Рабочие языковые пары:
английский => русский
русский => английский

Andrey Balandin
Industrial translations since 2009

Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinskaya Oblast', Россия
Местное время: 05:18 +04 (GMT+4)

Родные языки: русский 
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7 positive reviews
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Тип членства Независимый переводчик и работодатель
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Принадлежность к компании This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Услуги Translation, Voiceover (dubbing), Interpreting, Website localization, Software localization
Области специализации:
Энергетика / ЭнергопроизводствоСтроительство / Строительная техника
Бухгалтерский учетКадровые ресурсы
Финансы (в целом)

Волонтерство/бесплатная помощь Рассматриваю предложения о волонтерской деятельности от некоммерческих организаций

Активность в KudoZ (PRO) Очки PRO: 24, Ответов: 12, Вопросов: 4
Payment methods accepted Карта Visa, PayPal, Банковский перевод
Образование в области перевода Graduate diploma - Chelyabinsk State University (Russia)
Стаж Переводческий стаж, лет: 22. Дата регистрации на ProZ.com: Feb 2015.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Дипломы N/A
Членство в ассоциациях N/A
Программное обеспечение Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, DejaVu, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Deja Vu (cat-tool), MemoQ (cat-tool), Passolo, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio
Кодекс профессиональной деятельности Andrey Balandin поддерживает ProZ.com's Профессиональный кодекс (v1.1).
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
Биографические данные
I am a English-Russian technical translator with professional experience since 2009. My clients are major international industrial corporations (Fortum, Alstom/GE, Bechtel, Lafarge, Outotec, Vinci Construction, PepsiCo) and several translation agencies.

As an exchange student in the USA, I graduated from high-school (1996). I have a bachelor degree in Linguistics and Translation (Chelyabinsk State University, 2003). I had a two-year university course in Finance and Accounting.

I specialize in Power Industry; Construction; Oil and Gas; Mining and Mineral Processing; Environment, Health, Safety; Contracts; Finance and Accounting, etc.
Ключевые слова Power Industry, Energy, Sustainability, Generation, Oil, Gas, Accounting, Finance, IFRS, Localization. See more.Power Industry, Energy, Sustainability, Generation, Oil, Gas, Accounting, Finance, IFRS, Localization, Trados. See less.

Последнее обновление профиля
Feb 1, 2020