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английский => узбекский: English - Uzbek technical translation General field: Техника
Текст оригинала - английский Sheet1
4step (For Global)
4step (For Korea)
6step (For China)
After assembling in reverse order, close the front grille.
After cleaning the ultra-fine dust filter, the buzzer sounds 7 times if the water is not completely dry.
After washing, reinstall the deodorization filter and the PM1.0 filter to their original positions, respectively.
Air Purification (optional)
Air Quality Level
Allow the filter to dry in the shade until completely dry.
As shown in the figure below, put your finger in the indicator.
As shown in the figure, pull on the handle and remove the deodorization filter.
Auto Mode or Auto Changeover
Be careful not to drop the front grille when removing the filter.
Be careful not to drop the product when removing the PM1.0 Sensor corner cover.
Be careful of falling accidents when cleaning the dust sensor.
Be careful that the filter case is correctly assembled to the filter holder.
Before performing any maintenance, turn off the main power to the system.
By using the () or () button, set function code and Setting ‘bC’ value.
Celsius / Fahrenheit Switching (If it press for 5 s)
Checking the air quality level during air purification operation (Optional)
Clean around once every two weeks.
Clean the filter without disassembling it.
Clean with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush.
Cleaning the deodorization filter/PM1.0 filter (Optional)
Cleaning the filter
Cleaning the PM1.0 Sensor
Close the PM1.0 Sensor case cover, then install the dust sensor case in its original position.
Concentration of dust (μg/m3)
Contact the LG Electronics Service Center.
Cooling Model
Dehumidification mode
deodorization filter
Display Color
Do not remove the filter case holder and the intake grille.
Do not use volatile liquids or water that is 40 °C or hotter.
Do not wash the dust filter with hot water over 40 °C or volatile liquids.
Do not wash the photocatalytic deodorizing filter in water.
Dry for 3 hours in sunlight or under fluorescent light.
Dry it thoroughly in the shade for about a day.
(If there is any remaining moisture, the buzzer will sound 7 times.)
Dry the filter thoroughly.
Drying the filter near a fire or in direct sunlight may cause damage to the filter.
Drying with a hot air heater, such as a hair dryer or a heater, could damage or deform the filter.
Dust concentrations can be measured to be higher in an environment where external air is introduced, such as near the entrance, windows and ventilation openings.
Each countries have different standards for indicating Overall air quality.
Fan Mode
Filter case
Filter case holder
Filter Description
Filter Information
Filter Name
For safety, turn off the main power switch.
Front intake grille
Function code
Good/Moderate/Unhealthy/Poor/ Very Poor/ Severe
Grab the handle on the filter case holder and pull in the direction of the arrow to remove the
Heat Pump Model
Heating Mode
How to set Air quality level color
If dust gets in the filter, there could be a drop in cooling capacity.
If it is not timer mode
If it press for 3 s
If moisture remains, let it dry in the shade for about a day.
If the filter is very dirty, soak it for 30 minutes in lukewarm water with mild detergent and rinse thoroughly with clean water.
(Do not use acidic detergents such as citric acid.)
If the filter is very dirty, wash using water and a neutral detergent.
If you have the filter cleaned at an LG Electronics
If you use a product generating steam or fine particles (humidifier, cooking appliances, sprays, etc.), the dust concentration may change.
Install the filter in the reverse order from which it was removed, then close the front grille.
Is the PM1.0 filter film torn?
Is the suction panel completely closed?
Close the suction grille completely.
Is the water completely dried after cleaning the PM1.0 filter?
It is affected by construction sites, roadsides and factories.
It is also affected by sofas, beds, carpets, vacuum cleaners, humidity, smoke, bugs, pets, etc.
It is recommended to clean it every six months.
It is recommended to clean it every six months.
(assuming 8 hours of daily use)
LCD Screen
Maintenance and Service
Make sure that the filter is properly installed in the filter case.
Name and Function of Wireless Remote Controller
Once the PM1.0 Sensor case is lowered all the way, turn the dust sensor case to secure it as shown in the figure below.
Open the front panel and lower the PM1.0 Sensor case as shown in the figure below.
Open the PM1.0 sensor case on the side of the dust sensor case and remove the rubber cap.
Open the PM1.0 sensor cover on the side of the case.
