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хорватский => английский английский => испанский испанский => английский хорватский (одноязычный) испанский (одноязычный) английский (одноязычный) немецкий => хорватский русский => хорватский хорватский => немецкий хорватский => русский немецкий => испанский русский => испанский немецкий => английский русский => английский испанский => немецкий английский => немецкий русский => немецкий испанский => русский английский => русский немецкий => русский немецкий (одноязычный) русский (одноязычный)
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Book 'DEPRESIÓN' translated from Spanish into Croatian.
To the translator Tanja Vernić I've assigned: Ottimo (excellent)
La traductora ha realizado un trabajo muy profesional, con la dificultad de que se trata de un texto con contenido técnico del ámbito de la psicología. Totalmente recomendable.
Медицина (в целом)
Комментарии отсутствуют.
Представленные образцы переводов: 2
испанский => хорватский: "Depresión", "Depresija" - Juan Moisés De La Serna General field: Медицина Detailed field: Психология
Текст оригинала - испанский En la vida se suceden los acontecimientos, hechos positivos y negativos, que van a influir en nuestra forma de pensar y comportarnos, pero también en cómo nos sentimos.
La tristeza normalmente proviene de una pérdida o de un acontecimiento que sentimos negativo, o simplemente porque no se han cumplido nuestras expectativas. Esta tristeza puede ser pasajera, durando horas, días o incluso semanas, pero cuando esta tristeza se alarga en el tiempo y cambia nuestra forma de sentir, pensar y actuar, puede que estemos ante un problema más grave, la Depresión.
Перевод - хорватский U životu se dešavaju različiti događaji, pozitivni i negativni, koji će utjecati na način razmišljanja i ponašanja, ali i na to kako se osjećamo.
Tuga obično proizlazi iz gubitka ili događaja koji osjećamo negativno, ili jednostavno zato što naša očekivanja nisu ispunjena. Ova tuga može biti privremena, trajati satima, danima ili čak tjednima, ali kada se ta tuga produži s vremenom i promijeni način na koji se osjećamo, razmišljamo i djelujemo, možemo se suočiti s ozbiljnijim problemom, depresijom.
английский => хорватский: 150 Quotes About Success And Life General field: Прочее
Текст оригинала - английский “Failure can destroy you if you are weak, but if you are strong you can destroy failure.” –Wael El-Manzalawy One quote may summarize the idea of a whole chapter. This book contains about 150 quotes by many international thinkers.
Перевод - хорватский "Neuspjeh vas može uništiti ako ste slabi, ali ako ste snažni, možete uništiti neuspjeh." - Wael El-Manzalawy Jedan citat može sažeti ideju cijelog poglavlja. Ova knjiga sadrži oko 150 citata mnogih međunarodnih mislilaca.
Переводческий стаж, лет: 20. Дата регистрации на Jul 2019.
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Биографические данные
I graduated from Law University, Zagreb, Croatia, with a thesis on the subject ''Law and State during Machiavelli,'' in which I gave my opinion and review on the great work “El Principe“ and his famous quote "The ends justify the means". From there I understood the need for state-maintained regulatory institutions.
I learned English at the Foreign Language School in Zagreb and the final course at the Embassy Center in Cambridge in 1998. I learned Spanish language through various foreign language schools in Zagreb, in University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and Valladolid at the Spanish Language Institute.
I worked as a volunteer at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Argentina, where I was responsible for translations required by external clients. I have been freelancing since 2001, including more than five years (2001 - 2006) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I would particularly like to emphasize that I possess extraordinary life experience gained through years of living in Croatia, Argentina, England and Spain, which gives me a broader spectrum of thinking and decision-making. I have the ability to simultaneously communicate in three languages (English, Spanish, Croatian). My particular strengths come from the array of different jobs and a rich life experience.
As a member of the Croatian - Hispanic Society where I was a successful secretary for many years, and currently a member of the board of directors. My responsibility is to communicate and assist with all members in Spanish. I am also a member of HR Center (Human Resources Association) and Vice President of RokOtok Youth Promotion Association responsible for PR.
I have a high level of focus on the organization of work, endurance, persistence and focus on the goals set by the experience I gained by working in various associations and awareness-raising projects. I worked as a law trainee, at the Naval Institute, with different experts and scientists from all over the world, in the field of shipbuilding and the laws which apply to that industry where I was responsible for all translations required by internal and external clients. I also worked at Adriadiesel JSC, a company with a core business of producing diesel engines and equipment for energy and technological plants. I worked on a wide range of legal affairs.
My areas of specialization include:
- Automotive
-Economics, foreign trade
-Industry profiles and market research
-Politics, international relations
-Business communication
-Press releases and websites
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