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Translation Объем: 5228 words Выполнен: Aug 2009 Languages: английский => сербский
Tender Documentation (English to Serbian)
Tender Documentation. The subject of the proposal is capacity support to enhance cooperation between various organisations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Fair knowledge of recent management approaches and project methodologies were required.
Административное управление, менеджмент
Комментарии отсутствуют.
Translation Объем: 222 words Выполнен: Jul 2009 Languages: английский => сербский
Closing Speech of the 25th Universiade
Translation and proofreading of the Closing Speech of the 25th Universiade from English to Serbian
Software localization Объем: 38500 words Duration: Apr 2009 Languages: английский => сербский
A burning software GUI localization
Rather extensive work. More than 38,000 words completed in approximately 15 days. Enjoyed working on it, because it was my first real software localization job. :)
Текст оригинала - английский AUTHOR’S NOTE
The Dark River is a work of fiction inspired by the real world.
An adventurous reader can touch the sundial hidden beneath the streets of Rome, travel to Ethiopia and stand outside the holy sanctuary in Axum, or walk through Grand Central Terminal in New York and look up at the mystery on the concourse ceiling.
The aspects of the Vast Machine described in the novel are also real or under development. In the near future, both private and governmental
total information systems will monitor every aspect of our lives. A central computer will remember where we go and what we
buy, the e-mail we write, and the books we read.
Each attack on privacy is justified by the pervasive culture of fear that seems to surround us and grow stronger every day. The ultimate
consequences of that fear are expressed in my vision of the First Realm. Its darkness will exist forever and it will be opposed—forever—by compassion, bravery, and love.
Перевод - сербский Beleška autora
Tamna reka je delo mašte inspirisano stvarnošću.
Pustolovni čitalac će u njoj moći da dodirne sunčani časovnik skriven pod ulicama Rima, otputuje u Etiopiju i stane pred svetilište u Aksumu, ili prošeta terminalom Grand Central u Njujorku i istraži tajnu njegove zasvođene tavanice.
Sva obličja Ogromne mašine opisana u romanu takođe postoje, ili su u fazi razvoja. U bliskoj budućnosti, privatni i državni totalni informacioni sistemi nadgledaće sve aspekte naših života. Jedan centralni računar pamtiće kuda idemo i šta kupujemo, imejl poruke koje pišemo i knjige koje čitamo.
Svaki napad na privatnost opravdava se preovlađujućom kulturom straha, koja kao da nas okružuje i svakim danom postaje sve jača. Krajnje posledice tog straha izrazio sam u svojoj viziji Prvog predela. Njegova tama trajaće večno, a ljudi će joj se – takođe večno – suprotstavljati saosećanjem, hrabrošću i ljubavlju.
английский => сербский: From "Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA"
Текст оригинала - английский Class Semi-Specification
Prior to coding any class, consider what kind of public face or interface the class should have. This decision is very important. Once you’ve decided on an interface, making any changes may break any procedures that use the class. The only “safe” changes to a class interface are additions to the class—new methods or properties. The bottom line is that a switching cost (in terms of time and effort) is associated with changing a class interface. The more procedures that use a class, the higher the switching cost of changing the interface.
Перевод - сербский Delimična specifikacija klasa
Pre nego što počnete sa kreiranjem bilo kakvog programskog kôda, uvek razmislite o tome kako bi trebalo da izgleda javno lice, odnosno interfejs, konkretne klase. Odluka koju donesete, biće od velike važnosti. Naime, kada jednom osmislite interfejs neke klase, bilo kakva izmena u njemu može dovesti do narušavanja rada svih procedura koje tu klasu upotrebljavaju. Jedine “bezopasne” izmene u interfejsu neke klase, sastoje se u kreiranju dodataka za tu klasu – to jest, novih metoda i svojstava. U osnovi, moglo bi se reći da je svaka promena interfejsa neke klase neraskidivo povezana sa određenom cenom tranzicije koju treba platiti (utroškom dodatnog vremena i napora). Što je veći broj procedura koje tu klasu koriste, to će i cena tranzicije biti veća.
английский => сербский: From "Electrical Description Subsystem 5 Operation and Maintenance Manual Test Instructions "
Текст оригинала - английский 1.1 General Safety Instructions
DOPPELMAYR chairlift control systems have been designed according to the most recent technical knowledge. If our instructions are properly observed, the highest possible degree of operational safety can be achieved. A suitably qualified staff is fundamental to the operation of a chairlift.
