The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

японский => английский Патенты Translation Glossary

японский term английский translation
舟形落し受付 curved/recessed floor socket
蒸留点の沸点差 different in boiling point in distillation
Entered by: cinefil
膜弁座の薄膜状 Valve Seat Film Layer
長手・幅方向偏差に小さい small variation (deviation) in length and width directions
電気熱変換体 electrothermal converter
通電時の経時変化 changes over time after energization
Entered by: cinefil
逆侵透膜 Reverse Osmosis Membrane
α化物 pregelatinized form
(A相)と(B相) Element A and element B
技連 abbreviation for 技術 連盟
掛止用爪体 hook
Entered by: seika
植立形成する inplanting
Entered by: cinefil
検討を重ねた結果 the results of repeated examination
歯体 cogs/teeth
Entered by: David Patrick
水平成分MVCxの末端のX座標が水平成分UVCxの先端のX座標と一致し x-coordinate of end/tail of horizontal component MVCx is coinciding with x-coordinate of head/tip
湿潤性を付与し wettability
濾過施設 filtration facility
Entered by: cinefil
振動圧入又は旋回圧入 vibration press-fit or rotary press-fit
Entered by: cinefil
拡散入庫 incoming from the first process / wafer process
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
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