferrous metal deposits are spread all over our native land, north and south of the Great River, and inside and outside the Great Wall. Not a few of China's nonferrous metal deposits are of a size seldom seen in the world.

Tungsten is an important raw material for the iron and steel, electrical equipment and defence industries. China's tungsten reserves are more than three times the total reserves of any other country in the world. Southern Jiangxi's Dayu, and Hunan's Shizhuyuan tungsten mines are the largest tungsten mines in the world.

The rich reserves of the antimony mines are an important raw material for the development of the defence industry. Hunan's Lengshuijiang is China's, and the world's, largest antimony producing region.

The "Tin Capital", Gejiu, is in Yunnan; its production stands at three-quarters of China's total tin production. Jiangxi's copper reserves are first in the whole country. Guizhou's Tongren cinnabar mine; Yunnan's Dongchuan, Gansu's Gaolan, and Anhui's Tongling copper mines; Hunan's Shuikoushan lead and zinc mine; and Shandong's and Hunan's bauxite and alumina mines are also all very well-known.

In recent years, large scale nickel deposits have been found in China's North-West, and in the South-West and North-West, lead and zinc deposits have been found; the reserves of both are quite abundant. And in particular, in the exceptionally large scale vanadium titanium magnetite mine in Sichuan's Panzhihua area, the reserves of associated titanium are close to the combined total of all the proved reserves outside China.


A particularly large uranium mine has also been discovered in China, and has already partially been put into production. The uranium mine is close to one hundred square kilometres in area, and has approximately one hundred mining strips. Its discovery and use is of great significance to the development of China's nuclear energy industry.

Nonmetals are the type of mineral products which were used by man the earliest, have the broadest applications, and are used in the greatest quantities. China's nonmetal resources are particularly abundant. There are currently close to eighty types of nonmetals with proved reserves; there are as many as four thousand or so places which can supply exploitable nonmetal products, and sites with long term potential are many more than this.

Salt is something we cannot do without in our lives. In the chemical industry it has a very wide range of uses, and has been called "the mother of the chemical industry". China is one of the largest salt producing countries in the world. The long coastline is a huge reservoir of salt, and the interior also has an abundance of lake salt, well salt and rock salt. The Qaidam Basin's Cha'erhan Salt Pond is China's largest salt lake, its salt reserves amount to 25,000 million tons, which is sufficient to supply the daily needs of all the people in the country for more than eight thousand years. A very thick layer of salt has formed on the lake, and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and the Qinghai-Tibet Railroad both go via the lake top, which has been eulogised as "the 10,000 zhang salt bridge".

China's iron pyrites mines and magnesite mines hold first position in the world. Proved phosphate reserves are second in the world. Asbestos, fluorspar, bentonite, talc, pyrophyllite, graphite, kaolin, pearlite, limestone, and mica resources are among the best in the world. The boron resources are first in the world. The mirabulite (Glauber's salt), natural soda, and feldspar resources are also very plentiful. There are not only extremely abundant reserves of marble, but the quality of the stone is good, there is a great variety of types, and the patterns and colours are pleasing to the eye.

Diamond is the hardest material known in the natural world, and its uses in industry and scientific research are very broad. The world reserves of the natural diamond resource are very limited. Diamond crystals are usually very small. On 21 December 1977, in the fields of the Changlin production brigade of the Jishan Commune in Shandong's Linshu County, a particularly large natural diamond was discovered. It was 158.7860 carats in weight, equal to 31.7562 grams. The colour quality was transparent, it was dazzlingly brilliant, and of the natural diamonds found in China to the present time, it was the largest. A diamond as large as this is also a rarely seen in the world as a whole.

Generally speaking, China is rich in mineral resources, however, some problems also exist. Firstly, a considerable portion of China's mineral types have few rich deposits and many poor ones; iron, manganese and copper are all in this position. Secondly, there are many companion mineral deposits, where many kinds of minerals are in combination with each other. This leads to difficulties in separation and selection, and in smelting. At present China still has some types of minerals which are quite scarce and lacking. China's territory is extensive; providing we strengthen basic geological work, and strengthen surveying and prospecting, then the prospects for mineral resources are very broad.

Translated from Wang Yong Kuan et al., Native land, China Youth Press, Beijing, 1983

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
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One man's treasure is another man's trash Oct 28, 2009

I would certainly consider “待遇100元每千中文起" to be trash.


ysun  Identity Verified
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“满招损,谦受益,时乃天道” Oct 28, 2009

clifts wrote:



Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:04
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Автор темы
make me remember Oct 29, 2009

I was giving so much weight to each and every person's opinion and judgement that i sometimes forgot who had said what.

