Curriculum Vitae
Objective : a position as a Translator/interpreter of English/Italian/German/Russian
Personal :
Name: Bogounov Eugene
Date of birth: 28 May 1976
1993-1998 Moscow Linguistic University (the faculty of foreign languages: English, Italian)
1997-1998 Harrow Private School (language courses on oil and gas terminology: certificate of excellent achievements)
Translator/interpreter from/into English, Italian (legal, banking and finance, gas and oil terminology, finance, accounting and car industry terminology, any kinds of technical documentation),correspondence and agenda scheduling
PC literate (Word, Excel, Internet, E-mail, Power Point, Access, Lotus, SAP
Professional Experience:
Company position length of service
Center For Investment Translator/ Interpreter / 2000-present
And Finance Programs
Zumbach(Switzerland) Translator/interpreter 1998-2000
AVTOSVET Ltd Personal Asssitant to the President/
(5000 employees), interpreter/translator of English 1994-1999
AVTOSVET is the /Russian
Largest producer of
Car head ligths in Russia
Responsibilities: translation from/into English, Italian, German (car manuals, catalogues, technical documentation, the Statutes of the company, financial reports and accounting,legal documentation and sales contracts), all kinds of administrative support, assistance during negotiations and contract signing, 2 years of simultaneous translation at the exhibitions in Milan, London, Moscow(cable industry,telecommunication1999),creation of slogans and fliers.
Contract translations for Russian and international Companies: Sibirsky Aluminium, LUKoil, Sidanco, Credit Suisse FB.
Personal qualities:
Professionalism, creativity, reliability, excellent communication skills, a fastest learner, ready to cope with pressure and work long hours.
[email protected]
Tel. : 8-902-6319746 (mob.)
A 4 FORMAT - average price is 10 $