The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Философия Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
fundamentos de psicología fundamentals / basics of psychology
Gataflorismo gataflorismo. read on...
gremio, gremial class
hacer filosofía doing philosophy
Hay una razon para todo (sugerencias) Siempre hay una razón para todo/ toda pregunta tiene su respuesta
Entered by: EirTranslations
horizonte de expectativas horizon/level/threshold of expectations
identitario self-defining (identitarian)
imagen cosificado reified image
influjos en vigor current influences / influences in effect
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
inherencia inherence
INSEIDAD inseity
inteligir to intelligize
intimidad del sujeto intimacy of the individual
jefe de maquinaria chief technician
Entered by: patinba
judío advenedizo upstart (Jewish parvenu) Jew
ki originario genki / original ki
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
La ausencia de auténtica metafísica the absence of authentic metaphysics
la experiencia histórica de la justicia o injusticia de los acontecimientos. e historical experience of the justice or injustice of events
la más rabiante actualidad latest, most recent, current, up to the minute
Entered by: Diane Kenyon
la mirada guardiniana Guardini's "Weltanschauung" (world view or outlook)
LA PLANIFICACIÓN PROMUEVE LA PROVISIÓN demasiada filosofía para tan poco texto de referencia...
Entered by: EirTranslations
la tópica topos / topoi
las cosas/los procesos en su devenir the things/processes in their emergence / nascency
lectura histórica de la economía doméstica historical interpretation of women´s role/work in the home
legitimen legitimizes
lo que (le) aparece what he perceives
Lo que bien se aprende nunca se olvida. “A lesson well learned is never forgotten”
lo super-objetivo the super objective
Lo supremo the sublime
lugar clásico commonplace
manifestar express (ourselves)
manir hasta el empacho repeated/revisited/mentioned ad nauseum
mística/misticismo personalist(ic) mysticism
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
memorialistico more usually associated with past events
memorializamos, museizamos that we build memorials and museums to
movimiento de los "barrios" de las Panteras Negras Black Panthers grassroots / street protest movement
No hay un solo error que no haya tenido sus seguidores There is no error that hasn't had its supporters/There is no error to be named, which has not had its professors
Entered by: Edward Tully
no-conciliación e irreductibilidad non-reconciliation and irreducibility
pensadero the Thinkery (Phrontisterion)
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