The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

итальянский => английский Метрология Translation Glossary

итальянский term английский translation
fino al 1% di mm a gauge (precision : 0.01 mm)/a gauge precise to 0.01 mm
Andata/ritorno (di molla) Out/back (spring return)
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
attività benestare approval activities
bilichetto (floor weighing) scale
C.M.M. Coordinate Measuring Machine
calibro campione sample gauge
Conteggio parassita Parasitic counting/measurements
Entered by: Sabrina Eskelson
di stabilimento in-house
errore 9/10 error probability of nine out of ten
fuori tolleranza con estrema rapidità rapidly beyond thresholds
inseguimento per goniometria tracking by goniometry
inseguimento spaziale spatial tracking
leo low earth orbit
materializzare to set up
matr. (matricola) serial number
misurando measurand
particolare item
portata ponderale mass flow rate
restituire to return
riferibilita' delle misure measurement traceability
scatto graduation
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
sequenza di vincolo required sequence
solidale con solidly connected to
tempi di rilievo critical time measurements
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