In addition to local regulations, the following special instructions concerning the electrical equipment should be observed:
1. Do not carry out repair work under voltage. Always turn off the main switch. Repairs may only be carried out by authorised personnel (specialists).
2. Once maintenance or repair work has been completed, the electrical devices may only be switched on (maintenance lock out, main switch) and the ropeway only be started by the person who turned them off or who instructed someone to do so.
3. The station buildings, especially machinery, the sheave assemblies on the towers etc. may only be climbed when the main switch is turned off.
4. All outdoor control panels and switches must be covered with a protective cover at the end of the day's operation. The protective covering is especially necessary in winter in order to prevent the control buttons from icing up. Key switches may be operated by the operations manager or by authorised personnel only.
5. The break forks on the towers should be checked each saison - their function can be tested by simply pulling them out. We recommend filling the hollows with grease or Vaseline before reinserting the break forks.
6. Before a long period of non-operation, or during a thunder storm, the plugs on all telephones should be pulled out, and the over voltage protection terminals should be disconnected at both terminals (damage by lightning or overvoltage).
7. Telephone batteries should be replaced every year, batteries in the power unit of the evaluation unit every 3 years.
8. If the batteries (in the stations or for the emergency drive) require maintenance, turn off the main fuse or disconnect the wiring to the batteries, if applicable. First disconnect the negative terminal [blue], then the positive terminal [red]; connect the terminals in reverse order. Fire hazard by short circuit!
9. The acid level of the batteries in the stations and of the emergency drive should be checked monthly. Top up with distilled water as required until the water covers the plates. The batteries should then be connected to a battery charger (does not apply for maintenance-free batteries).
Check the charge state (battery chargers are always turned on) and the surroundings of the batteries (no humidity, clean battery terminals, soiling, insulation and screw connections of the battery cables). In case of a drop off in battery capacity replace the battery set in order to avoid any defect of the electronic system or standstills of the installation. Only use batteries of the same type and capacity (match with battery charger!) for replacement. If in doubt, contact Doppelmayr.
10. The various screwed connections and clamping screws on the electrical equipment should be regularly checked and tightened if necessary. The clamping screws may loosen because of vibration. Also, regularly check grounding connections for low contact resistance and replace if necessary.
11. Do not disregard faults until the cause has been found.
12. It is not permissible to bridge control functions!
13. Take care that the temperature inside the controlpanel is between 0°c and +40°C. Condensed upon the surfaces is not allowed.
14. Do not touch the contact surfaces of electronic plugs - risk of damage!
15. The bearings of the drive motor should be lubricated according to the operating and maintenance instructions of the manufacturer of the electric motor (bushes, bearings, soiling, etc.).
16. If the station operator is in the operator room during operation of the ropeway, he must shut down the lift system by pressing the emergency stop button if there is potential danger. Critical situations shall not be discussed over a loudspeaker system, the installation must be shut down immediately. The situation must be resolved by the operating personnel on the platform before operation can be resumed.
17. In case that all displays and screens fail operation may only be continued if shutdowns can be quit by external reset buttons (on the platform console or RMC; shutdowns during operation: Stop, Emergency stop, Stop EB buttons). Otherwise operation must be stopped immediately.
Перевод - сербский 1.1 Opšte mere bezbednosti
DOPPELMAYR sistemi za kontrolu žičara dizajnirani su u skladu sa najsavremenijim tehničkim dostignućima tako da se, ukoliko se poštuju uputstva za njihovu upotrebu, može postići najveći mogući stepen bezbednosti rada.
Kvalifikovano osoblje je od fundamentalnog značaja za pravilno funkcionisanje žičare.
Pored mera propisanih lokalnim zakonodavstvom, neophodno je poštovati i sledeće opšte mere bezbednosti pri radu sa električnom opremom:
1. Radove na popravci nikada ne vršiti pod naponom. Pre početka radova, uvek treba isključiti glavni prekidač. Popravke mogu izvršavati samo ovlašćene osobe (stručnjaci).
2. Nakon završetka radova na održavanju ili popravci, električne uređaje može uključiti (brava za održavanje, glavni prekidač) i žičaru pokrenuti samo osoba koja ih je prethodno isključila, ili osoba koju je ona za to ovlastila.
3. Staničnim postrojenjima, a naročito mašineriji, sklopovima čekrka na stubovima i sl., može se pristupati samo po isključenju glavnog prekidača.