Operation Mode
Overall Air Quality
Please refer to table below.
PM1.0 sensor case
PM1.0 filter
PM1.0 Sensor
PM1.0 Sensor is only included with Air purification panel.
Press () button for 3 seconds, Air quality level will always be displayed on Smart Indicator of the product.
Press the () button toward the indoor unit 1 time.
Press the fixing hooks on both sides and open the front grille.
Product shape and components may differ depending on the model.
Pull on the handles on both ends of the marked rear side of the front panel, then open the front grille and press down on the two hooks and remove the Pre-filter.
Refer to 'How to Remove the Filter' when removing the filter.
Remove PM1.0 filter by pressing the fixing hook.
Remove the dust sensor corner cover on the front panel.
Remove the photocatalyst deodorizing filter by pulling upward.
Reset the remote controller to use the general operation mode.
Rubber cap
Service Center, a separate fee may be charged.
(paid service)
Setting code
Smart Indicator(Air quality) always on setting (If it press for 3 s)
Some functions may not be supported, depending on the model.
Square hole
Submerge the PM1.0 filter in water, shaking it several times to clean it.
The buzzer sounds.
(7 times)
The displayed dust concentration values can differ from each other depending on the differences in dust measuring methods and also from the actual dust density.
The dust concentration and level displayed on the product may differ from other measuring instruments or other products.
The dust concentration criteria for the micro-fine dust were set based on the same criteria as the ultra-fine dust.
(Company standard)
The dust concentration evaluation is carried out with our company's standard test dust.
The dust concentration is displayed from 8 to 999 by the unit of 1.
The dust concentration may vary depending on the installation environment and surrounding environment.
The dust concentration referred to the data sheet of the sensor manufacturer.
The feature may be changed according to the type of model.
The inside of the filter is sharp, so do not rub or touch it directly.
The number and type of filters provided may differ depending on the model.
The quantity and type of filters provided by each model may differ.
This is an additional function of the product and may not work in some products.
Tighten the rubber cap, close the PM1.0 sensor case, and assemble the dust sensor corner cover to its original position.
Type1 (1beep)
Type2 (2beep)
Type3 (3beep)
Use a cotton swab to wipe the dirt off the lens, and then use a dry swab to remove the moisture.
Use a slightly wet cotton swab to wipe dust off the lens, and then use a dry swab to remove the moisture.
Used to adjust the brightness.
Used to check the room temperature.
Used to reset the remote controller.
Used to set or clear additional function.
Used to set the air-purification function.
Used to set the current time
Used to set the desired left/right(horizontal) airflow direction.
Used to set the time of sleeping operation.
Used to set the time of starting operation.
Used to set the time of stopping operation.
Used to set the timer.
(If it is timer mode)
Used to set/clear the timer.
Used to stop or start louver movement and set the desired up/down airflow direction.
Using the filter when it is not completely dry could cause the product to malfunction.
Very poor
Wash the filter after checking the washing method in 'Filter Information'.
Washing the filter with water could damage or deform it.
Wear gloves during installation.
When cleaning the filter, be careful not to damage the filter's mesh.
When installing the filter, insert the hook in the square hole.
When installing the PM1.0 filter, insert the hook in the square hole.
When you insert the filter into the case and push the handle, you will hear a clicking sound when it is secured in place.
Wireless Remote Controller
With the () button pressed, press the reset button.
Перевод - узбекский 1-varaq
4-qadam (Global uchun)
4-qadam (Koreya uchun)
6-qadam (Xitoy uchun)
Teskari tartibda yigʻilgandan soʻng, oldingi panjarani yoping.
Juda mayda chang filtri tozalangandan soʻng, agar suv toʻliqligicha qurimagan boʻlsa, signal 7 marta chalinadi.
Yuvib boʻlgandan keyin Hidlarni yo‘qotish filtri va PM1.0 filtrini mos ravishda asl holatiga qaytaring.
Havoni tozalash (ixtiyoriy)
Havo sifati darajasi
Butunlay qurigancha filtrni soyada quriting.
Barmogʻingizni indikatorga quyidagi rasmda koʻrsatilgandek qoʻying.
Rasmda koʻrsatilgandek, tutqichni torting va hidlarni yo‘qotish filtrini olib tashlang.