If this particular person, Mr. cliffs, in commenting on my English ability and my c-e translation, was using the English language, instead of using the source language, i would have given even greater weight to his judgement, so i might have remembered him and given him a note and probably even thanked him.

ysun wrote:

clifts wrote:



Alan Wang
Alan Wang  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:04
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Автор темы
promise Oct 29, 2009

It is still not too late. I really hope he can show up and comment, in English, on the failings in my translation, and the goodness he sees in the other.

I will thank him, I promise.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
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讨论翻译问题的意义 Nov 4, 2009

在此讨论翻译问题的真正意义在于切磋技艺,共同提高,而不是为了争个你高他低、你优他劣。 以前此论坛的许多争吵就源自于某些人的瑜亮情结。八个月来,已有很多同仁围绕此题发表了许多中肯意见。 旁观者也不在少数,有时一昼夜浏览次数竟达1,000 以上。孰高孰低、孰优孰劣,可以留给大家去评价。应该相信大家自有公论。 况且,对于一般以劳动换取报酬的翻译而言�... See more
在此讨论翻译问题的真正意义在于切磋技艺,共同提高,而不是为了争个你高他低、你优他劣。 以前此论坛的许多争吵就源自于某些人的瑜亮情结。八个月来,已有很多同仁围绕此题发表了许多中肯意见。 旁观者也不在少数,有时一昼夜浏览次数竟达1,000 以上。孰高孰低、孰优孰劣,可以留给大家去评价。应该相信大家自有公论。 况且,对于一般以劳动换取报酬的翻译而言,只有众家客户的认可才真正算数。同样,不管黑猫白猫,能抓耗子的才是好猫!



[Edited at 2009-11-05 15:54 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
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forum's designated language Jan 7, 2010

dumont -- wrote:

It is still not too late. I really hope he can show up and comment, in English, on the failings in my translation, and the goodness he sees in the other.

I will thank him, I promise.

论坛规则并未强行规定在中文论坛必须用英语发言。当然,对于英语为母语者或真正英语水平高的同仁在中文论坛用英语发言,我也决无异议。 不过我建议,能用中文更好表达自己的同仁最好不要用别人难以看懂的英语发言。如果想秀一下自己使用德语、法语、西班牙语或其它语言的能力,也最好到相应论坛去秀。 那样也许效果会更好,说不定还能“以此接得某大项目”。;)

A forum's designated language should be used. A working language is defined for each forum, and this language should be used to the extent possible when posting. Where not otherwise specified, English is the working language.

[Edited at 2010-01-08 00:56 GMT]

traiston  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:04
английский => китайский
+ ...
我的观点 Jan 24, 2010


ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
английский => китайский
+ ...
同意这种观点 Jan 26, 2010

traiston wrote:




dd dd
dd dd
Local time: 13:04
английский => китайский
+ ...
这么低的收入实在难以维持体面的生活. Feb 10, 2010

nigerose wrote:


另外,embodiment我们一般翻译成“实施方案”,在Example部分,example翻译成“实施例”,在例如Examples of surfactants include 这样的句子中,example翻译成“实例”。

调整心态, 好好努力吧.

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
английский => китайский
+ ...
说明一下 Feb 11, 2010

说明一下,上面nigerose所说的“我还得采用你的‘上有政策,下有对策’”,是答复我的一个帖子。但是,“上有政策,下有对策”只是我的观察,并非我的对策。我并不赞成“上有政策,下有对策”的做法。我的对策是,如果我感到价格对不起我,我就根本不接。一旦我接了某个项目,哪怕化再多的时间和精力也要尽力把它做好。如果不尽力做好,不仅对不起客户,也对不起... See more
ysun wrote:

nigerose wrote:



那就更低了!很多翻译应付这种低价政策的对策必然是以提高翻译速度的方式来提高收入。翻译社还找不找他人来审核这样翻译出来的专利? 这样翻出来的专利有没有被用户拒绝过? 看来,还是国内翻译社日子好混。

[Edited at 2009-03-12 00:40 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:04
английский => китайский
+ ...
根本就谈不上“怪不怪你”的问题 Jun 10, 2010

为什么 nigerose 当初把“译网”的链接贴出后又删掉了? Go figure!

nigerose wrote:

Kevin Yang wrote:






[修改时间: 2009-03-08 11:18 GMT]

[修改时间: 2009-03-09 00:56 GMT]

Alan Wang wrote:



[修改时间: 2009-03-08 14:34 GMT]

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