4. Svi kontrolni paneli i prekidači koji se nalaze na otvorenom, moraju se na kraju radnog dana prekriti zaštitinim pokrivačima. Ovi zaštitni pokrivači su naročito neophodni u toku zimskog perioda, kako bi se sprečila pojava zaleđivanja na kontrolnim tasterima. Prekidačima koji su zaštićeni ključem (key switches), mogu pristupati isključivo poslovođe (menadžeri) i ovlašćene osobe.
5. Proveru kočionih viljuški (break forks) treba vršiti na početku svake sezone – u tu svrhu ih treba jednostavno izvući iz ležišta. Pre ponovnog postavljanja viljuški, preporučljivo je ležišta podmazati mašću ili Vazelinom.
6. Pri nailasku olujne nepogode, ili kada se zna da će žičara biti van upotrebe duže vreme, sve telefonske aparate treba odvojiti od priključaka i isključiti prenaponsku zaštitu na oba terminala (zbog opasnosti od udara groma ili pojave prevelikog napona).
7. Baterije u telefonima treba menjati jednom godišnje. Zamenu baterija u uređaju za napajanje proverne jedinice (evaluation unit) treba vršiti na svake 3 godine.
8. U slučaju potrebe za izvođenjem bilo kakvih radova na održavanju baterija (kako u staničnim postrojenjima, tako i baterija za pogon u nuždi), prethodno treba odviti glavni osigurač ili, ukoliko je to moguće, odvojiti kablove od baterije. Pritom treba najpre odvojiti klemu sa negativnog pola (plave boje), a zatim klemu sa pozitivnog pola akumulatora (crvene boje); postavljanje kablova treba vršiti obrnutim redosledom. U slučaju kratkog spoja može doći do požara!
9. Nivo kiseline (elektrolita) u baterijama staničnih postrojenja i pogona u nuždi treba proveravati jednom nedeljno. Po potrebi, bateriju treba dopuniti destilovanom vodom, tako da ploče unutar ćelija uvek budu potpuno prekrivene tečnošću. Nakon toga, bateriju priključiti na punjač (ovo ne važi za baterije koje ne zahtevaju nikakvo održavanje (maintenance-free)).
Proveriti napunjenost baterije (punjači baterija su uvek uključeni) i čistoću spoljnih površina na i oko baterije (proveriti da nema vlage i prljavštine, očistiti kleme od korozije, proveriti izolaciju i pričvršćenost kablova). U slučaju pada kapaciteta baterije, zameniti čitavu bateriju, kako bi se sprečili kvarovi u elektronskom sistemu i prekidi u radu žičare. Prilikom zamene koristiti isključivo baterije identičnog tipa i kapaciteta (proveru kapaciteta vršiti uz pomoć punjača). U slučaju bilo kakvih nedoumica, kontaktirajte predstavnika kompanije Doppelmayr.
10. Sve spojeve i stezne zavrtnjeve na električnoj opremi treba redovno proveravati i, po potrebi, dotezati. Usled vibracija, može doći do samo-odvijanja steznih zavrtnjeva. Takođe, spojeve za uzemljenje treba redovno proveravati na nizak kontaktni otpor i po potrebi vršiti njihovu zamenu.
11. Ni jedna neispravnost se ne sme zanemarivati, sve dok se tačno ne utvrdi njen uzrok.
12. Zabranjeno je premošćavanje kontrolnih funkcija!
13. Treba voditi računa da temperatura unutar kontrolnog panela uvek bude u granicama od 0°C do +40°C. Nije dozvoljena pojava kondenzacije na kontrolnim površinama.
14. Ne smeju se dodirivati kontaktne površine elektronskih priključaka – postoji opasnost od oštećenja!
15. Glavni pogonski motor treba održavati (čišćenje četkica, ležajeva itd.) u skladu sa uputstvima za upotrebu i održavanje koje je propisao proizvođač konkretnog elektromotora.
16. Ukoliko se za vreme rada žičare stanični operator nalazi u operatorskoj sobi, on žičaru mora zaustaviti pritiskom na dugme za zaustavljanje u nuždi (emergency stop) u slučaju bilo kakve potencijalne opasnosti. O kritičnim situacijama ne treba diskutovati preko ozvučenja, već žičara mora odmah biti zaustavljena. Problem mora biti otklonjen od strane stručnog osoblja na platformi, pre no što se žičara ponovo pusti u rad.