Avtomatik rejim yoki avtomatik rejim almashtirish
Filtrni olib tashlashda oldingi panjarani tushirmaslik uchun ehtiyot boʻling.
PM1.0 sensori burchak qopqogʻini olib tashlaganingizda mahsulotni tushirib qoʻymaslikdan ehtiyot bo'ling.
Chang sensorini tozalayotganda yiqilish baxtsiz hodisalaridan ehtiyot bo'ling.
Filtr korpusi filtr ushlagichiga toʻgʻri oʻrnatilishida ehtiyot boʻling.
Har qanday xizmat ko‘rsatish ishlarini amalga oshirishdan oldin, tizimni asosiy elektr manbaidan uzing.
() yoki () tugmachasidan foydalanib, funksiya kodini va "bC" qiymatni oʻrnating.
Selsiy / Farengeytni almashtirish (agar u 5 soniya bosib turilsa)
Havoni tozalash jarayonida havo sifati darajasini tekshirish (Ixtiyoriy)
Har ikki haftada bir marta atrofni tozalang.
Filtrni qismlarga ajratmasdan tozalang.
Changyutgich yoki yumshoq choʻtka bilan tozalang.
Hidlarni yo‘qotish filtri/PM1.0 filtrini tozalash (Ixtiyoriy)
Filtrni tozalash
PM1.0 sensorini tozalash
PM1.0 sensor qopqogʻini yoping, soʻng chang sensori korpusini asl holatiga oʻrnating.
Changning konsentratsiyasi (μg/m3)
LG Electronics xizmat koʻrsatish markaziga murojaat qiling.
Sovutish Modeli
Namsizlantirish rejimi
hidlarni yo‘qotish filtri
Displey rangi
Filtr qutisi ushlagichini va havo yutuvchi panjarani olib tashlamang.
Uchuvchan suyuqliklarni yoki 40 ° C va undan issiqroq suvni ishlatmang.
Chang filtrini 40 ° C dan yuqori issiq suv yoki uchuvchan suyuqlik bilan yuvmang.
Fotokatalitik hidlarni yo‘qotish filtrini suvda yuvmang.
Quyosh nurlari yoki lyuminestsent nur ostida 3 soat quriting.
Uni soya joyda bir kun davomida yaxshilab quriting.
(Agar namlik qolsa, signal tovushi 7 marta chalinadi.)
Filtrni yaxshilab quriting.
Filtrni olov yaqinida yoki toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri quyosh nurlari ostida quritish filtrga zarar yetkazishi mumkin.
Fen yoki isitgich kabi issiq havo isitgichlari bilan quritish filtrga zarar yetkazishi yoki deformatsiyasiga olib kelishi mumkin.
Tashqi havo kiradigan muhitda, masalan, kirish joyi, derazalar va shamollatish tuynuklari yaqinida chang kontsentratsiyasi yuqori boʻlishi mumkin.
Har bir mamlakatda umumiy havo sifatini koʻrsatadigan turli xil standartlar mavjud.
Ventilator rejimi
Filtr korpusi
Filtr qutisi ushlagichi
Filtrning tavsifi
Filtr haqida ma’lumot
Filtr nomi
Xavfsizlik uchun asosiy elektr manbaini oʻchiring.
Old havo yutuvchi panjara.
Funksiya kodi
Yaxshi/Oʻrtacha/Toza emas/Qoniqarsiz
Yaxshi/Oʻrtacha/Toza emas/Qoniqarsiz/Juda yomon/Keskin
Olib tashlash uchun filtr qutisi ushlagichidan ushlang va strelka yoʻnalishi boʻyicha torting.
Issiqlik nasosi modeli
Isitish rejimi
Havoning sifat darajasi rangini oʻrnatish.
Agar filtrga chang tushsa, sovutish quvvati imkoniyati pasayishi mumkin.
Agar u taymer rejimida bo‘lmasa
Agar u 3 soniya bosib turilsa
Agar namlik qolsa, soyada taxminan bir kun quriting.
Agar filtr juda kirlangan bo‘lsa, uni yumshoq kir yuvish vositasi qo‘shilgan iliq suvda 30 daqiqa bo‘ktiring va toza suv bilan yaxshilab chayib tashlang.
(Limon kislotasi kabi kislotali yuvish vositalarini ishlatmang.)
