Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Trading glossary |
Glossary of trading terms.
Investor Glossary
Investor Glossary |
This is a monolingual business glossary that defines not only words but also whole expressions
Word Lists
Stephen Chrisomalis |
Comprehensive lists of categories in English, including rare words: Sciences and Studies, Forms and Shapes, Carriages and Chariots, Divination and Fortune-Telling, Fabric and Cloth, Forms of Government, Grammatical Cases, Philosophical 'Isms', Colour Terms, Bearing and Carrying Terms, Adjectives of Relation, Ecclesiastical Terms, Feeding and Eating... View more
Futuros trading |
Glosario de opciones y futuros Eng>Spa
Eurex is the world’s largest futures and options exchange and is jointly operated by Deutsche Börse AG and SWX Swiss Exchange. The Exchange is the market place of choice for trading and clearing of derivatives.
The database search provides plant common names, Latin names, habitat... Plants can be searched by: Name, Common Name or Family; Edible, Medicinal or Other Use; being native to a particular Geographical Area; Habitat. Search can also be done in every field for a particular Word.
Stock-market trading definitions, sometimes illustrated.
The Guide is offered on-line in five languages (English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese) Translations of terms into English and glossary of terms in all languages