Événement virtuel français Dec 4, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (453) (Members shown first) |
| | Bio: Student in Translation. |
| | Claudine Lavallée (X) English to French Medical Translator Канада Native in французский (Variant: Canadian) Freelancer | OTHER-Université de Montréal, OTTIAQ, 43 years of experience |
| | yltreo США Native in английский (Variant: US) Freelancer | University of Vermont, University of Florida, 12 years of experience |
| | Nathalie (X) Native in французский , арабский Freelancer | Bio: MA English Applied Linguistics (Paris - Université de Paris III)
currently MA in Translation studies (French-German-English) (Germany : Universität des Saarlandes)
Language I work with: French-English-Arabic-German Message: Dear all,
I'm looking forward to this event as I'm starting off as a freelance translator, and hope to learn as much as possible from this event. |
| | Lawrence Schofer Extensive English lang. writing/editing Native in английский Freelancer | American Translators Association, PHD-Univ. of California, Berkeley, 10 years of experience |
| | | BA-Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, 27 years of experience |
| | Kevin Flanagan your message, in English Native in английский Freelancer | University of Bristol, MA-Bristol University, 19 years of experience |
| | AnaLouro 27 years experienced in-house translator Португалия Native in португальский (Variants: Brazilian, European/Portugal) Freelancer | APTRAD, Instituto Superior de Linguas e Administração , Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas), BA-ISLA, SNATTI (portuguese translators sindicate, IAPTI, 36 years of experience |
| | | Prague, Université Charles, PHD-Charles University Prague, Union des traducteurs et des interpretes, 33 years of experience |
| | Elena Davydova French/English to Russian in Marseilles Франция Native in русский Freelancer | Moscow State Linguistic University, GD-linguistics university named after moris torez, 19 years of experience |
| | Laura Räsänen (X) Native in финский Freelancer | MA in translation (major: French translation), MA-University of Turku, Finland, The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters, 14 years of experience |
| | | Institut de Traducteurs, Interprètes et de Relations Internationales, MA-ITI-RI |
| | Sandrine29 English into French Франция Native in французский Freelancer | MA-Nanterre University Paris X, 29 years of experience |
| | Theresa Lynch Expertly crafted, completely reliable США Native in английский Freelancer | ATA, PMI Project Management Institute, MITA, 25 years of experience |
| | Violette Fraysse Travailler avec le sourire Франция Native in французский Freelancer | France: Université La Sorbonne Paris, MA-Université La Sorbonne Paris IV, 24 years of experience |
| | bourriquet Making the message clear Польша Native in польский Freelancer | Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), MA-University of Westminster , 14 years of experience |
| | | PHD-Université Paris XIII, 27 years of experience |
| | Ante Simunovic Experienced translator, graduate in law Швейцария Native in французский Freelancer | 26 years of experience |
| | ed- Traduction Freelance translator Франция Native in французский Freelancer | Franco-British Chamber of Commerce and Industry, MA-Lille, 17 years of experience |
| | Sonia Almeida Trados, over 20 years of experience Native in португальский Freelancer | UC, BA, 27 years of experience |
| | Mihai Spătaru EN/FR to RO Translator Румыния Native in румынский Freelancer | Romanian Ministry of Justice, University of Pitesti, BA-Universitatea din Pitești, 11 years of experience |
| | kvalendin (X) DipTrans, specialising in psychology Великобритания Native in чешский Freelancer | Bio: Freelancer focusing on psychology, interested in adopting CAT tools. |
| | Estra Германия Native in французский Freelancer | GD-Ci3M Private Cours D. Gouadec, 24 years of experience |
| | | MA-University Lille 3 / Grenoble 3, France, 18 years of experience |
| | Cynthia LEVY Specialiste de traductions juridiques Native in французский , иврит Freelancer | MA-UNIVERSITE PIERRE MENDES FRANCE GRENOBLE DEA ECONOMIE INTERNATIONALE, 31 years of experience |