Agar filtr juda iflos boʻlsa, suv va neytral yuvish vositasi yordamida yuving.
Agar siz LG Electronicsʼda filtrni tozalatgan boʻlsangiz
Agar siz bugʻ yoki mayda zarralar hosil qiluvchi mahsulotdan foydalansangiz (namlagich, pishirish moslamalari, spreylar va boshqalar), chang kontsentratsiyasi oʻzgarishi mumkin.
Filtrni, uni yechib olingan tartibga teskari tartibda oʻrnating, keyin old panjarani yoping.
PM1.0 filtri plyonkasi yirtilganmi?
Soʻrib oluvchi panel toʻliq yopilganmi?
Soʻrib oluvchi panjarani toʻliq yoping.
PM1.0 filtrini tozalashdan keyin suv toʻliq quritilganmi?
Bunga qurilish maydonchalari, yoʻl chetlari va fabrikalar taʼsir qiladi.
Bunga divanlar, koʻrpa-toʻshaklar, gilamlar, changyutgichlar, namlik, tutun, hasharotlar, uy hayvonlari va boshqalar taʼsir qiladi.
Uni har olti oyda bir marta tozalash tavsiya qilinadi.
Uni har olti oyda bir marta tozalash tavsiya qilinadi.
(8 soatlik kundalik foydalanishni nazarda tutgan holda)
LCD Ekran
Taʼmirlash va xizmat koʼrsatish
Filtrni filtr qutisiga toʻgʻri oʻrnatilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
Simsiz masofadan boshqarish pultining nomi va vazifasi
PM1.0 sensori qutisi oxirigacha tushirilgandan soʻng, quyidagi rasmda koʻrsatilgandek, uni qotirib qoʻyish uchun, chang sensori qutisini burang.
Old panelni oching va PM1.0 sensor qutisini quyidagi rasmda koʼrsatilgandek tushiring.
PM1.0 sensori qutisini chang sensori qutisiniong yon tomonidan oching va rezina tiqinni yechib oling.
PM1.0 sensori qopqogʻini qutining yon tarafidan oching.
Ish rejimi
To`q sariq
Umumiy Havo Sifati
Iltimos, quyidagi jadvalga qarang.
PM1.0 sensori qutisi
PM1.0 filtri
PM1.0 sensori
PM1.0 sensori faqat havoni tozalash panelida mavjud.
Kirish filtri
() tugmasini 3 soniya bosib turing, Havoning sifati ko‘rsatkichi doimo mahsulotdagi Aqlli Ko‘rsatkichida aks etadi.
() tugmasini ichki blok tomon 1 marta bosing.
Har ikkala tomondagi mahkamlanadigan ilgaklarni bosing va old panjarani oching.
Mahsulot shakli va tarkibiy qismlari modelga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.
Old panelning belgilangan orqa tomonining ikkala uchidagi tutqichlarni torting, soʻngra oldingi panjarani oching va ikkita ilgak ustiga bosing va Kirish filtrni olib tashlang.
Filtrni olib tashlashda “Filtrni qanday olib tashlash” ga qarang.
PM1.0 filtrini mahkamlangan ilgakka bosib olib tashlang.
Old panel ustidagi chang sensori burchak qopqogʻini olib tashlang.
Fotokatalizator hidlarni yo‘qotish filtrini yuqoriga tortib olib tashlang.
Umumiy ish rejimidan foydalanish uchun boshqaruv pultini asl holatiga qaytaring.
Rezina tiqin
Xizmat koʻrsatish markazi, alohida toʻlov olinishi mumkin.
(pullik xizmat)
Sozlama kodi
Aqlli koʻrsatkich (Havoning sifati) har doim sozlamada (agar u 3 soniya bosib turilsa)
Modelga qarab, baʼzi funktsiyalar qoʻllab-quvvatlanmasligi mumkin.
Kvadrat tuynuk
PM1.0 filtrini suvga botirib, uni tozalash uchun bir necha marta silkiting.
Signal ovozi
(7 marta)
Koʻrsatilgan chang kontsentratsiyasi qiymatlari changni oʻlchash usullaridagi farqlariga shuningdek haqiqiy chang zichligiga qarab bir-biridan farq qilishi mumkin.