17. U slučaju jednovremenog otkaza svih displeja i ekrana, rad žičare se može nastaviti samo pod uslovom da ovaj otkaz može biti otklonjen uz pomoć spoljnih prekidača za resetovanje (na konzoli platforme ili na RMC-u; zaustavljanje žičare u toku rada vrši se pritiskom na prekidače: Stop, Emergency stop, ili Stop PK). U suprotnom, žičara mora odmah biti zaustavljena.
Переводческий стаж, лет: 22. Дата регистрации на Nov 2008.
a) Since 2002, I have been permanently engaged as a freelance translator for a local publisher "Kompjuter biblioteka" (Computer Library), for which I have translated (partially or completely) the following books:
The Indispensable PC Hardware Book By Hans-Peter Messmer - Addison-Wesley (2001) - 55 pages (three chapters)
How to Do Everything with Office XP By Laurie Ann Ulrich - Osborne/McGraw-Hill (2001) - 608 pages
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Web design: With GoLive 6 By Michael Baumgardt - Peachpit (2002) - 336 pages
MCSE Windows XP Professional Study Guide By Lisa Donald, James Chellis - Sybex (2002) - 786 pages
Server+ Study Guide (Exam SK0 - 001) By Brad Hryhoruk, Diana Bartley, Quentin Docter - Sybex (2002) - 716 pages
Mastering Windows Server 2003 By Mark Minasi et al. - Sybex (2003) - 683 pages (first eight chapters)
SAMs Teach Yourself Mac OS X Panther All in One By Robyn Ness, John Ray - Sams (2003) - 768 pages
Special Edition Using Microsoft Office 2003 By Ed Bott, Woody Leonhard - Macmillan Computer Pub (2003) - approx. 600 pages (second half of the book)
Mastering Excel 2003 Programming with VBA By Steven M. Hansen - SYBEX (2004) - 608 pages
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Game Design Demystified By Jobe Makar, Ben Winiarczyk - Peachpit Press (2004) - 528 pages
Oracle Database 10g: The Complete Reference By Kevin Loney - McGraw-Hill/Osborne (2004) - 1369 pages
Information Technology: Principles, Practices, and Opportunities By James A. Senn - Pearson Prentice Hall (2004) - 512 pages
Repairing And Upgrading Your PC By Barbara Fritchman Thompson, Robert Bruce Thompson - OREILLY MEDIA (2006) - 512 pages
Mastering Windows Vista Business By Mark Minasi, John Paul Mueller - John Wiley & Sons (2007) - 630 pages (the first half of the book)
Oracle Database 11g: New Features for DBAs and Developers By Sam R. Alapati, Charles Kim - Apress (2007) - 602 pages
b) In 2005 and 2006 I have translated (English to Serbian) numerous texts for J.P."Skijališta Srbije" (Ski Resorts of Serbia). Those were mostly manuals for using and maintenance of various ski lifts on Kopaonik and Stara Planina mountains.
c) Since May 2008, I have been permanently engaged as a freelance translator for a renowned publisher "Laguna", Belgrade, for which I have translated the following books:
The Dark River By John Twelve Hawks - Doubleday (2007) - 368 pages
Top areas of expertise:
technical (I have translated numerous user manuals for such renown clients as Sanyo, Sysmex medical devices, GE Healthcare medical devices, Panasonic phones, Electrolux consumer electronics, etc.)
automotive (numerous user manuals and promotional materials for Pirelli and especially for Caterpillar)
IT (I have completely localized a standalone software application produced by Cyberlink, and have also done some work on reviewing the localization of web site)
SDL TRADOS 2007 (Build 863) and Trados 2009 Suite, DejaVu X, SDLX, Idiom WS Desktop Workbench, Microsoft Localization Studio 6.11, Across, Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office 2007
Этот переводчик заработал баллы KudoZ, помогая своим коллегам в переводе сложных терминов, требующих специальных знаний. Для просмотра переведенных терминов щелкните на соответствующей сумме баллов.
Всего набрано баллов: 164 Баллы за ответы на вопросы PRO: 152
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
100% positive (3 entries)
Job type
Software localization
Language pairs
английский => сербский
немецкий => сербский
Specialty fields
Автомобили / Автомеханика
Административное управление, менеджмент
Компьютеры: Программное обеспечение
Other fields
Спорт / Физкультура / Отдых
Ключевые слова Freelancer translator, English to Serbian, computer books, literary translations, technical, efficient, localization, blagovremenost, tačnost, prevođenje svih vrsta tekstova sa engleskog na srpski i obratno
За последний месяц на профиле зарегистрировано: 56 посещений от общего числа 50 посетителей