| | Anne Lemoine International Affairs & Culture Бельгия Native in французский (Variants: Standard-France, Belgian) Freelancer | Institut Supérieur de Traducteurs et Interprètes, MA-ISTI, Brussels, CBTI-BKVT, ATLF, 17 years of experience |
| | Elke Dallmann To Serve Customers Communication Needs Native in немецкий , голландский Freelancer | GD-Germanistik/Anglistik, 23 years of experience |
| | | Bio: Freelance Translator |
| | P Hubert P Hubert Сингапур Native in французский Freelancer | University of Leeds, University of Leeds, GD-Leeds University, ITI, 14 years of experience |
| | Aberstrad Франция Native in французский Freelancer | 43 years of experience |
| | cmannie Испания Native in испанский Freelancer | |
| | Gaëlle Nicol Австрия Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) Freelancer and outsourcer | 26 years of experience |
| | M.Elizagaray Аргентина Native in испанский (Variant: Argentine) Freelancer | Facultad de Derecho, OTHER-Traductora pública de francés, 24 years of experience |
| | | DipTrans IoL - Chartered Institute of Linguists , MA-Free University Berlin, 30 years of experience |
| | | 15 years of experience |
| | venzels responsible for every written word Россия Native in русский (Variant: Standard-Russia) Freelancer | Saint Petersburg State University, GD-Saint Petersburg State University, 14 years of experience |
| | Corinne Bollerot Specialised in legal/editorial contents Франция Native in французский Freelancer | Université de Bourgogne, University of Newcastle, MA-Université de Bourgogne, SFT, 18 years of experience |
| | AFtrad Native in французский Freelancer | Education Agency of Saxony, Leipzig, Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer, Staatlich geprüfte Übersetzerin - State-certified translator, BDÜ, 18 years of experience |
| | Jérôme Clerc Translator from English, German, Spanish Испания Native in французский Freelancer | MA-University of Orleans, 15 years of experience |
| | Francesca Diaz Juridique, Viticole, Gastronomie Испания Native in французский , испанский (Variant: Standard-Spain) Freelancer | Escuela Traductores Sampere, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Universitat de Vic, Traducció i Documentació, Facultat de Ciències Humanes, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, BA-Grado en Traducción e Interpretación Inglés-Francés-Español-Catalán. Universidad de Vic , ATIC, 22 years of experience |
| | Lucile Bousquet Creative translation Франция Native in французский (Variants: Canadian, Standard-France) Freelancer | Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia, Université de Toulouse II - Master's degree in LE, MA-University of Toulouse II, 11 years of experience |
| | | OTHER-Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación |
| | albsema Албания Native in албанский Freelancer | MA-University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, 18 years of experience |
| | Igor Oblachko My experience is your benefit Россия Native in русский Freelancer | Bio: Russian Federation: BSPU, PHD-Barnaul State Pedagogical University, 12+ years of experience |
| | kandkaw Native in польский Freelancer | |
| | Françoise BAUMANN Native French Spanish Translator Франция Native in французский (Variant: Standard-France) , испанский (Variant: Standard-Spain) Freelancer | GD-ESPACE NEREE Cannes, France, 22 years of experience |
| | ljilj Sworn Online translator and interpreter Сербия Native in сербский Freelancer | Faculty of Politics Humanist and Administrative Sc, MA-Western University"Vasile Goldis"Faculty of Humanities,Political,and Administrative Science Language and Literature - English and French, 19 years of experience |
| | ONYINYECHI N (X) Франция Native in английский , португальский (европейский) Freelancer | BA-COVENANT UNIVERSITY, 13 years of experience |
| | UrsulaCarver США Native in испанский (Variant: Latin American) Freelancer | United States: UCSD, 29 years of experience |
| | 1a Übersetzer Damit Sprachbarrieren überwunden werden. Германия Native in французский Freelancer | German Courts, OTHER-Staatlich geprüfter Dolmetscher und Übersetzer in der Sprache Französisch mit Deutsch als korrespondierender Sprache im Fachgebiet Wirtschaft, Gesamtprädikat „Gut“, BDÜ, 23 years of experience |
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