Mahsulotda koʻrsatilgan chang kontsentratsiyasi va darajasi boshqa oʻlchov vositalaridan yoki boshqa mahsulotlardan farq qilishi mumkin.
Mikro mayda chang uchun chang konsentratsiyasi mezonlari juda mayda chang bilan bir xil mezonlarga asoslanib oʻrnatilgan.
(Kompaniya standarti)
Chang kontsentratsiyasini baholash kompaniyamizning standart chang testi bilan amalga oshiriladi.
Chang konsentratsiyasi 8 dan 999 gacha boʻlgan 1 oʻlchov birligi bilan koʻrsatiladi.
Chang kontsentratsiyasi oʻrnatish muhitiga va atrofdagi muhitga qarab oʻzgarishi mumkin.
Chang konsentratsiyasi sensor ishlab chiqaruvchisi maʼlumotnomasida aks ettirilgan.
Xususiyat modеl turiga qarab oʻzgarishi mumkin.
Filtrning ichki qismi oʻtkir, shuning uchun uni ishqalamang yoki toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri teginmang.
Taqdim etilgan filtrlarning soni va turi modelga qarab farq qilishi mumkin.
Har bir model tomonidan taqdim etilgan filtrlarning miqdori va turi har xil boʻlishi mumkin.
Bu mahsulotning qoʻshimcha funksiyasidir va baʼzi mahsulotlarda ishlamasligi mumkin.
Rezina tiqinni mahkamlang, PM1.0 sensori qutisini yoping va chang sensori burchak qopqogʻini asl holatiga yigʼing.
1-Tur (1ta signal)
2-Tur (2ta signal)
3-Tur (3ta signal)
Toza emas
Obyektivdagi loyni artish uchun paxta tamponidan foydalaning, soʻngra namlikni yoʻqotish uchun quruq tampondan foydalaning.
Obyektivdagi changni artish uchun ozgina namlangan paxta tamponidan foydalaning, soʻngra namlikni yoʻqotish uchun quruq tampondan foydalaning.
Yorugʻlikni sozlash uchun ishlatiladi.
Xona haroratini tekshirish uchun ishlatiladi.
Masofadan boshqarish pultini asl holatiga qaytarish uchun ishlatiladi.
Qoʻshimcha funksiyani oʻrnatish yoki bekor qilish uchun ishlatiladi.
Havoni tozalash funksiyasini oʻrnatish uchun ishlatiladi.
Joriy vaqtni oʻrnatish uchun ishlatiladi.
Kerakli (chap/oʻng (gorizontal)) havo oqimi yoʻnalishini oʻrnatish uchun ishlatiladi.
Uxlash vaqtini oʻrnatish uchun foydalaniladi.
Ishni boshlash vaqtini oʻrnatish uchun foydalaniladi.
Ishni toʻxtatish vaqtini oʻrnatish uchun foydalaniladi.
Taymerni oʻrnatish uchun foydalaniladi.
(Agar u taymer rejimi bo‘lsa)
Taymerni oʻrnatish/bekor qilish uchun foydalaniladi.
Jaluza harakatini toʻxtatish yoki boshlash va kerakli (yuqoriga / pastga) havo oqimi yoʻnalishini oʻrnatish uchun foydalaniladi.
Filtrni toʻliq quritilmagan holda ishlatish mahsulotning notoʻgʻri ishlashiga olib kelishi mumkin.
Juda yomon
“Filtr haqida ma’lumot” yuvish usulini tekshirgandan so'ng filtrni yuving.
Filtrni suv bilan yuvish uni shikastlashi yoki deformatsiyalashi mumkin.
Oʻrnatish vaqtida qoʻlqoplarni kiying.
Filtrni tozalayotganda, filtr setkasiga zarar yetkazmaslikdan ehtiyot boʻling.
Filtrni oʻrnatayotganda, ilgakni kvadrat tuynukka joylashtiring.
PM1.0 filtrini oʻrnatayotganda, ilgakni kvadrat tuynukka joylashtiring.
Filtrni qutiga joylashtirib, tutqichni bosganingizda, joyiga mahkamlanganda qarsillash ovozi eshitiladi.
Simsiz Masofadan Boshqarish Pulti
() tugmasi bosilganda, asl holatiga qaytarish tugmasini bosing.
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