The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Международные организации и сотрудничество Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
Nupcialidad marriage (rate), nuptiality (rate), marriage as a social phenomenon
Entered by: Rocio Barrientos
OBC CBO (Community Based Organization)
observatorio de cumplimiento de la política. policy compliance observation post/observatory
observatorio de experiencias observatory of experiences
Oferta Programática Programmatic Offer
oferta programática nacional to those offered at the national level*
Oficina de Abonados y de Atención al Cliente Subscriber and Customer Services
Entered by: Frensp
operación que lo sustente underlying transaction
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
Operativización implementation
oportuna y congruente con (a decision-making process) that is timely and consistent (chimes) with
Orden de bases (= Orden de bases reguladoras ) Funding Rules
Orden de Caballeros de la Cruz Order of Knights of the Cross
Entered by: Andrew Darling
Ordenamiento de información organization of information // organization skills
ordenanza de política pública public policy regulations
organismo líder a nivel mundial Leading global organization
organizaciones de corte reivindicacionista de emergencias organisations prepared for emergency response
organizaciones impulsoras de la alianza [within the] organizations that support the alliance
Organizaciones interculturales en clave de género Gender-based intercultural organisations
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
organizaciones sociales community and social service organizations
orientado a permitir focused on financing (omit notion of \"permission\")
orientar sobre la especialidad to give guidance on the (required) expertise/technical skills
Ortopedagoga orthopedagogist
P. Local, P. Expatriado local (national) staff / expat(riate) staff
pacificamente (in this context) calmly
Entered by: liz askew
palabra que sí Speak up/take my word for it
para el derecho al cuidado [create conditions] to validate children\'s right to care
para la cobertura a la atención to advocate/address/ensure the protection of women’s human rights
para la gestión de sus trámites de regularización de escrituras. to complete the procedures for getting their title deeds in order
para la participación y autogestión local ...for local participation and self-management...
para la transparencia en la presentación for the sake of transparency in the presentation/reporting
para negociar y estructurar to negotiate and structure
para que sientan que hay una conexión so they will feel they have a tie
para ser absueltas so that they may be resolved
para servir a to serve (or supply)
para su efectividad programática validate their effectiveness
para una sinergia de las actividades to ensure a synergy between the activities
para ver lo otro (in context) hardly have time (to take care of/for)the rest/anything else
parte del hecho de que stems from the fact that
Entered by: Kate Major Patience
participar con sus reclamos to/take part/participate/with their complaints
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