The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

испанский => английский Финансы (в целом) Translation Glossary

испанский term английский translation
acciones y participaciones sociales S.A. shares and S.L. shares
accionista pasivo passive shareholder
accionistas últimos ultimate shareholders
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
Accionistas Innominados unnamed shareholders
ACCIONISTAS POR DESEMB. NO EXIGDOS Shareholders - Uncalled Capital Outlays
accionistas por desembolsos exigidos called-up share capital
accionistas y socio únicos sole shareholders and sole member
aceptaciones bancarias bank/bankers acceptances
Aceptaciones y derivados, derechos y obligaciones venta titulos Acceptances and derivatives, rights and obligations, marketable securities
acercamiento (economics) gap-narrowing
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
aclaraciones improcedentes (fee for) unnecessary investigation OR complaint dismissed/not upheld OR case fee
acoger al régimen especial to be covered under special provisions
Acogerse a las formas de terminacion convencional del procedimiento use/employ the forms of conventional termination of the proceeding
acogida covered/ sheltered by
acompasado a matched by
acotación assessment
acotaciones limitations
acotadas por el pasillo constrained by the corridor
acreditación de haberes payment disbursement
acreditación final de pagos final deposit of payments
acreditado (n) borrower (n)
Entered by: Rene Ron
acreditado-avalado borrower for whom the guarantee is issued
acreditamiento de impuesto proveniente de fuente extranjera no proporcionales non-equivalent foreign taxes
acreditante de última instancia lender of last resort
acreditar sus puntos for your points to be credited
acreditar y aplicar una deducción verified and claimed a deduction
Entered by: patinba
ACREED. PREST. SERVIC. FRAS. POTES. REC. Services received and not yet invoiced
acreedor retencionario withholding creditor
Acreedores por contra contra account payables
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
acreedores por servicios diversos creditors - miscellaneous services
acreencia credit
Act. Pond. Riesgo de Crédito Assets weighted/assessed by credit risk ...
acta de conformidad bajo reserva de pruebas Consent order subject to testing
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
acta de creación petty cash constitutive minute
Acta de Credito de Facturacion Justa Fair Credit Billing Act
acta de decisiones de socio único mnute of resolutions by the sole shareholder
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
acta de replaneación administrativa administrative rescheduling report
acta de resolución de autorización del crédito loan authorization record
Actas de Asambleas de accionistas Minutes of Shareholders' Meetings
activa y pasivamente (en contexto) either to deliver or receive services (in context)
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