The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

итальянский => английский Зоология Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
a vita libera (di animali) free-living
al guado wading
anfibi terricoli land dwelling amphibians
areale (distribution) range
arena di canto lek / mating arena
attacco elegante ma efficace an elegant yet efficient team
attività di parata display activities
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
attrezzature di contenimento animali animal restraing gear (equipment)
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
balestra trigger fish, file-fish
beccamoschino iberico Iberian (subspecies of) Fan-tailed Warbler/Iberian zitting cisticola
brevetti di lavoro Working certificate
Campionato di Lavoro Italiano Italian Working Breed Championships
Campionato Sociale club winner
cane da seguita hound
cane da traccia blood tracking dog/hound // blood seeking hound // (blood) scent dog/hound // blood hound
capi censiti head count
catture per uscita catch per unit effort (CPUE)
cinciallegra algerina Blue Tit / Ultramarine Tit
Entered by: Ivana UK
commensali commensals/commensal species
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
drammatica contrazione del suo areale dramatic decline in its range/its range has shrunk dramatically
ermellinati ermellinati ((obtained from Sussex and Rhode Island breeds)
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
faraona di campo free-range guinea fowl
fattrici e femmine da corsa di sangue orientale brood-mares and racing mares with oriental blood
Entered by: Maria Burnett
fauna fossoria fossorial fauna
Formicariccio spiky ant
gabbiano reale Yellow-legged Gull
gambero viola blue and red shrimp
gocai (dialetto veneto) black terns
in sede di upon
inseparabili, calopsitte, roselle lovebirds, cockatiels, parrots
la tana del polpo octopus lair
Maschi in canto lekking males
medusa common jellyfish / moon jelly
metcalfa citrus flatid planthopper
mosca fioccosa woolly whitefly
nucleo autoctono relitto native relict nucleus population
operatori economici market players
orso marsicano marsican (brown) bear
pagello sea bream
palamita bonito
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